Saturday, January 27, 2007

the tower of babylon chapter 10


Some people might say; everything I believe in happened, so it must be true!!!!!
Yes, all lies are true, BUT NOT THE TRUTH.


Gen. 11:1. And the whole earth was of one “language” and of one “speech”.
2) And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar.
The bible, as said before, is written in parables, symbols, riddles and mirrored images and also it are not written in a sequence.
For this reason verse two in fact say; as time passed and the brain developed into a two lobbed brain,(verse 1) the earth had a common way of thinking or worshipping.
Verse 4. They said, Go to let us build us a city and tower whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Verse 3 and they said to one another, Go To, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar.

Slime is “tar”, a byproduct of oil; this “first” tower was “build” in Iraq where there are plenty of oil or tar.
The words, GO TO, means; God give or let God bring forth.

There are much more to say about this tower that rose up into the sky and opened up a “hole” in the ozone layer, which symbolize the opening of the seventh dome.

Verse 5) and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower ---
1) --- the people is one and they have all one language, and this they began to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have IMAGINED to do .( Imagination only developed after the coming of Jesus therefore it speaks about the coming of Jesus and this also makes it clear that Jesus is the one send to confuse us as he indeed said himself). He said; send me and I will prevail.
2) let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another’s speech.
3) So the Lord scattered them abroad --- and they left off to build the city.
4) Therefore the name of it called Babel, because the Lord there confounds the language of all the earth.
The name Babel or Babylon has the meaning of confusion; first there was confusion and then the city was called confusion.

This is not a city or tower as you know it, it is a parable of “something else”.
Why would God be worried about a tower build by bricks “that can reach the heavens”? It is ridiculous.
Horeb and Calvary explains what this tower and city is.
Horeb explains what the tower of Babel means, but Calvary explains it even better, we will first deal with Horeb.

Horeb as we explained is the image of God, but also symbolize the spiritual glory of God. The higher the mountain, the higher the glory.
I say; the higher the mountain, the “higher” the spirit ascended into heaven or for that matter the higher the tower went up in heaven.
Therefore we are talking about a spiritual tower that could reach heaven.
Any, all spirit = God. I say; your breath = God, your thoughts = God, your dogs breath = God.

We were not allowed to touch the mountain, but this “touch” is actually the symbol of; don’t build a tower unto heaven or don’t let your spirit rise unto heaven, unto God or don’t glorify “things”.
I say; a tower is the symbol of for instance the spirit of human ascending unto heaven and especially where a large group of people believe or give glory to something, like for instance in church or at a sport meeting.

Why must we not rise to the top of the mountain?
Because the hypothesis is; God is on top of the mountain, symbolizing God is exalted in heaven and we must not “climb up the mountain” to reach God or we must not build a spiritual tower unto heaven to try and touch God.

Ex. 19:12. thou shall set bounds unto the people round about, saying, take heed to yourselves that ye not go up unto the mount, or touch the border of it, whosoever touch the mount shall be surely put to death.
Verse 13. there shall not a hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through, whether it be beast or man; when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come to the mount.
The trumpet sounding long is the seventh trumpet, which is sounding now and now we can climb the mountain.

Let us now discuss these two verses;
Thou shall set bounds ---
What is this bounds?
The bounds are the Ten Commandments that says, you shall not--
What does this bounds mean?
It means; if you can keep the Ten Commandments without transgressing them, then you can climb the mountain (build the tower) to God, you can become like God, you can be in the presence of God, without dying ever again!!!
Nobody achieved this yet, simply because it is impossible to “climb the mountain “ without transgressing the Ten Commandments while you are carnal.
This is the reason we die and what’s more, also animals die if they touch the mountain.

You might now ask and say; isn’t that unfair, because how can an animal keep the Ten Commandments?
Yes it is unfair, both for human and certainly for animal, because human are better equipped with intelligence.
However; it is quite simple; anyone, anything who has ears will die, must die, because we are the chosen ones to be slaughtered as the Lamb.

Ex.19:11. only after two days, 2000 years, when the (seventh) trumpet will sound, we can climb the mountain.
Why can we climb the mountain after two days?
Because we first had to wash our clothes, meaning to become an acceptable spirit and become intelligent to be able to distinguish the body.

Ex 19:10. the Lord said unto Moses; Go unto the people and sanctify them TODAY AND TOMORROW.
Today and tomorrow = the 2000 years where Jesus Christ will be “in the grave, washing his clothes” = the past 2000 years.
Not only did we have to wash our clothes, but also we had to sanctify the mountain.
Ex. 19:23. ---- set bounds about the mount and sanctify it – (sanctify the mountain – sanctify God.)
Ex. 19:13. ---- when the trumpet soundeth long we shall go up the mountain ---
What does this mean --- when the trumpet sounds long?

When the seventh dome in your brain opens, it is the seventh trumpet that sounds, when your spiritual eye opens ---
When will this seventh trumpet sound?
Ex. 19:11. ----- be ready against the THIRD day; for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people ----
The third day is the day starting at the end of the last two days, namely at the end of the 2000 years, which is now.
When it says; in the sight of all the people, it does not mean a visible appearance, but it means your spiritual eye will open.
The third day lasts 1000 years.

Spiritually we did climb the mountain Horeb.
We made a golden beast (calf) and transgressed the first four commandments, and said; this be our Gods, like Jesus as God for instance.
See ex 32:1-6.
Also we drank and ate the blood and flesh of this beast, meaning we drank the spirit of the beast, and this spirit ascended unto heaven as a tower to reach God.

This tower of spirit is described as a red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and four wings Rev12:3.
This tower is the tower of hearing, when the ears opened at Horeb.
It is clear that we has climbed the mountain or in other words, that we have build a tower to heaven (to the top of the mountain), and had to die because of this act because we climbed the mountain by transgressing the first four commandments.
This tower of hearing symbolize; we have hearkened to the VOICE of the wife Sinai.

In Ex. 32 we read in verses 1-6 how the people became impatient because the one to lead them (Moses) did not seem to “come back from the mountain of God.”
Moses was the one to lead them to the presence of God --- to show them how “to build a tower” to God without losing their life.

He is the one to show them how to wash their clothes to become sanctified and at the same time to sanctify God the mountain, because God became evil and infertile and was seeking to become sanctified and fertile again.
We washed our clothes by way of sanctifying certain things as discussed.

However, the people urged Aaron “to build a tower”. This human beast could only worship what they could see with the naked eye, and Aaron created them a Golden Calf, and said; these be thy gods.
Verse 6 and the people rose up early on the morning and offered burnt offerings and brought peace offerings; to eat and drink and to rose up to play.

To eat and drink is the symbol of “eating and drinking” the spirit of the Golden Calf, and to rose symbolize the tower that rose up to heaven. This is also the symbol of the Lords supper.
Immediately God knew, the tower has reached him in heaven (the mountain) and he said unto Moses (verse 7) Go, get thee down, for thy people which thou brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves.
Because the people transgressed the first four commandments, this spirit was born and rose up unto God/heaven; in other words, they have touched the mountain by transgressing the first four commandments and now have to die.

Verse 19. Moses came down (descended, fell) from the mountain (from God)and saw this Golden Calf, and Moses broke the tables with the Ten Commandments, the covenant of God and (verse 20) took the calf and grounded it to powder and stewed it upon the water and made the children of Israel drink of it.
Let us discuss these two verses.
Christ was upon the mountain and wrote a spiritual “Commandment” but the people were carnal and could only see and understand it visibly, therefore Christ now became flesh, meaning visible to us and the first covenant was broken and became a physical command.

Water = spirit, therefore the grounding of the calf to powder means; the people will now drink the bitterness of this spirit they created; they will pay with their lives. (The grounded powder of gold is bitter).
Indeed verse 27; thus saith the Lord God of Israel put every man his sword by
his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay
every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor.
Verse 28 --- there fell three thousand men that day---
In any case did the rest of these people die in the desert.

This was the birth of Ishmael the sense of hearing--- the wild one,
with his mother mount Sinai, who now gave birth to the “people” at the foot of mount Sinai. Surely you can imagine the “wildness” of these creatures when the ear started to develop.
I say; the slaves have been born.
I say; the slaughtered Lamb is born.
I say; human became guilty and became the son of destruction, he will now return to dust.
I say; the visible mountain (Sinai, Hagar) is the mother of those at Horeb.
I say; human now die instead of God who became evil.
The births of hearing made this beast man a brutal beast.

