Saturday, January 27, 2007

the false prophet chapter 11


It is never easy to be honest about yourself!!!
Why is that? Because when you are honest you become guilty!!!
But when you are honest and declare your guilt, only then can you see the truth and guilt disappear, and truth sets you free.

God bless the mother of Jehovah, I am so glad for you mother Mary!!!

The false prophet.

Different religions that came forth out of Jerusalem, is THE MOTHER OF ALL-EVIL.
There are thousands of religions, but no one would listen or share with one another, for each and every one of them is “the true gospel, the only gospel, the only one to be saved.” The one blaming the other while the bible clearly states; division = Satan and such spiritual tower comes to a fall as is now the case.

You might now ask the question; why did my priest not tell me these things that are revealed now?
The answer is simple; firstly although the bible calls them scribes they don’t study the bible but rather dogma.
Secondly; the bible say they have the lying spirit, they had to believe the lie, it was an instruction of God.
Thirdly; they were blinded; Isaiah29: 10-11.the Lord (Jesus) has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep and has closed your eyes; the prophets and your rulers, the seers has he covered; and the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned saying, read this I pray thee; and he says, I cannot for it is sealed.
How did God blinded them?
The Lord has blinded them with the Holy Ghost.
Those who deny this will surely not enter the third heaven, for you have to forgive Judas.

Babylon falls in one hour.
The present church falls in one hour.
Jerusalem falls in one hour devoured by fire.
The resurrection happens in one hour.
One hour represents 41.666 years.

Personally I would rather listen to a love song or a song about life of a rock star than to sit in a congregation preaching people to hell. Don’t we understand; we are all cells of one body, and if you send your sister cell to hell, you are already in hell, for if she is sick you are sick!!!!!
But of cause, this was the purpose of Jerusalem, our mother of confusion, where God descended; by way of each religions prophet and that brought confusion, hate, war ---

Jesus said; Luke 12:49-53.
I am come to send fire on earth ---
Suppose ye that I come to give peace on earth?
I tell you, no – but rather division. (Confusion)
Gen. 11:7-9. let us go down and there confound their religion(language).
Ps.55: 9. destroy O Lord and divide their tongues.

The so-called terrorist kill because of religion and the church supported Bush kills because of religion rather, it is a personal vendetta of a family.
The 2004 presidential election was not, for or against war, it was simply about who will fight the best war.
Jerusalem, Mother of war, Mother of lies.

Who is God?
God = spirit = good and evil spirit = any spirit of any living thing.
It is because God has two sides, namely;
A visible side and an invisible side
An evil side and a holy side
A dark side and a light side

Jesus Christ represents both, likewise you.
Jesus the visible body = darkness - evil
Christ the Word = light - holy

1 Sam. 18:10. the evil spirit of God was upon Saul.
Clearly, God also = evil spirit.
My unwillingness to accept and understand this makes me an opponent of God and “makes” me without knowledge.

Our fall from grace to hell is to teach me, and to pluck the fruit of knowledge to develop an immortal soul of understanding. The church has always doomed the eating of the fruit AND THAT IS THE REASON THEYE ARE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, but surely you can see the need that we HAD TO EAT THE FRUIT.
For this reason I received the spirit of the deep sleep. See Isa.29: 10 and Gen. 2:21.
Isa. 29:4. thou shall be brought down and shall speak out of the ground and thou speech shall be low out of the dust and thy voice shall be as of one that have a familiar spirit.
The meaning of a familiar spirit = the spirit of the dead, (the Holy Ghost.) Further; to know by ascertain, by seeing, by observation, to care, recognition and - to discover – be learned – be skilful – have understanding. This clearly states our mission.

The first step to create the soul was for different people to believe in different prophets who brought different hypotheses.
Different prophets were necessary to create different things like the different limbs of the Godly body.
The whole process is to create OUR OWN GOD.
New wine (spirit) is for new bodies (bags).
New wine is not for old bags.
I say; new wine is not for old fashioned, out of date thinking.
The heavens doors are open for those who want to taste it.

Who is the Antichrist, the leader?
Surely we can’t claim ourselves to be that innocent not to understand this writing and the purpose of everything I have explained to you. I say; do you understand the purpose of you the antichrist?
I don’t claim to know everything, simply because the scripture say it will take us a thousand years to understand the spiritual world.
In fact, I don’t wont to know everything for then I have nothing to learn and the excitement of KNOWING will be gone.
I would rather confess and say; I know nothing Lord please teaches me!!!!! But what I will confess is; that God revealed the lie to me and again; I am anti lies not anti church.

Who is the false prophet?
It is all the prophets and preachers who came before the coming of this prophet Johannes; what’s more the only one to reveal the revelation IS JOHANNES, simply because the revelation has been given to him according to Rev 1:1 and 10:1-4, 11. And 11: 1-2. As well as other verses that foretold the coming of Johannes.
All the prophets and the law prophesied UNTILL the coming of Johannes.
John. 11:13. This includes the prophet Jesus and that is logic for he did not come to end the law, but to fulfill the law, BUT NOW THE LAW COMES TO ITS END.
This then makes it absolutely clear that John. 11: 13 is speaking about this “coming”.
The last thing to overcome was death and I tell you it has been achieved even if you don’t see or belief it right now, for the one that brings eternal life is here.
Further more this signifies that all prophecy’s now comes to its end.
I say; all prophesies of all prophets and the law has been fulfilled, it now BECOMES OBSOLETE.

