Kennis is naaktheid.
Kennis is soos ‘n vrou
In deftig winter gewaad geklee
Haar waarheid toegeknoop
Soos die waarheid van haar liggaam
Goed bewaar, dis
Soos ‘n veryste waterblokkie
Wat om bevryding roep
Na die hitte van ‘n geselserige vuurtjie
By die hitte van ‘n liefdes vuurtjie
Daar laat ek haar liefde vry
Soos ‘n blokkie ys wat stadig smelt
So ontklee ek haar
Dit is die wonder van te weet
Hoe lyk die slankheid van haar hals
Die rondheid van haar borste
Die fermheid van haar boesem en
Hoe sag is haar dye as ek dit beraak
En as ek vind die donsheid
Van die ingang tot die lewe
Dit is kennis
Naak is sy
Gereed tot liefdes kennis
En as my vrug haar vind
Dan lê die kennis daar
In haar naaktheid bevrug sy my
En ek weet
Dit is ek wat kennis baar
Ek het gevind
Die lippe van haar moedersbaar
Ek was eerste
En sy wys my graag haar naakte
Want kennis is nou kaal
Sonder gewaad en baie mooi
Haar toegewerkte kleed
Het weggesmelt
Soos ‘n blokkie ys
In my warm hand en
So smelt ek ook nou weg
Tot naaktheid
Terwyl ek dink, ons is almal kaal
Wyl haar tepel in my mond
Smag ek na haar
Die kennis
En sy na my
Ek is haar bevrugter.
The ark of Noah.
In Gen. 6, we read that men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.
When it speaks about men or man, it does not mean it is a human being as you perhaps might think.
Man = the meaning of; to show blood, therefore any creature with blood is called man; further man has the meaning of spirit as you know.
Man does not mean “human”.
As we know the blood symbolize the soul and the soul is symbolized by the senses or the spirits a creature have.
Further we have learned that these senses/spirits are symbolized by the garden in Eden.
Further, we also know that the garden symbolizes YOUR face and God has put man in this garden.
Any land creature could be called man to describe his face, his senses or his spirits.
Face = the meaning of; nose or nostril or snout or forehead (the brain) and in some cases it means the wrath.
If we then read that men multiplied, it can mean (in this case) that animal multiplied.
If we read, daughters and Sons of God, we understand daughters as the bodies that were created on earth the mother, in fact all bodies whether that of human or animal are called; daughters of earth.
Whether you like it or not, the human body is also animal.
The Sons of God would be the spirits in heaven.
BUT; “all” the current spiritual creatures in heaven were created on earth, by the living creatures who gave birth to them.
We read that these spirits “intermixed” for it says; they (the spiritual Sons) took them wives of all, WHICH THEY CHOSE.
This intermixing, led to the creation of Giants like the dinosaur and other huge animal bodies. These creatures were vicious creatures, as we know.
When God the Almighty spirit saw this wickedness he said; my spirit shall not always strive with “man”.
Strive = the meaning of; to rule, minister judgment.
You can understand the huge spirits/breath of these creatures.
Therefore, God says; “man” (the creatures with blood) won’t rule anymore and the Lord said; I will destroy “man” and beast and creeping thing and the fowls of the air. Beast is the body and man is the spirit.
Fowls are the symbol of angels, Sons of God, namely different spiritual creatures.
Air = the meaning of; the sky – that part which the clouds move in, and even to the celestial bodies that revolve, namely planets or stars.
Life on earth was at that stage creatures of a low intelligence, their “heaven” were the region of; where the clouds move in.
I say; the first creatures were restricted to the heaven of where the clouds move in.
The celestial bodies mentioned are the celestial bodies in our solar system, but in particular earth, the moon and Mars, which did affect the so-called flood of Noah.
There are so many words and meanings in Gen. 6, 7 and 8 I will just explain the hypothesis, as my mind can understand it, for I am not a scientist. I believe that we miss vast parts of the scriptures that can possibly tell us much more about this catastrophe that has happened in our solar system.
The flood mentioned in Genesis is not at all what has been told to us in church all these years.
In the first place it is “a flood of sin”. It is a sin’s flood not “a sun” flood. It is the result of sin.
Any one of the celestial bodies in space is not just “stupid”, bare objects or worthless objects; our solar system is a balanced, intelligently worked out system.
If for instance if you take the moon away, suddenly grab it out of its orbit, the whole of our solar system will react “violently”, planets and stars will scatter around, seeking to find balance again in some cases collide with each other, for gravity and repulsion balance the entire solar system and not only our solar system but the entire universe. At this moment the entire universe is still expanding. Scientists thought that at some stage “gravity” will “pull” everything back to the point of the original Big Bang; in the first place, this cannot happen because “there is no gravity left at the point of explosion to pull everything back”. Secondly, the expansion goes faster and faster as if something else’s gravity is “pulling” everything to a new place of rest, this being the result of certain stars that still explodes and effects the position of all celestial beings. The explotion works like an extrorsed balloon and all scientists calculations are wrong.
