Adam and man and Eve and Eden
To fully understand the image of God we firstly have to understand that:
God = spirit, in fact any spirit.
God has seven spirits which equals 7 eyes = 7 horns = 7 angels. See Revel 5:6.
Therefore God can see from seven corners simultaneously or God see seven dimensional. Any object can therefore be described from seven different angles, however; each spirit will describe it differently, but does not contradict one-another, rather gives a full and complete picture of the “objects or happening”.
Same as seven different people drawing a sketch of your body from 6 different angles. The front, back, left and right, bottom and top, and the other person drawing a section to show your different organs.
Obviously each picture will look different, but does not contradict each other; rather a complete picture of the human body is formed.
For that reason, when I explain something, there would be another 6 different ways to explain or understand the same situation or object.
The second thing to understand would be that the image of God = male and female in one body or as one living “creature”, yet two different spirits (at this moment).
This really means: God is male and God is female Gen 1:27.
This is what the bible says; God is male and female and if you are not prepared to believe this script in the bible you might as well put this manuscript in the dustbin now and close your bible forever, because you are not prepared to believe the bible.
Also this image has seven different ways of explaining this particular image.
Creation happens in three phases according to the bible.
The first phase is where heaven acts as male and earth acts as female and this represents the image of God where heaven and earth acts as one body or God as one body namely male and female.
Heaven would therefore hold the sperm and earth the ovaries, as well as the womb of God or the womb of creation or universe.
I say heaven and earth are husband and wife, hypothetically one unit, one body; it used to be like that before the Big Bang.
The first impregnation of this “united body” would therefore be the Big Bang, where heaven impregnated his wife (earth) with its sperm to penetrate the egg in the womb of earth. For you to understand better what all this means, I will explain it as follows:
With the Big Bang, the atoms (spirit) of heaven penetrated the atoms (spirit) of earth. By way of this, husband (heaven) and wife (earth) became one flesh, hypothetically, for this has not yet been completed, but we can say: in their children, namely the life on earth, they (husband and wife) became one flesh, and finally they will become one spirit = one flesh = one living body = husband and wife = male and female and not two separate bodies as we see them now. Read Math. 19:5-6 and Mark. 10:6-9. 44
I say; heaven and earth will fuse together to be one living being.
The second impregnation is where husband (male) and wife (female) become one in one united body, namely the human body. For this reason then God (heaven and earth) said: Let us, namely heaven and earth, create humans to our image, and the image is husband and wife. It is therefore a discussion between husband (heaven) and wife (earth) when they say: Let us create to our image Gen 1:26
Therefore: humans as the children of Mother (earth) and Father (heaven) MUST have the same components/genes as the parents although the parents are still two different bodies.
I say: the human body is created as male and female in the same body, with components of heaven and earth. See Matth.19: 4-6. Yes, you will say: No! My name is Peter or John or Eric and my wife is Mary or Sarah etc. and we are two different people. Well of coarse you’re right, but that’s looking at it through a different eye/spirit. The difference is that you have never before looked through this eye. There are 7 eyes/spirits to explain an “object” or the image of the human or of God. Therefore, the human body has the atoms (spirit) of heaven, and the atoms (spirit) of earth.
What are these different atoms or spirits? Well if you look at the universe, it consists mainly out of two components namely:
A visible component (earth)
An invisible component (heaven)
Which hypothetically means one body, although two components. Your body is made/created to exactly this same image. Therefore, you, your body was created with an invisible “half” and a visible “half”. Your invisible half is that part of your body that you can’t see; your spirit, breath, voice and mind, and acts as the male. Your visible part is your physical body; your flesh that you can see and touch, and acts as the female.
As you can understand now, you are male and female in one body. Just like God your parents.
1) Let us now call your male part man as the bible says.
2) And the female part of your body women.
3) Or we can say your male part = heaven and that your female part = earth.
For the first time in the history of humans, we will now at least understand something about the image of God and of you! But you might go up in arms when I say; the fact that we never understood this, makes everything we believed a lie. Although you might not understand it at this stage, you will understand it better after having read the full Revelation. Church has never understood the image of God and therefore the image of themselves.
Let me now explain Man and women further. You now know Man is hypothetically the spiritual or male part of your body and women is the physical, female part of your body while you are called human or Adam.
Let us now look at the creation of Adam’s spiritual half, Man the “husband” and the physical half, women the “wife”.
I firstly want to draw your attention to Gen 5:2 male and female (God) created he THEM and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam.
What does this say? It simply says the human body’s name = Adam because God called their (Man and women’s) name Adam.