Jesus the first Adam brought death, he blew the air of the soul into our nostrils, which meant that we had to die, we had to get rid of this worn-out body, and this was the first death for Jesus lost the body, thankfully.
This prophet brings life for death came through one man and life comes through one man and this also means there is another death namely the second death, which will do you no harm, for it is a metamorphosis which happens in a split second and it is not your death but the death of the evil in you.
Death and life happens at the same moment.

For this reason Jesus said the things concerning him comes to an end.
Acts.3: 20-21. He shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached to you (at Horeb) whom the heavens must receive (only) until the times of restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all prophets since the world began.

The false prophet preaches and says; Jesus Christ is an eternal name, whereas you can now clearly understand it is a lie.
It is complete logic that a new heaven will have a new name. The first heaven was called Moses, the second heaven was called Jesus and the third heaven is called Jehovah. There is another heaven with the number 8, which symbolizes “it to be entwined” and will make the universe much more accessible, smaller so to speak, in future we can discuss this.

It is your decision to decide whom you belief and follow.
I say; it is your choice to decide in which heaven you want to be.
However can I ask you; do you belief these scriptures that I quoted to you? Or do you belief the false prophet of the beast?
When do you think is the time of restitution of all things?
Is it in the past, is it now, or is it in the future?
When will the name Jesus Christ, or the name of all prophets change?
Logically with the second Passover (coming) for the first coming (Passover) was the fall away from God, the betrayal, namely the ruling of the antichrist.
I say; the first coming was the Passover of the rule to the antichrist.

The false prophet says;
The antichrist is still to come in future; this is simply a lie!!!!
The scriptures are very clear about this, and it is even logic.
First there was the fall away, and the rule of the antichrist, and logically then moments before the second Passover, (as the bible foretold) the antichrist will be revealed as is now the case, and the antichrist and his prophet will be cast into a sealed pit, sealed by the true prophet.
This is exactly what the bible teaches us anything else is a lie.
Do you accept that you are the one with the number 666?
You might now shout out in fear; NO!!!
There is nothing to fear. Once you accept, fear will “run” and you will receive peace.

The false prophet opened the pit/hell, by way of preaching that Christ has risen from the grave on the third human day. This is simply a lie.
The false prophet gave us a sign that came to pass, namely the grave opened. Deut.13:1-5
The truth is; Christ only rise after two days = 2000 years, and there is a logical reason namely, I am still here and the promise is that you and I will rise with him with the so-called SECOND coming.
The question is therefore; why are you here if he has risen?
It is true that your soul rose with Jesus on the third human day.

Because of this false preaching, (a lie), the false prophet and all his followers die, the bible say we go to perdition, they had to die, will die in future if they keep on preaching this lie.
The false prophet preaches and says;
Give glory to visible carnal ordinances, like bread and wine and a man called Jesus.
You cannot and will not enter the next heaven, the Holy of Holy while practicing these carnal ordinances. This is true to all religions for the door to heaven will not and cannot open to you although it is open, while using carnal ordinances. See Hebr.9: 8-10.

You might say; Jesus is the High Priest who entered into the Holy of Holy room, that’s what my priest told me.
That is a lie; for he is a first Adam (in fact he is your soul) and he (you) is still in the second heaven, still carnal and still in the Holy room; your name is the name of your Father, therefore you have not yet entered, it is therefore a lie and for this reason your prophet also had to die.

The false prophet preaches and says;
The visible body, the creature is God and asked you to worship the creature; they say the flesh is God. This is a lie, which any normal soul can understand.
The bible say the word is God and cannot and will not change; yesterday, today or tomorrow he is the same.
The bible says; he was made flesh, you made him flesh.
You might say; the bible says he came in the flesh, yes IN the flesh not the flesh itself but word came by way of the flesh.. The flesh is Lucifer, which means he is the bearer of the word. It is like music, music comes in the “flesh”, and music is not the flesh itself.

The false prophet preaches and says;
Christ has already risen.
Of cause this is a lie!
The truth is; the beast, the seventh king has risen on the third human day, and this beast symbolizes your soul in your forehead.
I say; his rise was in your brain.
I say; you are the grave from where he rouses.
I say; there is no other grave than the human body.

The false prophet gave you to eat the flesh, and to drink the blood of the beast, saying; it is the flesh and blood of Christ.
This is a lie although the Lords supper was FOR THE TIME IN THE GRAVE, the 2000 years in the grave, the 2000 years of darkness and for this reason the meal is called a supper or a night meal or the meal while darkness rules.
The truth is; the flesh and blood of Christ is invisible spirit, it is a spiritual meal. The visible meal you take is also a symbol of the spiritual meal of the soul but the difference is; it is the meal of Satan.
HOWEVER; all these things had to be.
I say; church had to preach the lie.
The false prophet preaches and says; Rome is the city with seven hills and she is the mother whore.
You now know the truth, but he didn’t tell you that Jerusalem also have seven hills. Why not?
These seven hills are logically the symbol that Jerusalem symbolizes the beast with seven heads and ten horns whilst Cape Town symbolizes the true face of God.