We can now look at another picture regarding this happening.
Rev 6:9. when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar (the one Aaron has build for the golden calf) the souls of them that were slain for the word of God (instead of God) and for testimony which they held.
Verse 10. and they cried with a loud voice saying; how long, O Lord, Holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth.
It is clear from this that those on earth are the slaughtered Lamb.

Rev 12:3. there appear another wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. The crowns symbolize that God has crowned them for this duty.
Verse 4. and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to earth. (The chosen ones)
The tail symbolize the prophet of the beast namely the preachers who preaches the “golden calf” Jesus as God and we the ones who followed the preachers are the chosen ones which his tail drew and cast us to earth.

Let us discuss these two verses.
The meaning of a wonder = a sign, to signify, a miracle or a token.
How dreadful this red dragon might look to you, it is a great miracle and sign to signify, for God now has been bought free by this one third of heavenly creatures, who willingly came to die, to do duty in the flesh, and to die for the sake of the universe (God) and to bring spirit to the dying universe. It is speaking about you who willingly died for God and because of that you would receive all the power and glory, because this is the bribe you took in exchange of you becoming the slaughtered lamb. You are Judas who took the bribe.

The opening of the fifth seal in Rev 6:9 is the opening of the sense of hearing or the fifth trumpet that blows or the fifth dome that opens. Human opened the seals.
Hearing only now opens for the entire universe, for previously they had no hearing, no sound were known, therefore this is a marvelous happening, a miracle.

Scientists send sound signals up to space to make contact with possible other creatures, but they were wasting their time, for those creatures don’t know sound, they cant hear.
Only now when the ROOF of Noah’s ark will be removed sound will be real to them, for the first time.
I say; only now with the opening of the seventh dome, the seventh seal, the roof of Noah’s ark, when the seventh trumpet sounds, the heavens will open to the interplanetary heavens, to them and to us, the firmament/roof will be removed and we will share knowledge.
This is the mission of this prophet, to open your seventh dome and the heavens to the third heaven so you can receive the Quickening Spirit called Jehovah a self-existent spirit that energizes itself.

You must not see Horeb or Sinai as a happening of a day or two.
I say; the opening of the ear took two days to fully develop, namely 2000 years, which is also hypothetical because it rather took millions of years. Two days = 6,666 billion years the time when the sea creatures went unto land, namely the fifth and the sixth day.
Horeb and Calvary are the same happening or moment described through two different eyes or spirits or intellects.
I say; Jesus said; I am the beginning and the end and beginning and end is at the same moment, and cannot be separated.
I say; to those who received the grace to understand what I say, when I say; NOW, this is the beginning and the end.

“Jesus” said; there comes a time that I wont be speaking to you in parables, but “straight from the horses mouth” and this is now.
He also said; if you don’t understand the earthly things that I speak about, how will you understand the heavenly, the spiritual things.
It is now that he speaks to you about the heavenly/the spiritual and the question is; do you understand?


Give grace my Lord,
For we are carnal,
We live in fear and pain,
In uncertainty of the future
We can only see, what we see,
Open up my God to thee
Open up my soul in thee,
Open up my spirit in thee
Wisdom Lord I plea
I love you, mother and father,
Pardon me, my father,
For mothers name I mention first,
She has shared my pain,
But now my GLORY!!!!!!
Let we all now be one in thee
Judas your beloved,
How wonderful is love!!!

Wind van die liefde.

Waar het die liefde sy bevrug gevind
In die oggendwind het sy aangekom
En het ons saam ontwaak
Ek sien haar in my drome
Sy het die gedaante van n vrou
In oggend dou ontwaak sy
Ek skep haar met die stroom van my gedagtes
Ek sien die strale van die son
Weerkaatsend ophaar borste
N druppel van die hemel dou
Blinkend op haar tepels soos
Die eerste liefdes druppels
Sag en glad as ek dit raak met my verlange
Strelend is my gedagtes hande
Weerkaatsend in my oë as ek jou beraak
Jy is die mooiste mooiste vrou
Ek het jou gebaar, ek het jou lief
Met liefdes sperm van my gedagtes
Het ek jou gevorm, en het jy
Ontwaak,dit is die liefde
Hier by my, het ek en jy mekaar gevind
Met liefdes dou het jy my omvou binne jou
Maar soos die strale van die son dan rek
En die doudruppels belek
So het jy dan ook verdwyn
Maar net tot more
As die nuwe dag hier binne my,
My gedagtes wek
Dan sien ek jou weer
En jy is die mooiste, wanneer
Ons weer mekaar ontmoet
In ons verrukkings wind
Dan sal ons baar die liefde

HERE u weet
Ek is geen poësie profeet
Ek weet daar minder van
As ‘n doemprofeet wat sê hy weet
Of ‘n kat wat sê
Hy ken safraan
Maar dit bly so mooi vir my
As u hier so deur my spoel.
Maar, Erasmus vir ewig en u vir my
vir altoos en vir altyd altoos…..

Rev. 6:14. “When the dragon was born”, the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.
I say; the old heven was rolled together and a new heaven was rolled out namely the second heaven and this is progress.

There are two more towers to discuss and these two towers are related to Jesus or for that matter to the latter prophets.
The first tower related to Jesus is when Christ was made flesh, when he appeared visibly as a movable object to the human eye.

If we now look through another eye at Mount Horeb and Sinai, we see Jesus/Mo Hammed as mount Horeb or Mount Calvary or mount Moriah or Mount Mecca. Mo Hammed came to warn not to build a tower as such, meaning spiritual towers, he said even a grave must be level with the ground.
Never the less, Mo Hammeds’ followers have built a mosque on top of his grave.
I say; his followers have built a spiritual tower on top of his grave and exalted him, brought him “out of his grave” something he forbids.
His followers are expecting him to return to that same spot.

Same, the Christians have build a spiritual tower on top of Jesus’ grave, brought him out of his grave, and expect him to return at that same place namely Jerusalem.
For both Moslem and Christian; it will certainly NOT HAPPEN.
We deal with this in another chapter.

All religions have claimed the so-called Jerusalem in the present Israel as their holy land and city.
The “fight” for Jerusalem is an open book to all of us; we see it daily on television, people who die and the confusion.
But is this the holy city?

The present Jerusalem was an idea to build a “new Jerusalem” and has its origin in the late 1800’s, beginning 1900’s.
At first the Zionists had the idea of creating a “new Jerusalem” in either Argentina or Uganda, but later decided on Palestine, the so- called lost fatherland.

Almost all religions accepted this as the “new Jerusalem”, where the temple will be “build again” and for some believers where Jesus will return.
They say it is the birthplace of Christ or city of Abraham, “where Christ rose to heaven, same as Mecca, where Mo Hammed rose to heaven” and they say
God raised them to heaven.
The truth is; their followers raised them to heaven.

Who is Jerusalem?

Let us now see who Jerusalem really is and debate what happened in Jerusalem.
Gen 11:7. Go to, let us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
The reason for God to go down was; TO CONFOUND the belief of human, so they wont build this collective tower, (see verse 6) or at least that they build different towers to fulfill their duty.

For this reason Jesus came and his mission or the statement of his mission is; Luke 12:49 and 51.
It is clear that the tower of Babylon refers to the present Jerusalem.
Math 13:34.all these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables, and without a parable spoke he not unto them.
Verse 35. …..that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying;
I will open my mouth in parables
I will utter things, which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. (we are now decoding the secrets.)
Most of it has been kept secret until now.
Mark 3:12. he strictly charged them that they should not make him known.

The fire Jesus spoke about is the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is an earthly spirit called FIRE.
Math 3:11. --- he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
This spirit called Holy Ghost is the spirit of the dead; it keeps you in a deep sleep/it blinds your senses, as explained to you before.

At the same time this “fire” is meant to destroy you, to let you die and return to dust.
In his own words Jesus said he is the one to bring FIRE AND CONFUSION to the tower of Babylon. (Jerusalem)
Jesus spoke in parables to make it impossible for us to understand, for we did not yet have the wisdom to understand these parables.

Furthermore – he did not reveal who he is.

Rev 22:16. --- I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Isai 14:12 how art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning (star).

(You might find that I repeat a lot of things that has already been said, but we describe it from a different angle and these parables are one flowing into one another, but I will do my best to explain them to you through different eyes. Also it is really important that you understand these parables.)

Jesus is in his own words the Lucifer, the “previous” Morning Star that fell out of heaven. You now know why he fell out of heaven namely; you his body/wife gave him to eat of the fruit of the eye after you took the bribe to do exactly that.
He is in his own words, the root of David, and not the branch.
The branch is still to come, is here right now. See Zach 3:8 and 6:12.