God does not say, nor did He make any difference between Adam and Eve or the female and husband as we know it to be, but called THEM Adam. The name Adam only came after the creation of Eve, before that the bible spoke about Man and women.
Although you now understand that this Adam = a male and a female part, it is actually a unit called Adam.
Therefore you Peter = Adam = 2 halves
Mary = Adam = 2 halves
But: the two halves have been created separately.
“Church” has never before understood these parables therefore they preach a false doctrine. Let me make this clear; this is not an attack on church but on the lie, although, sometimes the truth can look like an attack. I also want to make it clear; I don’t support evolution being an accidental birth.
I asked my good friend, the one I told you about; how did God created you? His answer was; he created me out of dust. I then asked him this question; yes, but how did you came from dust to the person you are today, for there had to be a process of creation, and don’t you want to understand the process? He could not tell me what the process was.
Well it is fine to say; I am created out of dust and I don’t care about the rest, but you only say that because you don’t understand. God did not wake up one Sunday morning and said; “human” and then human were there; no the bible is clear that it took a long time to create the human. Already you now understand that one day is hypothetically 3,333 billion years. You can now as my friend said say; prove it in the bible. My answer is simply; the bible proves nothing, not even the existence of God or even Jesus, because to prove = a sign and Jesus said; you will be given no sign. The grave of Jesus or even Calvary has never been found, because then it could act as a sign. However, human are constantly seeking for signs. GOD IS INVISIBLE AND OUT OF BELIEVE and later it becomes knowledge.
When I explain your origin you might reject it, but then you can save yourself the trouble and put this manuscript in the dustbin right now. Rejection = blindness or foolishness = slavery.
Let us now explain the creation of these 2 halves.
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground.
LORD, and God symbolize LORD as earth (Female) and God as heaven (Male), the two parents that said: Let us create human to our image. This “conversation” in fact = the Big Bang. I say the Big Bang = the conversation, or the impregnation. You might now think: but what role did God play, wasn’t it just coincidence? Not at all! It was a planned action (the big bang) to recreate a new universe, and to expand, or to multiply the available material.
In Gen 1: 7 we read that God made a firmament. This was after the Big Bang.
The Hebrew meaning of the word firmament is: to pound, to overlay (With thin sheets), make broad, spread abroad, stretch, beaten out, to fabricate.
Clearly the idea is to expand, and that is no coincidence! In fact this is the result of the conversation, between heaven and earth. This is discussed later on.
Let us continue with “God formed man of the dust of the ground”
Gen 2: 19 Out of the ground the Lord God Formed every beast of the field…and brought them unto Adam.
Before this “man” has not yet received the name Adam, because Adam = the completed human and at this stage man did not receive a body yet, he is a spiritual being called man, without a physical body. You’ll have to accept this as the truth. We discuss and explain this later…
The meaning of dust (Hebrew): powdered – ashes- dust’s light particles, to float away as vapor – volatile.
Man is formed out of dust, not out of ground as told to us all these years.
The Hebrew meaning of ground: Soil – earth – (from its redness), and the body have been created out of soil.
Dust symbolizes the spirit of the man (an earthly spirit)
Ground symbolizes the physical body formed out of clay or soil.
It is also clear that God calls the body (a) beast Gen 2:19.
You might not like to be called an animal, but all that it really says is that you have an earthly body.
It should be common sense because plants are soil and plants feed your body therefore your body = soil and when you die you/your body returns to soil.
Dust (spirit) and ground (body) therefore are the 2 halves of the human body. You will agree there is a distinct difference in meaning, namely man is not formed out of ground, but out of dust, that “floats as vapor”
Let us now prove this from another corner/angle/spirit and explain Eden.
I am sure most of you were brought under the impression by church that Eden = a garden. Wrong!!! Eden is not a garden; a garden was planted eastward in Eden. Gen 2:8 The Lord God planted a garden eastward IN Eden.
Then there’s the other lie, namely preachers often say that: Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden. Wrong!!! Only man was driven out of Eden. You will understand this shortly. Then there’s the misunderstanding; I will correct it by saying: God drove out the man, and he replaced the man with something else at the east (the east is the place where the man used to be.)
I say; the man has been in the east of Eden. See Gen 3: 24, so he (God) drove out the man. (God replaced man with cherubim!!!)
The meaning of cherubim = a spirit of imagination or an imaginary figure (idol) in the brain.
The purpose of this imaginary spirits is to keep or guard the eternal tree of life Gen 3: 24.
The word to keep has the meaning of; to preserve or to save the eternal tree.
The eternal tree is obviously eternal life for humans. Until today humans could not find the way to this tree, because of the one that guards the way.