It is your choice to choose between the false and the true prophet.
Your choices are the following;
Do you choose?
1) the one that came out of the grave (the beast out of the earth) and said; eat, this is my flesh and drink this is my blood, follow me, the visible body while the law forbids the eat of flesh with blood. Deut. 13.
Or do you choose the one now asking you to hearken to his WORDS. Deut. 18. Jesus said; the sheep listen to the voice of the Sheppard.
2) the one who asked you to worship the creature, or the one who now asks you to give glory to the creator of all things, namely the Word in your mouth. Rev. 14:6-7.
3) Do you want to follow the false prophet that said Jesus was the second Adam while he did not have the Quickening Spirit, but the Holy Specter and brought fire and division? Or
The one who now reveals the truth and now opens your seventh dome, the inner spirit, the Quickening Spirit and say;
Peace is upon you, no division, no fire, and no confusion.
4) do you want to follow the false prophet/preachers that has human eyes and a mouth, speaking great things and transgressed the first four commandments to make one horn out of them and placed the abomination that make desolate Dan.11:31 and 12:11 and Math.24:15 and Mark.13:14.
Before you make your choice I want to explain to you the meaning of the words abomination and desolate. Daniel says they took away the daily sacrifice and replaced it with the abomination. The daily sacrifice is the sacrifice of the bull for sin and replaced/installed the body Jesus instead as the golden calf slaughtered for sin.
The meaning of abomination is; something disgusting or idolatry or the worship of an idol.
The meaning of desolate is; to ruin, to stupefy or to destroy.
Without explaining it to you, you should know what this means.
The abomination is the worship of Jesus as an idol, which stupefied you (with the Ghost) and destroyed you; you die if you follow him; you go to perdition.
Now who do you choose the abomination or,
do you want to follow the one who now ask you to give glory to the eternal everlasting gospel saying; give glory to God and fear God in heaven. Rev 14:6-7. or,
5) do you want to follow the false prophet that has changed time, by saying to you that Christ has already risen, and changed the law, by transgressing the first four commandments and say; follow the beast that came out of the earth. Dan 7:17-26. or,
do you want to follow the one that now say; it is now the third day, the day of resurrection, the day of recognition as Mo Hammed calls it, it is now the time to recognize the Son of man; it is now that he wakes you as promised and release you from prison.
6)would you deny that you have followed the beast, in order to create your soul and in order to leave you an inheritance, or
would you now hearken to the words this prophet say; it was necessary to follow the beast and to worship Satan, in order to create a new universe, an inheritance.
If you deny, you deny your eternal soul as well as your inheritance, logically.
I can carry on with the lies, but I have proven my point.

The bible says the first thing to do with the second coming is to divide the goats from sheep, to rupture them.
Your choices will do exactly that; it is your choice!!!!!!
If you still want to follow the false prophet as you did, you will have the spirit of fire, an earthly spirit, you will sleep another 1000 years because the next passing by of God is after 1000 years, and you will then be woken up and be judged and receive according to your judgment and you will have eternal life.
“Everyone” will have eternal “life”.

If you want to follow this prophet now speaking to you, you can have;
No judgment -- all sins forgiven - no physical death – an eternal body within the next 40 years - you will be in the presence of God, you will be God and never die, never have pain, tears ---

Your preacher might tell you that this prophet is the false prophet; it is your choice. But let me remind you; this prophet say, give glory to the Word whereas the antichrist say; worship the creature, the visible body the bearer of the light which is logically Lucifer.
Your preacher might not understand this revelation, if you understand it please lead him out of darkness into light and embrace him for he will need it.

The first coming; the fall to hell.

Currently we are in hell!!!!
You might say; how can you say that?
There are many reasons, one of them is; David said, O Lord don’t let the lid close on me ---
We also know that God has shut off our heaven. Gen. 7: 16 ---- and the Lord shut him in.
Another reason is; God created only two places namely heaven and hell (earth).
If you’re not in heaven right now, you are surely in hell.
How did we get here? And why are we here?

God created you as HIS body, the body in which he wanted to descend to hell and suffer, and that speaks of you.
Now why the “hell” did God wanted to descend to hell.
Let me first say; God/Christ said; a body you prepared for me, meaning a human body was prepared to descend to hell and to suffer in and that speaks of you.
Not only does the body speak about the human but about everything visible as a body for Christ.

God is a loving father and mother and there was a very good reason why it was necessary to demote “him” to a state of hell, and there was no other way.
The reason God wanted to descend to hell is to recreate the universe, to reenergize the universe and to create an eternal soul (life) for all the visible things, for she has lost her soul, her life, she became infertile, meaning she could not energize God anymore; the balance of harmony was becoming vide.
Hell = the visible. I say; God created hell (the earth) to recreate the universe and to get rid of certain things.

The so-called first coming was therefore rather a fall from grace to hell, from spirit to flesh.
This is a planned and carefully worked out plan. First the Big Bang then the forming of hell, the visible called darkness.
Then the creation of the human body over millions of years.

The visible fuels the invisible but the visible became “overfeed” and resulted into an explosion. For this reason we became visible objects and the decision was to, in future rather give the power and glory to Word instead of to visible objects that seemed to be our enemy.
If the fall mean to go from spirit to flesh then surely the resurrection means to go from flesh to spirit.

The idea was to become the enemy and defeat your-self. What a great plan but what a mission!!!
For this reason human was created out of rock, the firm content of the universe.
I say; the idea was to recreate the firm material into something that has life – spirit, so all things could become alive – light – have spirit.

The whole universe would therefore go into a deep sleep of 20 B years, while the visible powers would act as God to transform the universe.
Visible powers like volcanoes for instance are also powers of God.
Before these things happened there was a discussion and different plans were on the table.
There was also an election to vote for the different plans, as well as who will go to “hell” (the newly created earth, place of darkness) to fulfill this plan. It was a voluntary choice to go. You on earth made that choice to come and die in “hell”, for the sake of all your friends in ”heaven”. There is no bigger love offer than this.
You have power to lay down your life and power to take up your life.
Only one-third came and two thirds stayed behind according to scripture.
Earth has the meaning of firmness and obscurity and the bible say; darkness was on earth.
Darkness has the meaning of; misery, destruction, death, sorrow and wickedness. Does this describe hell to you? If not, how would you describe hell? Do you want something worse than this?