Jesus laid the cornerstone of the foundation of the temple, (your body/your soul) HE DID NOT BUILD THE TEMPLE. Can you deny that?
The root cannot produce fruit, but it can produce the branch.
The BRANCH is the one to build the temple, to measure the temple, TO GIVE YOU ENTRANCE TO THE HOLY OF HOLY TEMPLE, and to measure who might enter and produce fruit/a crop.

What or who is this fire Jesus said he would baptize us with?
Let us see what God said about Jesus the fallen morning star.
Eze. 28:2. Son of man say unto the prince of Tyrus/Lucifer; thus say the Lord God; because thine heart is lifted up and thou has said; I am a God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas, (sea = spirit) yet thou art man, and not God, thou set thine heart (soul) as the heart (soul) of God.
The meaning of Tyrus = the God of earth, namely Satan is the Prince/God of earth an earthly idol.
Further, Tyrus has the meaning = to cover the mouth (the one not to reveal himself.)
It also means; the one who sank an abyss of the sea (meaning a spiritual abyss) the deep (the bottomless pit).

Verse 8. they shall bring thee down to the pit (the hell, as we proclaim Jesus did descend to hell).
Verse 13. thou has been in Eden the garden of God (in your face as your husband).
He was the one in your brain/ your forehead, your husband/spirit who was replaced by Cain because you became evil.
Verse 14. thou art (were) the anointed cherub that covereth ---
The meaning of to covereth = to entwine as a screen; by impl. to fence in, cover over, (fig.) protect: cover, defend, hedge in, join together, set, shut up.
This speaks for it self, but we can add, to keep eternal life.
Also see Gen.2: 15.
Verse. 15. thou was perfect in thy ways, from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee ----
You now know how he was filled with iniquity.
Verse 16. by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned, THEREFORE I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain (glory/heaven)of God. (cast out of the garden)

Previously his duty was as explained, to give eternal life, but human (his body) has sinned “and filled his midst” with sin by way of giving the husband the visible “as food”/by worshipping idols; this resulted that the Morning Star/Christ was cast out of heaven, cast out from the mountain/the glory of God.
What this really says is; you made an idol of yourself.

This resulted into the replacement of the eternal spirit in the brain by Cain or Satan, the spirit of the visible. All of these things were a planned action with the idea to pluck knowledge of the visible half of the universe, but at the same time to refuel the universe with a living soul.
Let us summarize; the eternal “cherub” (Jehovah) were replaced with a cherub with a flaming sword (Satan) whose duty now became to let you die but also to gain knowledge.
The fire that Jesus is speaking about is this cherubim/Satan to confuse us and to keep us away from plucking the eternal fruit.
This spirit is meant to devour you until we received wisdom.
Ezek. 28:18 --- therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes (return to dust) upon the earth ----
Verse. 19. all they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee (as the case is right now with this revelation of Johannes for this will shock the world) thou shalt be a terror and NEVER shalt thou be anymore.

What does these two verses tell us?
The fire from the midst that devour us is the spirit in the front part of the brain; the seed of death is in the brain, but can be changed into a seed of life, but until that happens, we will die, go to perdition, go back to dust.
As verse 19 say; never shall thou be anymore, because human were created to live for only one day, the sixth day, to give soul to the universe and when that is done, his mission is over, and he, the devil, will be demolished.
The devil = the human body, but the devil DOES NOT = Satan, because Satan is the spirit of the devil, the spiritual child human gave birth to.
Same as Jesus = the human body, but Jesus DOES NOT = Christ, because Christ is the spirit of the body that is IF YOU CAN DISTINGUISH.

IT SAYS; all who knows Jesus shall be astonished.
Will you accept this as the truth or will you deny as the bible says; the devil is born a denier? Is it possible for church to admit their blindness? God blinded you but the scriptures also says you will reject this revelation as you have done already for your own reasons.
Now the scripture comes in fulfillment that say; Isai.14:16-17. they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying; is this the man that made earth tremble, that did shake kingdoms, that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof, (by way of war and terror) that opened not the house of his prisoners?

What does it mean when it says; he opened not the house of his prisoners?
We are his prisoners, for he is sitting in our brain, and he keeps us prisoners, for he blinded us and as long as we preach him to be God he will keep us imprisoned until you can distinguish. Can you distinguish? Can your priest who is your spiritual commander and chief distinguish?
The bible says we keep on worshipping the one who slain us.
How did he blind us?
By way of deceiving us.
How did he deceive us?
He called himself God. Read John 10:22-42.
He said; Gen. 3:4-5. --- ye shall not surely die ---
John. 6:54. whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life ---
He said; your eyes will open;
Gen. 3:5.God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof; then your eyes shall be opened --- (the same day)
Luke. 24:30-31. ----- he took bread, and blessed it and brake, and gave to them, and their eyes were opened, AND THEY KNEW HIM.

This bread that Jesus gave us, is a symbol of the fruit of knowledge or the witness that we made him flesh, because they KNEW him after they took the fruit of the eye. To knew him means; to accept him as God. To know him we had to eat the fruit of wisdom.
Also it is a symbol of the Lords supper, we use in some churches.
It is also a symbol of the fruit of the eye, because it is the fruit of the eye that opened the eyes, after the plucking of the fruit. (Logically)
In this case the fruit of the eye is; we took Jesus the man/prophet as God and by way of that we transgressed three commandments and made one of them and said; JESUS IS OUR GOD.

He said; you will become Gods.
Gen.3: 5. ---- ye shall be as Gods ---
John.10: 34. ---- is it not written in your law, I said ye are Gods?
When did he say that?
He said that in Genesis 3: 5.
By way of these, Lucifer the serpent (the body Jesus) blinded us, deceived us to follow the creature as God and we took this bribe.

He gave us a sign to deceive us by saying; he will rise out of the grave on the third human day the Sunday, which “became true.” Read John.20:1-10. and Math.28:1-10.
Deut 13:1-2. If there arise among you a prophet, ------ and give thee a sign or a wonder and the sign or wonder come to pass whereof he spoke unto thee, saying; let us go after other Gods which thou has not known -----
Verse 3. thou shall not hearken unto the words of the (that prophet, the voice of the female) prophet ---
John 8:12. ------- I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Clearly, this prophet was the false prophet and for this reason he had to die.
Deut. 13:5. that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, BECAUSE he has spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God.
The fall of the Morning Star Jesus, have three phases namely, the sixth, the seventh and the eight beasts. See Rev. 17:10-11.
The fifth beast that has fallen is Moses the Ten Commandments because Jesus took his seat, the seat of the red dragon.
Again I say; we had to follow “Jesus” to create the soul and “JESUS” DID NOT SIN; YOU THE BRIDE/HIS BODY gave him to eat evil and he BECAME evil. You have sinned, the church has, for church gave him to eat of the forbidden food.

The first phase of the beast that came out of earth.

Jesus came to fulfill the law; he did not come to destroy the law. Math. 5:17.
I say; he did not come to destroy the red dragon but to give it even more power.
The first phase or the sixth beast was when Jesus walked visibly on the earth, and claimed himself as the Son of God and our eyes opened for the visible.
He “walked” the earth for forty-two months.
The dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. Rev 13:2-5.
He is the first Adam that has lost/gave his life because he ate the fruit of the tree, which his wife gave him to eat. See Gen.3.

Under the supervision of Moses, the red dragon gave the Israelites, water (spirit) out of a “rock”, manna in the desert, gave them victory in many wars etc. but now Jesus received the power and seat of the red dragon, which the dragon received at Mount Sinai.
The dragon who was born at Horeb now retreated and gave its power to Jesus, and this then was the fall of the fifth king for this king gave its seat to Jesus the sixth king.

I say; Moses priest of the forecourt made way for the priest Jesus in the Holy room to bring the commandments to fulfillment.
I say; Moses the fifth king, the king of hearing made way for the sixth king the king of sight.
I say; the power of the forecourt/the dragon, were “passed over” to this walking beast that had one horn with eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things, namely Jesus. Dan.7:8.
He healed people’s sicknesses under the power/strength of the law. This describes the powers that the first Adam previously had before he ate the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden.
All healing currently happening in church occur under this power, and therefore only sicknesses related to the soul are healed. Also doctors and medicine classify under this power.

He proclaimed himself as the Son of God and all people followed the beast with the seven heads and ten horns, and on his head a name of blasphemy namely; I am the Son of God. Rev 13:1.
You might now say; I did not follow this beast! Well I suppose you will then also say that this verse in the bible is a lie, it must be a lie if you did not follow this beast for the bible say; the WHOLE world.
Yes, church denies following the beast and says the beast is still to come in future, but will you deny it now?
Do you understand you worked for God?