Johannes have found, overcome, defeated the guard of the tree of life, and his mission is to show you the way and to help you to overcome and defeat this guard/ the cherubim/ this imaginary figure, that has blinded us with its flaming sword which turned every way, according to Gen 3: 24
The name of this cherub is Satan. You might be shocked with this statement, but I will “prove” it to you in my writings. The truth is; you don’t know who Satan is. Only the one who see him as holy will deny this statement and will probably stop reading now at this point but the bible says; nobody does the good, even prophet and priest are profane and; even the harlots and the whore go into the kingdom of God before you, because they believed Math. 21:31-32.
You are now already aware of more than one lie that’s been told to you for instance; your priest might have told you Adam was/is a male person while the bible says; God called THEIR NAME Adam.
He might have told you; Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden while the bible says; only Man was driven out of Eden.
He might have told you; God is male, while the bible says; God is male and female (mother and father) in one body and you are created to this same image.
He might have told you that Eden is a garden while the bible says; Eden is not a garden but a garden was planted in Eden.
I don’t want to sound rude but I am not going to try and be “sweet” either, I am going to be very straight and for this reason I say; there is only one reason why he told you this and that is; he is blind. However, the bible says GOD blinded us for a good reason, we will explain that later.
During this discussions you will learn about hundreds of lies that’s been told to you, in fact for the first time your preacher will understand what he preached to you all these years.
Let us continue.
Because of this replacement of man with cherubim, we/humans/Adam fell into a deep, deep sleep Gen 2:21. This cherub blinded/anaesthetize our senses. See Isaiah 6: 9 – 10.,
This is discussed in detail later.
We will now reveal Eden and the garden to you, you will recognize how hidden this riddle/parable was. For the first time in the existence of humans, humans will understand this, and also understand himself and not only himself, but also heaven and earth as well as God (mother and father).
Remember now there are 7 different eyes (spirits) to describe Eden. At the end of the explanation of Eden I will reveal another “eye” but not fully though, because that is another discussion.
Who is Eden?
Eden is your physical body described from one angle; let us see if I can prove this to you.
Gen 2: 8 and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.
Therefore: Eden is NOT a garden, but a “garden was planted” in Eden. This garden being your five senses or your brain/face. Eastward is your face, where all of your senses meet in your brain. East is the front of your body.
The Hebrew meaning of garden is: to fence or guard or protect (the senses are there to protect us) therefore the garden is symbolized by your senses.
Verse 8 continued: and there (in the garden) He put the man who He (already) had formed, for the bible says God first created man and then the woman, a body for the man.
Verse 15: the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden in Eden (your face) to dress it and to keep it.
What does this mean?
Dress (Hebrew) = to advance, accomplish, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, prepare, enslave, keep in bondage, execute, husbandman, servant, worshipper and many more, but it speaks for itself, namely to “evolve” the human body.
To keep = to preserve (until the resurrection, until we are intelligent enough to find the way to defeat the guard of the tree of eternal life)
I can assure you the way/road is now open.
We can therefore say the garden is your head/face, and God put this spiritual man/husband in your head/face/garden to be your husband/man to advance the human body (to bring it to perfection) and to keep it alive eternally, to feed it spiritually.
Verse 10: and a river went out of Eden (your body) to water the (this) garden (in your face)
River (Hebrew) = a stream, to sparkle, to be cheerful.
To water (Hebrew) = to irrigate, cause to drink, (to supply) semen (seeds) Water is a symbol of spirit.
It is clear from this that Eden, the human body, must feed the husband/man/spirit with knowledge (from the eye/seeds) and keep him alive to sparkle and be cheerful and to supply semen.
Verse 10 continues: and from thence (the garden/face/your head) it was parted, and became into four heads (streams).
The four heads = your spinal cord, your veins, your nose or breathing channel and your gullet.
Verse 11: the name of the first is Pison, that is it, which compasseth the whole land Havilah, where there was gold.
Pison (Hebrew) = fast flowing, scattered, disperse, to spread.
Havilah (Hebrew) = circular, twist or whirl, in a circular or spiral manner, it also implicates feeling of pain, fear, grief, hope etc.
This clearly describes your brain, spinal cord, nerve system, which is fast flowing, scattered, circular, a circle, spiral etc, too and from the brain and to make you aware of pain for instance.
Verse 13: the name of the second river is Gihon. The same is it that campasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
Gihon (Hebrew) = a fountain, to gush forth, a stream, a river of paradise.
Ethiopia (Hebrew) = territory (meaning the one in command.)
This is your heart as the fountain, and the veins through your body (a circulatory system) your soul is in your blood – your “river” of paradise – happiness. Also your blood/heart is the one in “command”.