The plan was to create a human body that could be deceived and different prophets were chosen to deceive us, like Jesus for instance.
I say; the prophets were chosen, they did not choose them selves.
We have also chosen someone to wake us at the right moment, and not only to wake the human but the whole of the universe on the third day.
The time has now come to wake up our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and therefore I say; WAKE UP IT IS THE THIRD AND FINAL DAY.

In Rev. 12:10. we see that the accuser, the enemy, were cast down….
Even today church is the biggest accuser… that is in fact their message and their gospel.
The soul = the Holy Ghost = Satan = the accuser.
When you do something wrong the Holy Ghost “accuse” you, make you aware of the truth…. Or the wrong.

Verse 11. and they (we) overcame (had victory, defeated the enemy) him by the blood of the lamb (by us the slaughtered lamb) and by the word of their (our) testimony, and they (we) loved not their (our) lives unto death (we died willingly).
Verse. 13. the dragon persecuted the women (the human)
Verse 15. and the serpent cast out of his mouth water (water = spirit, evil spirit) as a flood after the women, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
All sin ascends unto heaven and then comes back from heaven in the form of a “rain”, and the bible says it comes back within about 84 years.

The idea is to create a human body to absorb like a sponge the flood namely, all evil, sickness, pain etc. and to act as a/the son of perdition namely to be demolished when he has served his purpose and then return to dust/ashes Gen.3: 19.
You might ask; why MUST he return to dust?
It is the same principle as with the bull as we explained namely; the blood of the bull were taken into the Holy room, symbolizing that the soul is saved, and all sin were supposed to “saturate” the carcass of the bull which were then burnt to ashes with the idea that all sins has burnt/disappeared.
This practice came to an end when Jesus came, for the idea was that from that moment, the human body will act as the “slaughtered bull”, the body will be “burnt to ashes” so all sins could disappear, but the soul would be saved, for heaven. Sin has its origin from earth/soil/the visible and by returning to dust, sin has returned to dust as God said right from the beginning.
God don’t have to save you he does it by grace for presently you are just a beast created to give the universe a soul and he can decide to let you have an eternal sleep after your job is done for you are guilty.
But the scriptures say; we all had to face the stumbling block.
What is this stumbling block?
David said; our table, the Lords supper is a stumbling block.
The stumbling block is also the cross.
In which way is the cross a stumbling block?
The cross is your present body and if you have worshipped an idol; you have stumbled “over the block”, you have failed, and your body has misled you.
The stumbling block is there so all people had to face the same temptation of the flesh. Obviously there are “degrees” but the worst should be to physically worship something visible like an idol as Christians do for they are in the midst of the fires of hell. However that does not mean they have to stay there for the grace of God will save us.
Are those in church “better” than those outside, or are those outside church “worse” than those in church? There are preachers who became murderers and there are murderers who became preachers.

However this doesn’t matter for you are saved by grace and not by your deeds. It is now time to ascend out of hell.
God say; if you have served Mammon well you will serve God even better.

Openb. 12: 16. earth helped the woman (woman = the human body) and earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood (the bad spirit), which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
What does this mean?
As explained; the body absorbs the bad and return to dust once buried in the soil, therefore; earth became a graveyard to absorb the sin, symbolizing how she opened her mouth, FOR SIN HAS NOW RETURNED TO DUST.

The first “coming” is therefore the appearance of the false prophet Lucifer. Lucifer is another name for the human body.
The bible say; Lucifer is also God, but has the meaning of; brightness, morning star and bearer of light or bearer of the Words of God.
Jesus said; he is the Morning star, he said he is the bearer of light, he said he is brightness, he said he is the bearer of Word; therefore he directly told us he is Lucifer. However, the flea has caught us, we made a wrong conclusion and followed the creature, gave glory to the body/the bearer instead of to the Word who is God. To say the body = God is to say that the speaker = music.

We were created to be “caught” by the flea, to be deceived.
Lucifer (“Jesus”) did not sin, but by deceiving human, his follower’s sin and Christ became sin for we gave him to eat.
How did he deceive us?
By holding out a sop for us to take.
What is the sop?
In the first place, it is a promise of eternal life, but we were to stupid to understand the full implications.
He spoke in a way that we could not understand and in a way that we thought the body is Christ.
I say; he spoke in parables and WE MADE WRONG CONCLUSIONS, and we took the sop/the Lords supper..
What is true about Jesus is that Jesus knew he is the one to deceive/betray us but he was obedient to the end NOT TO REVEAL HIM even through death he was silent.
For this reason he said; don’t cry about me but about yourselves and your children.
To put the truth blatantly; Jesus is Judas who betrayed us, THE CHRIST.

Lucifer passed the bucket/the cup to us so we could become the culprit to die instead of God.
Therefore David said; let their table be a stumbling block and this has now come to pass.

Jerm. 4:10. ----- surely thou (God) has greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem (Babylon).
Jesus was the one to say; eat and you would not surely die. Gen.3:4.
John.6: 54.whoso eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (the Lords supper is the sop/the bribe and Jesus brought the eternal soul by way of the supper.)
When the bible speak of the last DAY it speaks about the third day = 1000 years.
When it says; the last DAYS it speaks about the two days in the grave/deep sleep = the past 2000 years.