Rev.13:3. I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death ----
What does this mean and which one of the seven heads were wounded?
It is the head with the four horns that became one horn that was wounded.
I say; it is the head with the one horn with eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things, namely it is talking about Jesus.

Dan.7:8. ---- behold, there came up among them (among the ten horns) another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots ---
This say; three horns were completely ignored, transgressed and one horn was made out of the four horns.
We already explained that one head had four horns, or commandments, namely the first four commandments.
The three horns (commandments) that we plucked up by the roots, are the second, third and fourth commandments namely;
The first commandment; I am the LORD thy God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
The second commandment; thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
The third commandment; thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
The forth commandment; thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
These last three commandments were plucked, ignored, transgressed and one horn (one command) were formed namely; the first command that say; I am the Lord thy God ----

Jesus is therefore this head with the one horn, and with eyes and mouth of a man and he said; I am the Lord your God follow me, “worship” me.
Did you worship him?
If you have you have his No. 666, the No of the soul.
If you say; I am Muslim and did not glorify my prophet then you are someone without a soul and unfortunately you will have to wait another 1000 years to be woken up. Are you without a soul? You must make a choice you cant be like a branch fluttering in the wind.

Rev.13: 3 ------ this head (Jesus) was wounded to death ---
He was “captured” and crucified and buried.
This head with the one horn, with eyes and a mouth of a man, HAS DIED.
On that same moment of death the fifth angel sounded, and a star fell from heaven unto earth and unto him was given the key of the bottomless pit (hell/the grave, he rolled the stone back to open the hell for the seventh beast --- the one that came out of the grave/the earth.) See Rev. 9:1-2.
The followers of the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and the eighth beast go to perdition according to the bible. To go to perdition, does not mean to go to hell and burn forever as we have preached it all these years, for you are in hell, it simply means that you get old and die the way we know it to be.

Please accept this offer.

Also on that same instant of death the veil in the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom. See Math. 27: 51.
What does this mean?
The sounding of the fifth angel symbolizes the first heaven, the heaven of the five senses where Moses took us. The forecourt also symbolizes this heaven.
The first heaven also symbolize the troposphere and to some extend the stratosphere were we find normal sound waves.

The death of this sixth beast on the cross-opened the next, the second heaven for human, BECAUSE THE VEIL HAS OPENED to the next heaven.
During this period before the crucifixion, Jesus (the beast) himself introduced the Supper of the Lord, the sop of betrayal to the human.
What is the implication of Jesus giving us the Supper himself?
In the first place, it is the witness that we took the sop/fruit of the eye, the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden in Eden.
Secondly, it is a “night meal” as the word supper clearly indicates, and symbolizes the time in the grave --- the 2000 years of “darkness”.
Darkness meaning; without the light, without Christ in fact it means we are antichrist.
The supper is the witness that those who took the supper are the “Judas” who betrayed God.
Yes, the truth is; Jesus is Judas who betrayed you, but you are the one who suffered.
You will have to forgive Judas. Will you forgive Judas?

Jesus said; Luke.22:18. I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come.
When does the kingdom of God come?
Thirdly; it symbolize “the dip of the sop” that he gave Judas.
Judas is another name for the human body, therefore, we are Judas who received the sop and willingly took it --- plucked the fruit.
Judas is the son of Simon; meaning Judas is the obedient one.
I say; you are the obedient one who took the sop.
I say; we are the traitors for we are the body/Eden.
I say; I am the traitor but also I am the revealer of God.

Fourthly; when we took the sop, Satan IMMEDIATELY ENTERED INTO US, HAD BIRTH IN US.
See Luke. 22:3, and John. 13:27.
What does it mean when I say Satan had birth in us.
It means that the spirit of the visible/sight, called Satan had birth.
This is the birth of the sixth spirit of Satan.
Satan is the spirit with its origin out of the visible, where as Christ is the spirit with its origin out of the invisible.

Fifthly; it means that we eat and drink the spirit of the soul.
The spirit of the soul = the spirit of the visible. This means that we give spirit to the visible things, so it can also become light.
Obviously it also means that the visible also empower us with the spirit of the soul.
Satan asked for a “sift” as a way to be sanctified/to sanctify the soul.

Sixthly; it means that we worship Satan as he asked.
The Supper is the symbol and witness that we worship Satan – the visible body, as Satan requested.

This beast, the sixth king, walked earth for 42 months, the time of Jesus’ preaching. Rev 13:5.

The second phase of the beast, the seventh king.

The second phase or the seventh king, started when he rose out of the grave, when the grave opened.
Rev. 9:1. I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Math. 28:2 ----- for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came down and rolled back the stone from the door (of the grave to open it).
Verse 3 ---- his countenance was like lightning ----
Luke. 10:18 ----- I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

Rev. 13:3 ---- his deadly wound was healed -----
His deadly wound was healed, for he rose/came to life again.
The grave/the pit/the hell opened, for the “stone” that kept the doors of hell closed were opened on the third day after the crucifixion.
This beast, the sixth king, out of the sea (belief) had the keys to open the pit of hell. Rev. 9:1. He said he would rise again.

The moment of death and/or the moment when the grave opened (Luke. 23:46), was the moment of birth for the sixth angel.
Death and life is exactly at the same moment and cannot be separated.
It was the opening of the 2nd heaven when the veil rented from top to bottom. Math.27: 51.
It symbolize the rent of the heaven (Isa 64:1), the firmament/dome between the first and second heaven were rented.
Now we had access to the second heaven, namely the mesosphere, 70-90 kl. from earth where sound waves are common.

The moment of resurrection out of the grave was the moment of ascension of this king into heaven. Mark. 16:19.
This is the first resurrection, the resurrection of the soul, the birth of the soul, and the birth of Satan’s sixth spirit, and the birth of the No 66 the antichrist.
We can say; before the death of Jesus on the cross we received the No 6, and with the resurrection we received the No 66.
These No’s symbolize the ability of the human brain.
You can clearly understand that it took a long time for “the death” and also for “the resurrection out of the grave” and that the 2 days or 2000 years is simply a formula or a parable of how the human brain developed over many years. There is a lot more to say about this but you can understand that human did not receive the ability of imagination in a matter of days.

With this new heaven that opened to us after the resurrection out of the grave/the soul, we received entrance into the holy room and the circumcision became obsolete.
Why did it become obsolete?
The circumcision symbolize the development of the senses, a “cut” into the fleshly senses and it could not develop any further, and therefore we needed a new hypothesis in the form of a “living” god, called Jesus.

In this new room the Holy room, called Jesus or sanctuary, we pay with the death and blood of our own body as the culprit to die for each and every body’s sin.
In this room the name of the human changed from Adam to Jesus.
God called their name Adam and now God call their name Jesus, a soul.
This is now a circumcision into the heart, the souls spirit whereas in the forecourt it was a circumcision into the senses.
This room is meant to develop the imagination of the human.
Holy room or sanctuary has the meaning of; devotee to a male, by way of prostitution or licentious idolatry.
I say; it is a sanctification (a cleaning process) by way of idolatry/prostitution.
I say; by way of using a male devotee as an idol like Jesus/Mo Hammed and others, we disciplined/sanctified ourselves.
I say; by way of a hypothesis that this idol is a perfect human, and by way of the desire to become like the idol, we sanctified ourselves.

It is not only by way of Jesus or Mo Hammed, but also by way of rock stars for instance; to become like the idol is the main idea.
You might now ask the question, why is it called prostitution?
The answer is quite simple; Jesus = the visible body, therefore= female and darkness.
If we therefore preach Jesus as male, while in fact she is female, it is prostitution, because we have spiritual intercourse, agree?
Can you imagine the spiritual child of such a “sex” deed?
Because of this, namely that we worship a female as male, we have sex deeds… male with male and female with female.
The truth therefore is; church brought us to idolatry and prostitution, for they said; let us worship this “man”.

This seventh king or beast that came out of the earth would according to scripture only be for a short while. See Rev. 13:11 and 17:10.
The rule of this king only lasted the period from where the beast came out of the grave until his ascension, which is until the imagination took over.
We have the hypothesis that it took 40 days.
I say; from the time that Jesus rose until his ascention is 40 days.
I say; it lasted until the Holy Ghost came.
I say; the Holy Ghost could only come after we glorified this beast that came out of the earth.