Furthermore, all these celestial bodies are in fact living creatures, living angels, placed in its exact position to keep the system alive.
This “grabbing away” or pushing out of its rotating orbit is exactly the catastrophe that happened in our solar system, which ended up that one third of stars/planets “darkened” (died) Rev 8:12.
Two of these planets that died is the moon and mars and as we know also earth is slowly dying.
We surely have a lack of information, but I will do my best to describe this catastrophe to you with the little information available to me.
Isai. 40:12 --- the dust of earth was comprehended in a measure.
The meaning of a measure = a triple – three fold – (in) a triangle.
This tripling = earth, the moon and mars, which were placed in a triangle.
You might now think it is talking about the sun, moon and earth.
No it is not because the sun is not dust of earth and is not orbiting in a triangle.
Further; the ark had three stories, and if each story has the same size, it covers less than one hectare or 10000 square meters, and it is impossible to lodge all the creatures on earth with a supply of food for a year on an area of less than one hectare. Some preachers now try to explain it in all sorts of ways like; it could have held the DNA.
Even they now start to realize that certain things “are impossible” but they don’t have the knowledge to understand it for the bible is a closed book to them according to the bible.
Therefore we deal with a parable and it is therefore senseless to even go and look for such a “ship”.
Furthermore the word Ararat “where this ship was supposed to land” has the meaning of; creation – earth and execration; this then tells a complete different story as the one told to us.
The ark is in fact a symbol of the earth as the ark – the escape.
Ark = the meaning of; to box in and the idea “to start from scratch” – to re-energize/recreate life or to “escape something”.
To box in, is described in genesis one as different firmaments that sealed off the different heavens.
Earth is the only “ark” in our solar system to sustain and resurrect life from a single cell.
In gen.1 we read that God has put in different firmaments. I would prefer to call these firmaments domes and choose to also call the different senses of creature’s, domes in the brain. For instance, Moses opened the fifth dome of human/animal namely the dome of hearing.
This dome of hearing can also be called the fifth trumpet as explained in revelations.
Therefore Jesus opened the sixth dome, the sixth sense.
The last dome to open is now when the seventh trumpet sounds.
The three stories of the ark are therefore three heavens, being one heaven for animal and two heavens for “human”.
A dome seals each of them off. The ark is “floating on the water” (sea) and the water itself symbolizes another heaven.
You can also say the Ark (earth) is floating in space as the water.
I wont explain everything now but just say; the ark with all life landed on earth/creation.
Water symbolizes the troposphere and the stratosphere.
We can say the troposphere is the heaven for plants, for all weather is in this region, namely rain and carbonate as the spirit (atoms) for plants.
In return the plants produce oxygen and therefore complete this cycle of life.
The stratosphere acts as sound waves for “water” animals and is the ceiling for their spirit.
The mesosphere is the heaven for animals. Animal’s spirit doesn’t move past the mesosphere. Normal sound waves are active in this region.
The next heaven or layer of the atmosphere is the ionosphere. It is also called the upper atmosphere. Radio waves are active in this layer and human only progressed to this heaven when the radio was invented.
The next heaven for human is the magnetosphere. Human progressed to this heaven when satellites were placed in this area of the space and brought us – television, wireless telephones etc.
“Humans” spirit in particular the sixth Spirit cant move past this point/dome.
This is the heaven of imagination.
We can say; Moses brought us into the mesosphere.
Jesus brought us into the ionosphere and lately into the magnetosphere.
However, this is the ceiling for mortal human spirit.
You can now clearly understand that the ark symbolizes different heavens and explains the development of human.
1) The first floor of the ark symbolizes normal sound waves, where human had no radios for instance. (Moses)
2) The second floor symbolizes our intelligence where we have progressed to radio, motorcars airplanes etc. after we received the spirit of imagination from Jesus.
3) The third floor symbolize that we have progressed exceedingly with knowledge and intelligence, for we now have satellites and spaceships, which changed the earth almost into a small town.
The ark corresponds with the plan that Moses received from God on the mountain, where Moses took us into the first floor or the mesosphere. At that stage we were still beast like.
Jesus as we said, took us into the next two floors.
The third floor is the top floor for mortals, and the next floor we will move to, IS THE FLOOR OF IMORTALITY WHERE YOU CANT DIE!!!!!!!
Let us summarize what we have learned.
We saw that the creatures on earth became vicious creatures, because spirits/atoms (sons) of heaven entered the earthly bodies, which resulted into the creation of huge creatures.