The scripture say; in the last days there will be many false prophets, (meaning during the previous 2000 years), saying, “this is the Son of man, look there is the Son of man or Jesus is the Son of man” -----
There are even people who say they are Christ; Christ is not a human he is word; was, is and always will be.
We know how many different religions there are, each one with his own explanation of “the Son of man” all of them “advertising” a visible man.
Church speaks about the last days as if it is still to come, changing time as Daniel said they would.

The mission of Jesus was not to reveal himself. Mark. 3: 12.
His mission was to die. Deut 13. Same as your mission for you are Jesus.
His mission was to confuse us; he spoke in parables and riddles. By using different names for the same thing, he completely confused us.
His mission was to bring death; he baptized us with the Holy sleep/the terrible sleep.
His mission was to lay the cornerstone of the temple, namely to create the soul for the soul is the womb to give birth to God the temple itself.
His mission was to bring the mimics of the body.
His mission was to “betray” us.
His mission was to breathe on us, to breathe the breath of the soul into our nostrils, namely into our breath. Gen.2: 7.
John.20: 22. ---- he breathed on them and said unto them; receive ye the Holy Ghost, namely receive the soul. Compare Gen.2: 7.
This was after the resurrection, which makes it once more clear that the breath of the soul could only come after the resurrection.
Do you believe that this is the way God breathed the soul into Adam (you) to become a living soul?
I say; do you believe Gen. 2:7 speaks of you?
If you don’t believe this, how do you think it happened for you must have an answer? Do you have an answer? Or is your answer; O! God can do anything!! Don’t you rather want to understand HOW?
I say; if someone disagrees with a statement he must surely have a better explanation. What is your explanation?
If the “man” Adam of 6000 years ago was made a living soul, are only men then living souls and not the women? Or
Do you agree that God called their name Adam?
If you do agree with the last option it will mean you confess that you have followed the lie.
Is it that bad to be honest? Think of all the good things you can receive IF YOU ARE INDEED HONEST. Firstly all your sins will be forgiven BECAUSE YOU HAVE WORKED FOR GOD.
On the other hand if you deny; it will mean you have worked for Satan and will be judged.

The mission of Jesus is now completed and he now becomes obsolete and therefore he now makes way for the True prophet, the prophet of the Holy of Holy room.
It is this prophet that now says unto you; GO GET out of Babylon, Go out of confusion and come into the Holy of Holy room. I SAY; WAKE UP and LIVE.

The Holy of Holy room.

The first room of the tabernacle was called Moses.
In this room you developed your five senses and when that was done this room became obsolete as well as its priest and we moved on to the next room. In the first room you worshipped touchable objects visible to the eye.

The second room, the Holy was called Jesus.
In this room you have “washed your clothes” on day one and day two to become a spiritual being.
You received knowledge and you received the No 666, which symbolize your intelligence and your soul.
This is the “highest” but also the last floor for mortals where visible imaginable things were glorified to create the spiritual replica in heaven which we call soul.
This room together with its priest has now become obsolete simply because your soul has been completed.
If the shoe becomes to small for your growing foot you simply put on another shoe, don’t you?

The next room is the Holiest of all and is called Jehovah.
This prophet will take you into the Holiest of all, and he comes in the name of Jehovah as Jesus foretold.
This prophet is not Jehovah but he brings you this everlasting name, as Jesus has brought the name of the Father, although Jesus was not the Father although symbolically he is.

Johannes is not the light Jehovah.
Even he did not know him but he was revealed to him and he witness that the light, which lightens all ARE TO COME NOW!!!
He was in the world, but we did not know him, rather we worshipped darkness namely, the creature, the bearer of the light who had to die but we brought him out of his grave again, rightfully so to develop imagination.


The light has never left us; rather he was an unborn sperm cell buried inside us waiting to be impregnated, as is now the case.
I say; you have now been impregnated with the everlasting sperm, you are pregnant with child the Holiest of all; same as Jesus made you pregnant with the soul.
I say; the human body acted as a grave, (as a womb for an unborn sperm cell) for Christ the Son of man.
But now he receives birth from his mother Mary, namely the human body and now is the time to bring glory to our God the Son of man, the God who receives birth out of Man (human) and that is the reason he is called the/a Son of man or the Word of man.
Word had its origin on earth and Word is meant to rule the entire universe in future. Do you want to be part of this?

Now is the time that Judas bow to the LORD of all Lords, and the GOD of all Gods.
I say; Judas the human body has accomplished his mission.
His mission was to live and rule on the sixth day, and also to die on the same day. See Gen.1: 28 and Gen. 2:17.
We have now come to the end of the sixth day; it is the end and the final moment of human.


O Lord it fills me with sorrow
But it overflows me with gladness
I thank thee that I could serve thee in the flesh
But now the moment has arrived
I feel so afraid my God
For I am only dust
Only a shadow of your glory
Blessed is Jehovah
Speak once more to me my creator
In my mothers tongue
Then I will bow to thee
Dust I am, but what a privilege
The wind will blow me away ----
I bow to thee…
Loving you
Dust ------

The last dance.

Lord will you have a sip of wine with me
The purest wine of all
Perfected out of human blood my God
Careful Lord, I have poured it in a glass
Its fragile, a component of the dust of earth
Where the visible does not exist
It is just a shadow of your glory
Will you teach me Lord?
I want to play the piano
I want to play a waltz
Dance with me and
Would you allow me?
To put my left hand in your right?
And can I steer you Lord?
Because I am human
And tomorrow I will be gone,
Forever, for the sun will set
On the final of the sixth day
And I will be blown away by the wind
To my end destination, to my grave
Please Lord, will you grant me
For its like saying goodbye
Goodbye forever to my first love
Just the last dance, my God
I beg thee, and then I’ll say
I’ll make my final bow to thee
I will release thee
Your beloved

The past.