What does this ascension means?
It means that (the spirit of) the soul ascended unto heaven.
It means that the spirit of the visible things ascended unto heaven.
It means that Satan ascended unto heaven.
It means that the Holy Ghost ascended unto heaven.
It means that it is a spiritual tower that ascended unto heaven.

The resurrection/opening of the grave is the beast coming up out of the earth. Rev.13: 11.
What does it mean, coming up out of the earth?
It means; it is a spirit created on/out of the earth, namely the spirit of Satan/Spirit “out of the visible”; there has never been a spirit like this before in the entire universe. This is huge progress.

Rev. 13:11. ---- he had two horns like a lamb -----
It says, like a lamb for he is not the lamb, we are the Lamb.
The beast coming up out of the earth is the beast that received a wound by a sword and did live. Rev. 13:14.
He received the sword wound while hanging on the cross. John. 19:34.

The ascension of Jesus described to us in Acts 1:9 is a symbol of the truth; in fact everything concerning Jesus is; symbols/parables/riddles/mirrored images of the real truth.
You might argue and say; what is the truth for all these things happened?
The truth is that the ascension of Jesus is a symbol of the soul that’s been taken up into the second heaven, to the throne of God.
I say; it is a symbol of YOUR soul been taken up into heaven.
I say; it is the tower of the soul that’s been taken up to be connected (to sit) to “the right hand of God”.
The right hand of God is his Word. The ascension of the soul Jesus could only happen after the glorification of Jesus, meaning the glorification of the body that came out of the grave, because only then could the soul receive birth, or only then could the Holy Ghost receive birth or only then could the spirit of imagination received birth and rise.
John. 7:39. --- this spoke he of the spirit, which they that believe on him should receive; for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; BECAUSE Jesus was not yet glorified.
Why only then?
Because by glorifying the IMAGONARY ONE that came out of the grave, YOU started to develop the spirit of imagination = the Holy Ghost.
It is imagination that has blinded you.
I say; imagination brought him out of the grave and you are his grave out of which he rose.

This makes it very clear that Adam became a living soul, ONLY after human started to worship Jesus.
Gen. 4: 26. Seth gave birth to Enos and then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
Seth has the meaning of sixth, meaning the birth of the sixth spirit, which Jesus brought. This spirit gave birth to the mortal soul Enos = an individual.
The immortal soul developed later.
This then also makes it clear that you are Adam who became a living soul after you started to worship Jesus and not some other single man in the distant past. The same applies to all the other religions.
I say; only now is the soul of Adam completed and only now can he be called a living soul.
Once you developed a spirit of imagination, you became a spiritual being energizing visible objects with spirit, because the scripture say; rivers of living waters (spirit) comes out of your belly, that is if you belief, according to John. 7:38.
There are no non-believers, even those who believe there is no God THEY ALSO BELIEVE DON’T THEY?

You could not become a spiritual being, unless you have the spirit of the Ghost, which is a spirit of imagination or a spirit of dreams.
ALL HUMANS have the spirit of imagination and even some animals as well.
To develop the spirit of imagination took some time as you can “imagine”.

This brings us to the next phase of the beast, namely the eight king. The sixth, seventh and eight kings or beast is the same beast, but it symbolizes the development of the human brain during three phases called the sixth, seventh and eighth beast.
You can clearly understand from this the low intellect of human.

The third phase of the beast, the eight king.

This beast has the No 666, which indicates the intelligence or the human’s imagination. You are this beast; you are the antichrist FOR SIX IS THE NUMBER OF HUMAN and the antichrist.
You are the antichrist because you worship and energize visible things. This was your duty and we did damn well.
This is the top “floor” of intelligence of a mortal being.
The next floor is immortality and we discuss this in the discussion of the Holy of Holy room and in the discussion of the new heaven and earth.

Although the ultimate No for human intelligence is 666, it took “2000 years” to reach this floor of intelligence as you now can “imagine”.
Imagination is the second most powerful spirit and creator in the universe.
We imagined/dreamed to fly and we did.
We imagined/dreamed going to other planets and we did.
Imagination has the meaning of; to dream and for this reason the bible calls the prophet Jesus the dreamer because he brought this spirit.
Once more I want to say; we had to follow the dreamer, for without the spirit of dreams we would not have the luxury we have today, but most important, by dreaming we created a new universe AND A NEW BODY FOR OURSELVES an everlasting body.

For two thousand years this spirit had ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH. See Math. 28:18.
The scripture say IN earth not on earth, there is a difference in meaning.
You might ask; why is it that this spirit received all power?
Because everything, the entire universe went into a deep sleep, while this spirit gave the entire universe a rebirth by way of imagination.
Temporary this spirit was the creator and ruler. Gen.1: 28.
The six spirit is the creator of shape.

Church as the prophet of the beast played a big role to accomplish this for instance, they preach and say; you can do ANYTHING IF YOU BELIEF and that arouse the imagination of their congregation.
If you listen to the preachers you can clearly see how church in general is the one to arouse the human spirit to desire different things.
Wealth is one of the things but should really be the last thing to preach.
They created this “golden calf” and told us that this “bull/calf” was slaughtered for our sins and told us to follow the beast.
I say; they created a spiritual tower although it was a tower of confusion meaning; many religions came forth out of this beast, each one of them differing from one another with its own interpretation.
I say; by preaching Jesus as the slaughtered “bull” we called for it to become true and now it is true; you became the slaughtered bull for your name is Jesus or did you not adopt this name? Don’t the child have the name of its father?

Rev. 13:12. he exercised all the power of the first beast before him and caused the earth and them that which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the one who died on the cross) who’s deadly wound was healed. (His “wound was healed because he came out of the grave”).
Verse. 14. he deceived them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the (direct) sight of the beast (namely miracles visible to the naked eye) saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live.
Can anyone deny that this verse speaks about Jesus?
Can anyone deny that we have preached to make an image to the beast that received the wound by a sword and came out of the grave?
Or Muslim who has build a mosque on Mo Hammed’s grave and preached Mo Hammed to heaven and preaches his return?
Will there be those who deny that he followed this beast? Do you deny this?
You can’t receive forgiveness if you deny your guilt, logically.
A guilty plead goes together with penance.
These verses say; church were the “instigator” to build this image/this tower, by telling us to worship the one who “died for our sins” and did come out of the grave and “live for ever”.
Others followed the example of church, like rock stars and build images around them. One of the biggest role players to complete the soul is sport with its millions of supporters.
The truth is; God called YOUR name Jesus.
The bible says many will keep on worshipping their idols and they will die a normal death and sleep another 1000 years. Will they?

Vers 13; He does great wonders, so that he make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (as Jesus said he would.)
Acts. 2:2-3.and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of FIRE and it sat upon each of them.
This describes fire to be a spirit of the visible.
Verse 4. and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost ----
From this we can understand that the fire = the Holy Ghost which = the soul.
Rev 13:15. he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak ----
Some churches call it the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the speaking in tongues.
Acts 2:4 continue --- and began to speak with other tongues ----

Church is not the only one who “gave” the Holy Ghost, we mention a couple.
Rock stars
War and many others.

The Holy Spirit is after all the spirit of the soul, the mental mind and church or any other institution cant take all the glory of developing the soul/the mental mind; logically!!!!!
Scientists might have had the biggest influence in developing the mental mind; think of an Einstein while church is the one to arouse the spirit and act as the dooms prophet; they simply reject everything in general but later on become followers of their own rejections and not leaders as it should be.
In future the “church” will be the prophet of truth and welfare.

Rev. 13: 15 ----- he caused that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed ---
This is common preaching in some churches, that those who don’t worship this beast, (Jesus) will burn in an eternal hell, and they only see themselves as saved or holy.
How selfish and unforgivable can we be!!!!!

I once heard a preacher say; there will be chaos when the Son of man comes, airplanes will fall, for the pilot would be saved/raptured.
This is not the Son of man I bring to you, for the one I bring to you is the one who save those in the falling plane, for the pilot has “already” been saved.
Why would God save an already saved pilot?
No, he comes for you and me the ones in the falling plane. THANK GOD FOR GRACE, FOR ME IN ANY CASE.

Rev. 17:11. every one who followed the beast, and that is EVERY ONE, goes to perdition.
What does it mean when it says; we go to perdition?
It has a simple meaning namely;
You get older each and every day, your “cells burns” away so to speak, and eventually you die – you return to dust – at least your body does as your savior for the name of your body = JESUS who died instead of you.
I say; your beloved body dies willingly for your mess. Thank you Judas for dieing instead of me.
Your soul on the other hand, wills not/can not die ever and for this reason Jesus promised eternal life. By way of the obedience of one-man life returned to us.
What is this obedience?