This led to the curse, the execration, for God said; these creatures, their spirits, will not rule anymore, thus God will wipe out the creatures and their spirits in heaven.
What does this mean? We already explained to you that the spirit of earth, keeps the spiritual man (heaven) healthy but what happened?
What really happened, was that the spirit of earth that went up into heaven was violent, therefore heaven reacted violently and came back in the form of a spiritual sin rain, which can mean that some celestial bodies can “explode”. We will discuss the result later in this writing, but it resulted into a Big Bang.
To rescue life, earth acted as a temporary ark, a safe haven, and an escape, to resurrect everything and to give everything a rebirth.
To keep the rest of the universe away from this deadly spirit of curse, God said; “box earth in “ so none of this spirit could escape.
For this reason different firmaments were placed to keep this spirit in its own atmosphere. As we developed and sanctified ourselves, a new heaven opened for us, and our “spiritual tower” went higher and higher into heaven.
God said to Noah; Gen 6:16, a window shall thou make to the ark-
These firmaments and window also symbolizes the different domes in heaven.
As we now progress/evolve we can now even “see further through this window.” At first we could only “gaze through this window with the naked eye”, but now we even have satellites that helps us to look much further through this window. What we see at this moment is a phantom, a lie that does not really exist.
We cannot “see what lies in-between the celestial bodies”.
Earth is 30% of its outer dome and this is the same formula for all celestial bodies. Therefore, the specific atmospheres circle or dome is subject to the size of the planet or star.
It makes therefore perfect sense that if one draws overlapping circles, which symbolize these domes, there ought to be spots of noting in some places between them, even if everything rotates.
This could possibly be the so-called black holes where a huge negative force will rule. These black holes will logically change position as a result of the rotations.
Same then, you will get places where say for instance three or more circles meet each other, which will give you a huge positive force.
Shortly we will discover these “places” where you could for instance enter another planet that might be millions of light years away, instantly. We could probably call them “white holes”. In future we will learn about the maps of these spiritual roads.
There are huge spiritual channels/signals that leads to the rest of the universe and lines up with the currents of the sea.
We know that the moon influence the currents of the sea, and God says; you will come and worship with new moon.
We will discuss this at a later stage in future.
Furthermore God said; in a cubit shall thou finish it above.
The meaning of cubit = a mother, a tower, it also means a six score.
A mother symbolize, as you now know, earth with all her creatures.
The tower that it refers to is a spiritual channel and six score refers to the six spirits that are earthly spirits.
I say; earth has six of the seven spirits of God.
This description cubit indicates that there is a limit for our six spirits or our heavens.
Shortly now the “window” will open for human, to take us to the interplanetary heavens. Early in January 2006 “a space ship” was send to the outskirts of our solar system and you will see the result in about ten years.
The opening of this window will bring immortality, telex - transport and visits from outer space, and many other things to vastly exceed us in the spiritual wisdom.
Also another cubit or window will open for us, namely the seventh dome, and a cubit will also open above Cape Town in South Africa.
The above are symbolized in Gen. 8:13. Noah removed the covering (the seventh dome opened) of the ark, and looked and behold “the face of the ground was dry”.
This symbolizes the moment WHEN WE WILL SEE THE WOMEN, namely the new creation.
It is to early now to discuss certain things, because our conception is not yet receptive, but at a later stage we can reveal much more to you.
The flood of Noah.
Let us now see if we can construct a picture of what happened with the so-called flood of Noah.
As I said; the spirit of sin went up into heaven, and made heaven violent, and sin came down unto earth in the form of a catastrophe, a rain of sin or an execration.
The days mentioned in Gen. 6-8, are symbols of a formula. I have not yet give attention to find or decipher the formula, but it is of no importance at this stage, however it will reveal marvelous revelations in respect of time concerning earth in particular.
The LORD said; behold, I even I, do bring a flood of waters (spirits) upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
The meaning of I = existence, the “one” that exist the origin of existence namely a seven dimensional spirit.
The meaning of breath in this respect is described as – the mind, the spirit of a rational being = I --- it is therefore creatures of low intelligence, as we know the creatures of that time were, although many of them had huge bodies, they were in fact dumb beasts but infected the heaven to become violent. You can imagine the masses of spirit these animals send up to heaven.
Gen.7: 11 and 12 --- all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.
I am not going to give you the meaning of each word but, the fountains of the great deep broken up, can be described as follow.
Earth was ripped open and lava burst out of the earth/out of the great deep namely the inner core, which logically is lava. The meaning of the words used describes it as; it burst open brutally.
These lavas heaped up, creating waves/mountains and then later on sets —ceased; the meaning of the words describes it like that. See psalm. 104:6-8.
Let us now see what triggered off this outburst, the brutal ripping open of the earth.