I am traveling at the speed of light
Even so, it took me 20B years to see myself
Even so, I was always behind myself
Out of sight, but now I rise
Like the morning sun
Over the horizon I come
Bless you my children, I greet thee
In the name Jehovah
Did I not tell you, you are gods?

Everything I see
I see it in the past, even so
If sight travels at the speed of light
When I see you,
I see you in the past
Everything I hear
I hear you in the past, even so,
If hearing travels at the speed of sound
When I hear you
I hear you in the past
Soon you will hear me
Even so, before I speak
And see me in the future sight
When the universe fuse together
To be as one, no resistance
No sun are needed
For the universe will glow.
Your Erasmus.

The second coming.

The second coming is the appearance of the true prophet, while the first coming was the “coming of the lie”, the rule of the antichrist, yet it was true to us because we could not “see” and the truth did not yet existed for us for what we saw was true to us.
Do you hear me; it was true to us.

Deut.18: 15. The Lord thy god will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me (Moses), unto him you shall hearken. (you shall not follow the body)
Verse 18. I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them (us) all that I shall command him.

This is the prophet the so-called Jews are waiting for, but will they accept the one they were waiting for, for he is smiting with a measuring rod? But is that without reason?
We did not knew these things and should not claim that we knew the things God now reveals and for this reason the bible says as follow:
Isai.48:6-8. thou has heard, see all this, and will not ye declare it? I have showed thee NEW THINGS FROM THIS TIME, EVEN HIDDEN THINGS AND THOU DID NOT KNOW THEM.
They are created NOW, and not from the beginning even before the day when THOU HEARDEST THEM NOT (when you were deaf for the seventh spirit), LEST THOU SHOUDEST SAY, BEHOLD I KNEW THEM, YEA THOU HEARDEST NOT, YEA THOU KNEWEST NOT yea from that time that thine ear was not opened, for I knew that thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and was called a transgressor from the womb. (A transgressor of the Ten Commandments.)
Will there be those who will say they new these things?
Would there be those who would reject the truth?
Is it in anyway possible for the church to understand this revelation?
Or will they be too hard to die? Are their hearts to harden, their pride to “huge” to repent? To say sorry?

Zech.6:12. behold the man whose name is THE BRANCH, and he shall grow up out of his place (his place is South Africa, Cape Town) and he shall build the temple of the Lord.
Rev.11: 1. there was given me (Johannes) a reed like unto a rod, and the angel stood saying; rise and MEASURE THE TEMPLE OF GOD AND THE ALTAR AND THEM THAT WORSHIP THEREIN.
Verse 2. but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not ---
Johannes is the one to “measure” meaning; to negotiate what and how the temple should be build as well as the altar namely, how we will worship and who will worship or for that matter, who will enter the Holiest of all called Jehovah.

Johannes is not here to “preach” to the goats in the forecourt, he is here ONLY to speak and teach those who will understand and accept this message.
Someone else will preach to the goats.

If Johannes is the one to measure he will surely know where and how to measure.
Therefore he says; earth is called Jerusalem, the city of the bride of the bridegroom, and the “new” capital is Cape Town, called the Mother city where Zion the mountain of God is carved out as a permanent sign of the presence of God.

Furthermore this nation called the rainbow nation holds the tribe of Judah, who will hold the scepter of authority forever as God commanded.
The rainbow is a symbol of the seven spirits of God, for the seven colors of the rainbow produce a pure white light symbolizing - life – God – Jehovah.

The meaning of Jehovah is; self-existent, eternal, meaning; to give the body eternal life or to generate itself with eternal life as we have explained Eden to you.
Further; to see – the name of the Altar; namely the name to pray to namely Jehovah; you will bare this name IN your head as Jesus foretold. Read Rev. 3:12.

Isai.25:6. in this Mountain (Table Mountain) shall the Lord of hosts (angels) make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.
This speaks about the spiritual food you will receive, which will go out from Signal hill/Zion.
Verse 7. he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering (our sleep/blindness) cast over all people and the veil that is spread over all nations.
The veil symbolizes the mystery of all things as wel as your body.
Verse 8; he will swallow up death in victory----
Verse 9; and it shall be said in that day; lo this our God, we have waited for him----
Verse 10. in this mountain shall the hand of the Lord rest ---
Read chapter 25.

Isaiah. 56:6-7. also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord. To serve him and to love the name of the Lord (Jehovah) to be his servants, everyone that keeps the Sabbath from polluting it and take hold of my covenant.
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer FOR ALL PEOPLE.

Isai.65:9. I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.
The tribe of Judah is in South Africa.
This verse makes a distinction between the elect and the servants.
The elect is those who now accept and the servants are those who wont accept this writing.
The elect is those who defeat the beast and logically they INHERIT because “the winner takes all”.
I say; Satan logically hand it over to the one who defeats him and that is to Johannes and those who accepts.
The “servants” will also have eternal life but will serve and dwell there.
The word dwell has the meaning of; to sleep (another 1000years.)
Micah.4:1-2. but in the last days (at the end of) it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it.
And many nations shall come and say; come let us go up the mountain of the Lord, (previously we were not aloud to go up the mountain) and to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths, for the law shall go forth of Zion (Signal hill) and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Cape Town as the center of Jerusalem.)