Verse 14: the name of the third river is Hiddekel, which is it that goes toward the east of Assyria.
Hiddekel (Hebrew): to sting, prickly plant (the lungs look like the leafs of a prickly plant), and big river.
Assyria (Hebrew): to be straight, collect or inhabitant
Clearly this describes your respiratory system (air pipe and lungs, which run in the front of your body, namely the east = your front.)
Verse 14 continues: and the fourth river is the Euphrates.
Euphrates (Hebrew) = to break forth, rushing, river on the east, grow, increase, bring forth.
This is your digestive system (gullet, intestines and stomach that feeds/grow)
These “river” systems/organs feed the garden in Eden (your body).
I say; your body feeds your spirits and the spirits are there to protect and advance you.
Verse 9: out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Out of the ground means “out of the body” that’s created out of soil/ground.
These trees are your five senses – sense of sound, sight, taste, smell, and touch. All of them connected to the brain (in the garden.)
We discuss these trees later on.
However, let me add this:
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was not guarded; humans have the “free choice” to eat the fruit of this tree. All of us still eat this fruit each and every day.
However: the tree of life was guarded by cherubim, which were placed at the east of the garden of Eden where man has been before God replaced him, which is the front of your face, in your brain (forehead, front part of your brain)
Now you can understand and agree that Eve was not driven out of Eden, because Eden is Eve, your physical body.
I say; your physical body of soil is called Eden or Eve or women, and your spirit out of dust is called Man and this combination is called Adam.
Your original man was driven out of your body (Eden) and was replaced with cherubim in the brain.
Let us now look at the meaning of Adam and Eve, as you now understand = the two halves of your body namely Man and Eve or Husband and Wife or Heaven and Earth.
Out of this discussion it must be clear to you that Eden should feed itself, keep itself alive because the rivers of Eden (your body) feeds the garden where the man (spirit) operates, and the garden (man/husband/spirit) on it’s turn feeds your body.
It’s a circular operation, an on going eternal process, was / should be, but something went “wrong” for the husband. The eternal feeder of spirit was driven out of Eden (your body/face) and was replaced with cherubim, and that is the reason you die. In fact the duty of this cherubim is exactly this: to let you die in order to protect the tree of life, but this is another discussion.
The meaning of Adam = ruddy, to show blood in the face (Adam is therefore the soul, for the soul is in the blood). Therefore we can also conclude that God calls human (a) soul.
Adam became a living soul, the breath of life, the dust (spirit) of earth Gen.2:7.
The breath of life is your sixth sense (your imagination.)
I say; the soul is a spirit of imagination a cherubim. Cherub also means an angel.
The meaning of Eve = Life giver (she gives life to her husband/ man, feeds the garden as you now understand), also a living place, to declare or show, and clothing of man/husband.
Living place = the husband/ spirit lives “inside” Eve or Eden therefore she is called a living place for the husband.
To declare or show = she is the visible half of your bodies two halves.
Clothing of man = she is the flesh / “clothing” for the spiritual man.
This clearly describes that Eve is your body.
I said before I will give you a description of Eden and the garden through another eye:
Eden is also Earth, and the Garden of earth is Cape Town, the Mother City, Cape of Good Hope, with Table Mountain in the center of the city (Cape Town is in South Africa). Table Mountain symbolizes the table (for food), Devils peak, Signal Hill (Zion), Lions Peak, the Twelve Apostles and Judas Peak. This represents the garden, the face of God. This is another discussion.
Summary of Eden
We have explained what the image of God is namely; God is male and female in one body namely; earth and heaven is one collective body, and how it should energize each other eternally. Heaven and earth is the first stage of creation, and have this image but this is seen ONLY through one eye.
Life on earth is the second stage of creation and also has this image namely, two halves called male and female. All life has this image.
You now also understand that God calls the human body Adam, whether you are male or female you are called Adam and has two halves namely Man and Eden.
You also now know that your physical body is called Eden or Eve and that God has driven the husband/man out of the garden in Eden (your brain) and replaced him with cherubim namely a spirit of imagination that has blinded us according to the bible.
You have also learned that man was created out of dust and the body/Eve out of soil which makes it a lie the way we have preached it by saying Adam was created out of clay.
The next discussion is about the wife of Cain. Until this revelation about the wife of Cain, no Christian or for that matter, no human could explain who the wife of Cain was.
There once was a court case for instance, were this question was put to a Christian, and he could not answer.
For a long time this was the talk of the world, and now for the first time this mystery is revealed.
during the coming days we will add to this revelation. johan.
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