John.17: 12. ---- those that thou gave me I have kept, NONE OF THEM IS LOST, BUT (EXCEPT) THE SON OF PERDITION, namely your body/flesh.
I say; your body is the son of perdition = the devil = the serpent that deceived you; and he is the one to burn in hell eternally, not forever but finally disappear.
It is not like some preachers have preached; this verse say ONLY your body will be lost forever logically, for YOU already prepared a new body for yourself or do you want to keep your old body? Do you?

Jesus has KEPT you until the coming of Johannes, and Jesus has already handed you over/passed you over to Johannes as he foretold.
I say; your soul has been developed and has now been passed over to Johannes to baptize you with the Quickening Spirit for he is the one who baptized you with the spirit of sleep/death. You had to be baptized to go through the Jordan River, meaning the river of death.
You cannot see the face of God unless you die.
The wine bag/your body had to prepare itself BEFORE IT COULD RECEIVE THE NEW WINE/SPIRIT OF QUICKENING.

Babylon the mother whore.

Rev. 17:3. ---- I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns.
We have already explained who or what this colored beast or red dragon is with the seven heads and ten horns.
This verse says; a woman sits upon meaning; she rules this beast.
Verse. 4 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

Who is this mother whore who gave birth to all whores of earth?
What is this mystery name?
THE MYSTERY NAME IS JERUSALEM; she gave birth to all (whores) religions of the earth and to all abominations BECAUSE SHE IS THE TOWER OF CONFUSION.
She is the mother of; confusion in religion for each of her children (different religions) differ the one from the other and blaming one another.
Verse 15. the waters that thou saw where the whore sit on, are people, and multitudes, and nations and tongues.
The waters = the spirit of the different religions; the different spiritual towers that has reached the atmospheres (heavens).
Water always symbolizes spirit.
Rev. 17:2. with whom the kings of earth have committed fornication, and (all) the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
Wine is also a symbol for spirit, therefore this verse say; all of us has been made drunk with the whore’s spirit out of her golden cup. The golden cup is also the symbol that she posses/control this spirit.
This verse says; you are drunk with the wine of Jerusalem’s fornication.
Can you confess this? I can!!

Why is she called a woman, for all spirit = male?
Where does this female’s spirit come from, for this woman is a symbol of the spirit of the red dragon? What this verse really says is that she is the ruler of this spirit and not spirit as such herself.
She is called woman, because we have worshipped the female, we gave spirit to the female. For instance; we have glorified the female on the cross (Jesus) and we have glorified Jerusalem and Mecca, visible “holy” places and therefore female.
We gave her glory, worshipped her, and clothed her with gold and precious stones, meaning we gave her the utmost glory. See verse 4.
In her heart she said; I sit a queen and are no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

Who is her husband? Who is she?
She is Jerusalem to whom we gave glory; we said she is our mother, she is the mother of Jesus our God.
We gave Jesus to her as husband, therefore she sits as queen to rule, as wife of Jesus. See Rev. 18:7.

Rev. 17:18. the woman that thou saw is THE GREAT CITY WHICH REIGN over the kings of earth. (Logically the city is Jerusalem)
She affects the decisions of all humanity and world leaders/kings.
She rules humanity, for she is the mother and wife of our God.
We call her holy city in a holy land; we say she will be forever; she is the capitol of the so-called holy land.
I say; JERUSALEM is the capitol of Satan.
I say; JERUSALEM is the capitol of Hell.
I say; those who call themselves Jews, they are not Jews.
See Rev. 2: 13 and 3:9.
Only those = everybody on earth, who has the circumcision, not into the senses (the flesh/the penis) but into the heart/the soul = Jews.
How else could the woman on earth be saved, for they have no penis to circumcise? How blind can we be? How blind can those be who call themselves Jew? Shame on you!!!!
Yes but blind they are for they “hit” their heads against a so-called holy wall. A Holy wall?

Jerusalem is the capitol of all confusion, whores, abominations and filthiness. She is the tower of Babel where God confused us.
Jerusalem gave birth to the son of perdition; all her followers die, go to destruction, and “burn in hell” because if you follow her son you go to perdition.
The BLOOD OF ALL creatures that die is found in her. Rev.18: 24.
Her sin reaches unto heaven see Rev. 18:5. Isai. 47:7. --- she said, I shall be a lady (a wife and mother of God/Jesus) forever. Also read Ez. 28:2-8.
For the sake of Jerusalem people kill each other daily.

Jerusalem made all creatures of earth drink out of her cup; She made all of us drunk, made us mad with her wine (spirit). She confused us. Can anyone of you deny this? Can you? Only if your’ not honest.
Read rev.17: 2, Jer. 51:6,41,42,47,64.
Jerusalem herself is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
Why all these things?
Because she has blinded us, told us that one single person died for our sins, and we must give glory to this man and while we do this we are the martyrs of Jesus, we suffer and die.
BUT THIS IS A LIE that one single man died for our sins, for she is mother of ALL lies, for we are the slaughtered sheep, our own body (Jesus) gave it self for our sins.

More about her lies.

It is simply a lie to say;
1) one man, one body were crucified for our sins on a hill close to Jerusalem; this is a lie for all of us were crucified in/on the hill called Calvary, namely IN OUR BRAINS.

2) Christ was buried in a grave close to Jerusalem –

Christ is buried in you; you are his living grave. The bible says it is a grave where nobody before was laid in.

3) it is not true, a lie to say Jerusalem is the mother, the city where Christ were born--- Jerusalem is the mother of Satan.

4) It is a lie to say that Jesus Christ is an eternal name ---
This name comes to its end now!!!! For the name Jesus Christ will only be in heaven until the resurrection. Acts. 3:21.

5) it is a lie to say that Jerusalem will be the capitol, and the temple will be build again in Jerusalem ---
Cape Town, the Mother city, with mount Zion (Table Mountain) will be the eternal Capitol ---
Zion has the meaning of; permanent capitol, a sign, a
Monumental or Gilding pillar.
This describes Cape Town, where the new image of God is carved out; the Table, the Mother city, Cape of Good Hope, Devils peak, Signal hill, Lions peak, the Twelve apostles and Judas peak.
These names are not there by coincidence God gave these names.

6) it is a lie to say; the “second coming” of Christ will be a visible man ----
for the kingdom of God (Christ) is within you. See Luk 17:20-21.
It is true that Elijah a spokes person will come and has come physically to restore everything.

7) it is a lie to say; Jesus has build or will build the temple ---
he laid the cornerstone of the foundation, and demolished the old temple (your body, the son of perdition; he himself said; “he lost the body” which is of cause a good thing)
The man called the branch will build the temple. See zech. 6:12.
He shall grow out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord. Also see Rev.11: 1.
Jesus was the root and “his place” was Jerusalem, while the branch’s “place” is Cape Town.
Logically the name of the branch is; Johannes, it is stated clearly in all religious scriptures.

8) it is a lie to say; some people will burn in an eternal hell ---
Only the son of perdition, your body will burn, return to dust/ashes. EVERYBODY WILL BE SAVED.

9) It is a lie to say; the antichrist is a single man, still to come in future ----
Jesus is the leader of all of us, the antichrist for we are anti
Christ, anti God for we worshipped the creature. Church is the prophet of the beast and gave us to eat the fruit of the eye; of cause it is an instruction of God.
I say; church is in their own words the bride/wife and it is clearly stated that it is the wife who gave God to eat sin.

10) it is a lie to say; Jesus was the second Adam ---
There is more than one reason why he could not have been the second Adam ----
He had a physical body out of soil.
He had the spirit of the Holy Ghost, the spirit of imagination, the deep sleep, the spirit of Satan ----because he was cast out of heaven for you made him sin.
He did not have the Quickening Spirit while the bible say the second Adam will have the Quickening Spirit namely the seventh spirit.
He died a normal death on the sixth day.
It is true to say; Jesus is the mother of the soul.
I say; she is Mary who gave birth to the soul while hanging on the cross. She was found pregnant with the Holy Ghost and gave birth to her son the soul who ruled with an iron rod.

11) it is a lie to say; Christ was born in Jerusalem – it was the fall of Christ to Jerusalem/hell – which resulted into the birth of Satan. The fall of Christ lasted 2000 years according to the hypothesis given to us and ends now.