Zechr 8:3. thus saith the Lord; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, (Table Mountain is in the midst of Cape Town) and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth and the mountain of the lord of hosts, THE HOLY MOUNTAIN.
Psalm. 68:15-16. the hill of God is as the hill of Bashan, a high hill as the hill of Bashan. The original says; a mountain with peaks.
The peaks are; Table Mountain, Devils peak, Lion head, Signal hill, the Twelve Apostles and Judas peak.
The meaning of Bashan = to be fruitful or a piece of art (like Table mountain, is carved out like a piece of art).

Verse 16 why leap ye, ye high hills? (Mountains with peaks?)
This is the hill, which God desired to dwell in, yea the Lord will dwell in it forever.
Although we have now described a visible mountain and city, they are merely symbols of the truth.
The truth is; a mountain symbolizes the glory and holiness of God.
Not only does Cape Town and Table Mountain symbolize the face of God, but it is also meant to be the true capitol city of the universe.

Shortly in future, you will see the glory of God coming “down” on this mountain in the form of a bright light that will come to rest above Table Mountain, to be exact above Signal hill.
Shortly you will see the sign of the Son of man appear in the sky. The sign of the Son of man is the rainbow, but this “rainbow” will be a full circle and not half of it buried in the bosom of the earth for the earthlings will be raised.
The opening of the ozone layer is a visible symbol of this.
The seven colors of the rainbow = a pure white light.
Shortly you will see visits from outer space.
When you see these things, don’t lose your wedding dress and worship these creatures, even if they shine in brightness, for there is only one God and you will find him on the tip of your tongue.

Shortly you will feel the flash of light of the Big Bang, sweeping over you, it will be like that of lightning that lighten out of one part of heaven, shining unto the other part of heaven – so shall also the Son of man be in his day. Luke.17: 24.
But all these things are not the Son of man. When the Son of man are glorified in you, you will recognize him by way of; what you say will immediately be done, for the Son of man IS NOT A MAN but the spiritual Son of a man a human, and he does not come with sight seeing, FOR HE IS IN YOU, in your brain and was crucified by Cain the cherubim/the evil spirit in your brain and for this reason you could not recognize him.
I say; the evil spirit of your eye oppressed the Son of man.
I say; the seed of life is in your brain just focus your eye.
I say; the tree of life is in the midst of the garden in Eden, you face.
I say; release the Son of man your child.


What does all this about Cape Town and Table Mountain means?
It means that you can now climb up the symbolic mountain, to see, to touch God.
It means that all Words of God will go out from Cape Town because she will hold “the parliament of the universe”.
In her counsel - chambers the conclusions and decisions about the future of the universe will be made.

Somewhere in future I will wipe off the paint at the back of the mirror.

This prophet came to open your seventh dome, to enable you to receive the Quickening Spirit, which will make you a second Adam.
Jesus and other prophets opened your sixth dome and you received the No of the soul namely 666 and you became a first Adam.
I say; your prophet has made you a first Adam, a living soul as the bible foretold.
The first Adam (Jesus/you) is of the earth, earthly – his body is visible and made out of soil, the second Adam is the Lord (the body/spirit) from heaven, a complete spiritual being. 1Cort. 15:47.
Lord = the visible body and LORD = the spiritual body of the visible.
When Jesus came out of the grave they said; it is the Lord (the body)
1Cort. 15:21. by one man death came (Jesus) therefore by one man also the resurrection comes – NOW!!!!
Do you understand the importance of the mission of Jesus?
I say; Jesus is the first Adam who brought death and who willingly gave his life to give a souls life to all visible things.
How did he give life by giving his life?
By way of worshipping “him” the body, she (we) gave life.

This coming is the PASSOVER – THE DELIVERY OF IMORTALITY TO HUMAN whereas the first coming was the Passover of death the betrayal, the Passover of guilt to human.
The first coming was the first death and the first resurrection.
The first death is the physical death/the return to dust the loosing of the body and the resurrection is the resurrection of the soul.
The second coming is the death of bad spirits, and the resurrection of the good spirits in you. Those who have a developed soul, namely who had a first resurrection, the second death have no power over you according to Rev 20:5.
It is not necessary to understand everything about this revelation you ONLY have to distinguish.

What are the first things to happen with this coming?
The first thing to happen according to the bible is; to divide the goats from the sheep.
The division will be done by a two edged sword.
The sheep will be at the right hand of God and the goats on his left hand. Math.25: 33.
The sheep are those who now accept the Word as God, namely those who hearken to the VOICE of this prophet.
For them the door will be open to the Holy of Holy room, (see John 10:3) for the sheep HEAR his VOICE, they listen (hearken) to the voice of words and follow the Sheppard’s voice.

The goats are those who will cling to their prophet and follow the “old way” of worshipping a “visible God, an idol, the abomination” with visible ordinances, and keep on transgressing the first four commandments.

I want to say again; we had to follow the beast, that was our mission and it was necessary but the mission has now been accomplished and we now have the opportunity to move on to immortality. Anyone with an well developed soul can surely understand this.
We MUST jump at this opportunity for the next Passover is only after 1000 years and those who don’t use this opportunity will “stay behind” to dwell. God bless those who decide to stay on the “old road”, and I greet ye for we will have no contact in future, for you will serve in “another world” you will dwell in the “mountain”.