Gen. 7: 12. And the “rain” was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
These forty days could in fact be 40 years; I must still decipher the formula.
The “rain” described here is NOT a normal rain of water as we know rain and as been told to us in church.
Rev 8:7 the first angel sounded, and there followed “hail and fire” mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth, and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt.
This describes a meteorite rain, which burnt one third of all trees, and all grass.
Verse 8-9. The second angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; a third part of the sea became blood, and the third part of the creatures in the sea which were in the sea and have life (not breath) died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
This could be a huge meteorite that entered earth’s atmosphere and was ripped apart to form a meteorites rain.
This second phase brought death to one third of the life in the sea and destroyed a third of the islands. (Ships as floating in the sea symbolize the islands.) This “mountain” that fell in the sea as well as the brutal outburst could obviously created huge waves like the resent tsunami.
Then a third angel sounded (verse 10) and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters.
Verse 11. The name of this star is called Wormwood and the third part of the waters became bitter (perhaps as a result of the ashes.)
Apart from the fact that wormwood has the meaning of bitter, it also has the meaning of calamity or catastrophes or curse. We can then also read it as; a calamity has struck earth.
It must now be clear to you that this is directly a result of the curse that the LORD has placed on the earth to wipe out “all” life and “rain water” is not even mentioned.
This “star” – Mars—collided with earth and ripped open the earth, (brutally) it collided on the north pole (as we know north at this stage) and earth virtually cracked open like a nut shell, it burst open resulting to open up the earth and lava were streaming out of her “womb” to create lava waves and mountains and valleys formed when these lava waves ceased. Furthermore the bible says earth was split in three.
Furthermore, Mars “dropped” some of its water on earth resulting into waves of mud and water higher than mountains.
This “hail and fire” were also on Mars and the Moon, the Moon is a clear picture of the damage done by this meteorite rain.
It has killed all life on the Moon and slowly killed the life on Mars while Earth is also slowly dying.
Mars the Moon and Earth were forced out of their orbit, and this resulted that all celestial bodies, at least in our solar system were forced out of their normal orbit and one third of all planets with life died.
Isai. 24:1. Behold the Lord make the Earth empty and make it waste and turned it upside down.
North as we know it, previously was south, therefore the collision was in the south. Earth is now also leaning 10 degrees backwards from its previous position.
Verses 19-20. The Earth is utterly broken down, the Earth is clean dissolved (by waves and waves of lava) the Earth is moved exceedingly (by the impact of the collision) and shall be removed like a cottage.
Verse 20. The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard.
This reeling to and fro must have lasted a long time after the collision it is like throwing a cork in water that reels to and fro until it settles.
You can now imagine why the bible say there were waves or “water” higher than mountains because this reeling to and fro would probably have created waves higher than mountains, Gen 7:20. However nowhere is rain like water mentioned in the meaning of these words therefore it is simply not true, a lie to say it was rainwater coming from heaven and water out of “fountains” of the earth. The fountains are clearly described as lava.
The description of “water” could be; waves of lava or/and mud and water and it surely took a long, long time before the Earth became stable again.
Scientists should now understand and find what they were looking for all these years.
Scientists could perhaps work out what implications this had to our solar system.
You must remember that we always deal with parables, mirrored images and riddles.
To tell us that Noah has build a ship which were floating on the “waters” for one year, and that the water that was higher than mountains disappeared in one year as we were told in church and in school simply don’t make sense, rather it is an insult to ones “scientific” mind.
I am not a scientist to say how long it took for the “waters” to settle, but if I say 360000 years it will surely be more accurate than to say it took one year, for where did all the water go in one year, that is if it is to be “true” the way we were told; however we will decipher the formula given to us in Gen 6-8 and tell you exactly how long it took.
At least scientists say that 85% of all life was wiped out in the unknown past. We could also now imagine why some creatures are buried meters under soil or rather mud or lava, some of them were caught with food still in their mouths. We also know that our climate has changed dramatically, and surely we can now imagine why. As a result of the collision and the brutal “opening up “ of the Earth, earth “enlarged, multiplied” became bigger.
If we decipher the meanings of words used in Gen 6-8 it tells us that Earth was enwrapped in darkness (dust/ash clouds) and the “waters prevailed for a hundred and fifty days” perhaps 150000 years. It probably took thousands of years before life could really progress.
You can now understand that the flood was a flood of sin and not a “sun flood of rain”.
You can clearly understand the lies told to us; to mention one; it was not a flood of rain as we have been told in church.
Sin is directly responsible for the catastrophe that “hit” earth.
It is clear that earth was ripped open and lava was flowing out of the inner core and this is described as the fountains of earth that opened up.
In our next discussion you will learn who the Son of man is.
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