12) it is a lie to say; Jesus was the true prophet because, he had to die. Deut. 13. He would not have died if he were the true prophet.
He had the spirit of the dream, namely the spirit of imagination.
The true prophet is here now.
13) it is a lie to say; only some people are the body of Christ ---
All people and animals and all visible things are the body of Christ, for the visible was “prepared” to act as a temporary body for Christ.

14) it is a lie to say; there are a rapture for some “saved” people ---
All people and creatures will be saved, AFTER the “rupture”/the burning of the bad spirits ---
For first it is the “rupture”, the separation of the bad and THEN the good will be “raptured”.

15) it is a lie to say; only male persons are called Adam --- for God called THEIR name Adam.
The name of all creatures is called Adam, meaning two halves – spirit and flesh or husband and wife.

16) it is a lie to say; Jesus = Christ ---
Jesus is the bearer, the Lucifer that brought Christ the words of God, but we changed him into a God for the scriptures say, we loved darkness – the body/the creature, and that is how Christ WAS MADE flesh by us.
I say; we followed Lucifer.
I say; we made a wrong conclusion and made the prophet Jesus a God and worshipped him.

Two things are sure and cannot be changed; as sure as the sun rises each morning in our present state.
1) The human body, the son of perdition will be demolished for ever/be lost forever. John. 17.
2) Jerusalem will be wiped out forever, be lost forever; disappear forever, for she is the mother of all lies, all pain, sickness, confusion, abominations and death. Her fall will be in one hour.
Also Damascus will be wiped out.

Let us see what the scriptures say about Jerusalem and “Jesus” her husband.
Isai. 14:29. --- out of the serpents root (Jesus) shall come forth a cockatrice and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent (the red dragon with four wings symbolizing the transgression of four commandments).
Verse.12. how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning (star). Also see Rev. 22:16.
Verse 11. thou pomp is brought down to the grave. (Became perishable.)
Verse. 13. for thou has said in thou heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit upon the mount of the congregation (be the glory of all people) in the sides of the north (Israel).
Verse. 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be the most high.

Isn’t this what some churches confess for themselves to be true?
We made Jesus and Jerusalem, the most high and we are the reason they ascended above the clouds. Thank God Babylon is falling, is falling.
Verse 15. yet thou shall be brought down to hell (become perishable, Jesus descended to hell) to the sides of the pit (hell).
Verse. 16. they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and say; IS THIS THE MAN (Jesus), that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms.
Verse. 17. that made the world a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the house (the doors of prison) of his prisoners.

While we were worshipping him, we were his prisoners, for we will die and wont have eternal life; what’s more the prophet of the antichrist (preachers) did not open the doors of hell because she could not distinguish the body of Christ.
This prophet is here to open the doors of prison and hell to set you free.
Verse. 19. thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch (he came out of the grave as a beast as an outgrow who were worshipped) and as the raiment (a garment) of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass ---- (as a carcass for sin, like the bull we went to perdition for that was what we preached.)
Jesus was “thrust through with a sword on the cross”.

Verse. 21. Prepare slaughter for his children (for us his followers) for the iniquity of their fathers, that they do not rise nor posses the land ---
His followers will not rise; meaning won’t be resurrected to own the Promised Land.
Verse 22. for I will rise up against them ---- and CUT OFF FROM BABYLON THE (HER) NAME (JERUSALEM) AND REMNANT, AND SON ----(Jesus.)
The new name will be Cape Town and Zion --- and the son “will be” Jehovah.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that Jerusalem is the eternal place of worship; Cape Town is.
John.4: 21.Jesus said; THE HOUR COME that you shall neither in this mountain nor at (this) Jerusalem worship the Father.
Do you believe this scripture? If you do, where will you worship?
If you say you don’t know, then you better believe it is Cape Town because I have knowledge it is.

The fall of Babylon.

What will happen to Babylon/Jerusalem?


Babylon, mother whore, rivers of Babylon
I give a proverb unto thee
Your destruction comes from far away
From a “planet” in the north
A ball of fire, aimed
At the center of thou heart
The pilot is a female
She is vertical in her flight of death
With nakedness in her mindless breath
Her waters like the red of blood
Jordan’s river split, with a sigh in two
The Dead Sea’s waters disappear
Forever she closes her eyes
The pit of hell has disappeared
The lowest point on earth
The highest point of heaven.
Thank God!!!

The answer.

At Lundudno beach
the girls are lying
on the whitest sands
the purest of the earth
naked, dark, a tan of brown
their breasts pointed unto heaven
making dents into the sky above,
whilst angels drink
the milk of human nipples
and the wind shamelessly
removes the cover of all life
the shyness of all women,
the desire of all men
the lips of life and love
a spectacle for heaven.
how beautiful the softness
of the fluid of first love
the nakedness of the absolute of love.
you are beautiful my bride
you are precious to me my wife!
and when I find my release inside of you
you will bear our child, my beloved
blessed be thy shameless nakedness
i will cover it with eternal love, my love
when I kiss thee with my kiss of life
it is so beautiful my LORD and my GOD
blessed be thy new name
it is so wonderful
when thy spirit flows
like a river through my mind
you enter through my ears and nose
it comes flowing out of my breath
to bring love and life to all my LORD
me in you and you in me.

The lowest point of heaven is the Dead Sea.
This lowest point symbolizes the hell, “where everything not true and bad are cast out from heaven into hell”.
I say; all bad spirits are cast into a symbolic “dead sea” a symbol of hell.
I say; all bad spirits were cast down from heaven to Jerusalem capitol of Satan the lowest and filthiest point of heaven the bible says it is a congregation of unholy and wicked angels. See Rev. 18:2.

The destruction of Jerusalem comes from a far country (planet) from the end of heaven, even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. Isai.13:5.
Verse 6. howl ye, for the day of the Lord is at hand, it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
Verse. 7. therefore shall all hands be faint, and every mans heart shall melt –
Verse. 8. and they shall be afraid pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain as a woman that travail, they shall be amazed at one another ----
(surely the followers of Jesus will be now as they understand the truth!!) Or will they harden their hearts as I have experienced.
However, will the church want to understand the truth for they are the prophets of the antichrist? Do you understand and accept the truth?
Will the church blindly carry on to worship idols, abominations?
Church blindly preaches a false doctrine without understanding and this shows their unpardonable recklessness as I have experienced.

Church received the invitation to be THE FIRST to attend the WEDDING BUT they have declined as the bible predicted therefore; as the bible predicted; come whore, murderer, thief and all of you that has been held in prison and send to hell for YOU ARE FREE TO EAT THE FRUIT OF LIFE, THE TABLE ARE COVERED WITH THE MOST HOLY FOOD. It is the third day and you can now climb the mountain without fear.
Don’t fear; don’t think because you are a whore, a thief or a murderer that you have no right to eat this holy food indeed you are welcome; welcome in the house of Jehovah for you have worked for God and for me your sister.
Also read verses 9 –22.
The intelligent one and the gentle one will understand this prophecy.
Healing and understanding WON’T come from “in” the antichrist (church) logically.
Obviously the “blind” won’t be able to see the truth and will try to justify their “recklessness”. Forgive them, embrace them for there will be those to whom it will be too hard to admit, but you have received the power to forgive them.

Micah. 1:5. for the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel.
What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria (Samaria means; the tower) and what are the high places of Judah? Are they not Jerusalem?
(Jacob has the meaning of; intruder. The house of Israel = all people. The high places is; mount Mecca, mount Calvary etc.)
Malachi. 2:11. Judah has dealt treacherously and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem, for Judah had profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved and HAS MARRIED THE DAUGHTER (JESUS) OF A STRANGE GOD.

Rev. 18:8. therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire. Also read Rev. 17:16.
Rev. 18:2. ---- Babylon the great is falling, is falling and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird (angels)
Rev. 18:10. --- in one hour has thou judgment come ---
One hour = 41.666 years.
Rev. 19:3. her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
This does not mean she will “smoke” forever but it means - she is gone forever.

Rev.18: 16-18. –(Summarized) like the twin towers, she will fall in 60 minutes and “smoke” like the twin towers, but when she falls she will fall like when a stone is dropped in water (like the twin towers did on 9/11).
Verse. 21. --- a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea, saying; THUS WITH VIOLENCE SHALL THAT GREAT CITY BABYLON BE THROWN DOWN, AND SHALL BE FOUND NO MORE AT ALL.
Verse 23. and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee, and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee ---- (we were spiritually married to Jesus in Jerusalem) for thy merchants were the great men of the earth (like David, Abraham and others) for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

What must we do now?

Rev. 18:4 and Isaiah. 48:20. come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye not receive of her plagues.
I say; LEAVE HER, GET OUT!!!!!!!! Or you will burn with her!!!
Jer. 51:41. How is Sheshach (Jerusalem) taken!! And how is the PRAISE OF THE WHOLE EARTH SURPRISED. (as is now with her followers) how is Babylon(Jerusalem) an astonishment among the nations. (All nations who praised her and her son Jesus and that is each and every nation and peoples)
Rev. 14:8-9. there followed another angel saying; Babylon is falling, is falling, that great city because she made all the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

And a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice; if any man worship the beast and his image (Jesus) and receive his mark IN his forehead, or IN his hand—
Most preachers have preached; a mark on the forehead and on the right hand; now you can understand they preached a lie because the mark is IN the forehead and IN the hand.
Verse 10. the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup (the cup, spirit we drink) of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone ---

What does it mean when it says; in your forehead and in your hand?
In your forehead means; in your brain, in the front part of your brain, and in your hand means; in your word, the things you say or confess.
The Quickening Spirit “sits” in the top of your brain.

But now; times up!!!! We had to follow the beast, but this has/must come to an end now.
You MUST defeat the beast in your brain NOW otherwise you could receive his mark permanently.
Christian mentally and physically worshipped its prophet as a God and the mark of the beast is burnt into their forehead and it will not be easy for them but they might be saved “as by fire” the bible says.
Again; every one will receive eternal life but not the same glory.

Whosoever your prophet is; Mo Hammed, Buddha, Jesus or any other prophet, he is a prophet of God and taught you;

1) to love God and your neighbor
2) he told you about an afterlife, in which you should believe.

Your prophet acted as your spiritual Father and by believing in what he told you to do, your soul has been developed around that, with love as the main concept.
Therefore, your Father (prophet) left you an inheritance, and the inheritance is the afterlife.
Now we all know there is no inheritance if there is no testator,
Also there is no inheritance if the testator did not die.
Read Hebr. 9: 15-17.

I say; your spiritual Father (prophet) is your testator and you cannot inherit what he left you, IF HE DOESN’T DIE!!!!!!!
I say; your testator left you an inheritance of an afterlife, which is the next third heaven.
In this next third heaven you will be a complete spiritual being, you will be “God”.

In our present heaven we glorify visible objects/things your testator asked you to glorify in order to create the next heaven for you; BUT; you can not enter this heaven unless your testator dies.
What does this mean?
It means; your testator is the one in your brain.
He now has to die in your brain!!!!!! He must be replaced by a new name for His mission has been accomplished.
When Jesus came Moses was the one to die in your brain and for this reason Jesus died on the cross to bring an end to the fifth beast, therefore with this coming Jesus is the one to die in your brain for you brought him out of his grave again. Read Heb. 9: 11 – 21.

This might shock you, for he created you, made you who you are.
Yes that’s true, but he was the one to create your present status to bring you to a point of understanding of the next heaven, and if you now don’t let go of him on earth you cannot meet up with him in the next heaven, that is what he expects of you. HE WANTS YOU TO HAVE IT, FOR YOU ARE ALSO HIS CREATOR and you are the inheritor.

There are two roads to your Father in heaven.
1) You can cling to him here on earth, and die a normal death, sleep another 1000 years and then be woken up to be judged – your good deeds against your bad and receive your award according to that or –
2) You can now let go of him, let him die in your mind and don’t have the experience of a physical death, and have an transformation from flesh to spirit in a split of a second into the next heaven.

The advantages of the last option are; you won’t be judged --- all sins are forgiven whereas with the first option, your sins will not be forgiven and be judged.
However, in both cases you will be “saved”, have eternal life.
You might now ask; why do we get this last option now?
Your prophet told you about a day of the Lord, a day of God, Allah or whatever you might call him. He also told you about another prophet to come to explain these last things to you.

Well this is this day, the moment your prophet told you about.
It is now your decision, I cannot decide for you!!

What does it mean that he must die?
In our present heaven, the second, we glorified visible things and as I said before; your soul has been created by glorifying certain imaginable things like a glorified Father/God.
The number of a fully developed soul is 666 the spirit of imagination and that makes you different from animals, for they don’t have the spirit or the No of imagination. The most intelligent animals have the No 555 and in some case perhaps the No 6. When you were a child you were told the story about Jesus, but now you are a grownup and have to understand the truth. You can’t believe in a Father Christmas forever.

The No of God is 777.
Your brain has seven Domes and the last Dome/spirit in your brain must/can now open to bring you into the next heaven.
We call this spirit the Quickening Spirit, the spirit of 7, the most complete spirit.
The bible says; God is the spirit in whom there is no darkness, but what does this mean?
It means that there is nothing visible/no visible images in this spirit, for visible = darkness.
The seventh spirit has no images/pictures of the visible in it.
Therefore you must now get rid of pictures of a human or visible God in your mind.

To accomplish this, we must now believe when we pray; that your voice of words is God the Son of man/Jehovah for all things has been created BY WORDS, and you can use your wildest imagination, but you cant draw a picture of a voice of words for it is not visible.
The scriptures teach us; words = spirit = God = 777.
Words/speech is your direct channel/telephone signal to God and for this reason Jesus said; I (words) am the way, the only way you can reach God and that is by way of your voice.

Previously your Father was your representative, you spoke through him, and you approached him to ask from God, by way of faith.
Faith now becomes obsolete, because we have accomplished by way of faith an open channel to the spirits of the interplanetary heavens, don’t mess it up!!!!!!
Why does faith becomes obsolete?
Faith is there to believe in things that you not yet received or don’t understand but once you received and understand, it is stupid to keep on asking or believing in something you already have and understand.


What did we learn out of this discussion?
Hagar is our mother of the senses and is the symbol of Jerusalem; therefore Jerusalem is our soul’s mother.

Muslim and Christian have built spiritual towers on their prophet’s graves.
We can call these towers the red dragon.
Jesus is the Lucifer who brought fire, the spirit of imagination, and confusion to these towers. He said he came to bring confusion.
The spirit fire is a spirit to devour the human body so it can return to dust.
Jesus said he brought this spirit to devour your present body.
While we use the Lords supper we will die because it is a symbol of the fruit of the eye or the fruit of the tree of good and evil. The LORDS supper was meant for the time in the grave/the time of darkness as the word SUPPER says.

We saw that the red dragon gave its seat and authority to Jesus for he brought the law to fulfillment and the whole world followed this beast while we transgressed the first four commandments. We created this beast.

Jesus symbolizes the sixth the seventh and the eight beast and everybody who followed him, and that is everybody, go to perdition, meaning you die.
Those who carry on worshipping the idol “will keep on dying.”
We could only receive the Holy Ghost (the spirit of imagination) after the ascension of Jesus, which means; we then “had to imagine him” and that developed this spirit that created everything human created.
It is you who raised Jesus and Mo Hammed to heaven.
We also learned that the name Jesus/Mo Hammed and the existence of Jerusalem now comes to its end and the bible says THIS WILL SHOCK THE WORLD, THE WORLD WILL BE ASTONISHED.
The name Jesus is a temporary name, and symbolizes the human name whereas previously your name was Adam.
The name Jesus disappear which in effect means; the human disappear to never be again.

Same with the current Jerusalem, she will be no more and she will be destroyed by fire for she is the Great whore and we will worship at another place.

Jesus was the one who opened your dome of sight/the imagination and created you to the intelligence of 666 the No of the beast/the antichrist. You received this NO by way of worshipping imaginable visible things.
You have also learned that there is an inheritance for you only if your testator dies IN YOUR BRAIN.

Only your body will be lost.
I say; while you were in the care of Lucifer he created your immortal soul (in fact you created his soul) but your body goes to perdition/return to dust as the plan of God was stated right in the beginning.
He said; the ones you gave me I have kept I only lost the body but now it is time for him to give you back as he promised but it took blood sweat and pain for the one who defeated him but thank God it is done and he wont resist now.

The “roof of Noah’s ark” will now be removed which means you will have access to the interplanetary which means you will now receive immortality, if you want it of course, for you cant have something you don’t want.
Do you want immortality?

Jesus was the root of David, the cornerstone of the foundation of the temple, while this prophet is the branch of David, the tree to bring forth everlasting seed.
A root grows underneath the soil while the branch grows above the soil.
Those who follow this prophet WON’T EVER DIE; whereas those who followed Jesus went to perdition.

Again; to go to perdition is not the way we have preached it; it simply means you die the way we know it, for we are in hell and our present body will “stay in hell and burn an everlasting burn.”

Jehovah our child blesses you,

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