When Jesus came he replaced Moses, namely we advanced to a new room and a new priest, called the holy room or called the sanctuary of Jesus. As explained, we washed our clothes in this room, plucked knowledge about the visible and developed our soul with the idea that when THIS Passover comes we will/must understand.
The question is; do you understand?
Nothing can hurt as much as when your loved one “betrays” you.
But believe me he will reward you for your unselfish work.

Being so that Jesus replaced Moses, it makes perfect sense that when we move to the Holy of Holy room the name of the priest change as the bible foretold.
Even Jesus said that the things concerning him come to an end. See Luke.22: 37.
Jesus said; we will receive a new name; the name is logically Jehovah.
Jesus said we will not “see”/understand him until the day that Johannes comes in the name of the Lord.
We will call on the name of the LORD, which will be ONE NAME. Read Sag.12: 10 and 13: 9.

Hebr. 9:8. the Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was yet standing.
It is clear that this speaks about the Holy room as the first tabernacle.
Verse 9. which was a figure for the (that) time then present, in which we offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience.
We can conclude; the one to become perfect is the priest.
Verse 10. which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washing and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
Carnal ordinances are things like; the baptism with water and the Lords supper, to name a few.
The meaning of reformation = a rectification or restoration.
This makes it clear that Elijah first had to come to restore.

This makes it very clear; as long as we use carnal ordinances the way/the door to the Holiest of all cannot open, and you will not enter.
Also it speaks about the time of reformation and therefore it speaks about NOW.
The first “coming” was not a restoration rather a demolition and the idea was not to establish a kingdom.
Church has preached the truth of this all these years.
After all the idea is to enter the Promised Land, namely the third room is the Promised Land where you will receive ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD.

The harvest.

The harvest and the fall of Babylon (Jerusalem) happen at the same time, namely in one hour.
You can also call it the fall of the tower of Babylon/the fall of the tower of confusion/the fall of the “prophesy” of all religions.
We already explained that one hour = 41.666 years and this also = one generation and according to the bible, “everything” will happen in one generation namely the destruction of Jerusalem and the so called rupture and rapture.
You will realize that two generations live at the same time, and the question is; which one of the two will reject the truth?

I now want to explain the sequence of happenings to you for the sake of understanding.
It all started about 1983/84 and the first happenings concerns Johannes, and started with Rev.10.
Rev. 10:1. Johannes saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud (meaning it was a faint appearance, not yet revealed, an awareness of “something” speaking to him) and a rainbow was upon his head (meaning the rainbow symbolize the seven spirits = seven eyes = seven angels =seven horns of God. See Rev. 5:6.) and his face (the Garden in Eden) was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire (this is to symbolize his glory on earth although it was in a cloud/very dim to Johannes.)

Verse 2. he had in his hand a little book open (symbolizing that the sealed book, the bible, will now be unlocked) and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth (this symbolizes his authority over the spirits of the invisible and the visible)
Verse.3. and he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roar and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices (symbolizing that all seven spirits were “crying/dieing” to speak, to reveal, all of them speaking at the same time, which was very, very confusing times for Johannes)never the less;
Verse 4. Johannes wanted to write down what the seven thunders was saying, but Johannes heard a voice from heaven saying unto him; seal up those things, which the seven thunders uttered and write them not.

Verse 5-6. the angel told Johannes; time has run out for heaven and earth.
Verse 7. in the days of the voice of the seventh angel (which Johannes now teach you about, namely the seventh Dome or Spirit) when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be/will be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets (all prophesies has now been fulfilled and Johannes now speaks of new things, and had already revealed the mystery of God to you, but not every one will understand it immediately for Johannes sometimes still speaks in parables or symbols for good reason.

Verse 8. the voice which Johannes heard from heaven, spoke unto him again and said; Go and take the little book which is open (meaning it will be revealed to Johannes as said in Rev. 1:1.) in the hand of the angel which stand upon the sea and upon the earth.
Verse.9-10. Johannes went unto the angel (in the spirit) and said unto the angel; give me the little book, and he said unto Johannes; take it and eat it up and it shall make thou belly bitter (Johannes witness and say; bitter, bitter my God indeed) but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. (Johannes was aware of the greatness of this message) but as soon as Johannes has eaten the book, in his belly it was bitter.

Verse. 11. the angel said unto Johannes; thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations and tongues and kings.
This is what the sinner Johannes intends to do, to the best of his ability.

After Johannes ate the booklet, the seventh seal were opened to Johannes, Rev. 8:1 and there were silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
Half an hour is as you would now know, about twenty years, during which time Johannes had to absorb and consume the booklet in his belly, and that brought us to 2004, when the angel again spoke to Johannes and said; Rev.11:1 rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar and them that (will) worship therein.
By way of this letter, Johannes is doing exactly that, namely dividing goats from sheep to measure those who will or might enter.

Jesus foretold and said; those that you gave me I have kept and only the son of perdition is lost, namely your present body, which you will shed. For some of you the paint at the back of the mirror might disappear now.
All of you will shed your old body but not all of us will “see God”.
Those who see him will be in him and inherit and those who wont “see” him will appear in front of God and dwell.
I tell you, it is easy to enter the Holy of Holy room, all of you CAN ENTER and that is my prayer, my plea to Godmother and father, and for that reason there had to be a first to be woken up.

Johannes doesn’t need your praises, but surely your blessings, as the scriptures foretold and asked you to do.
The first to happen with the harvest is, as said, to divide goats and sheep. It is described in Math.13.
It is not as we have preached over the years that certain people will be raptured and others stay behind in misery, it is simply a lie to say that, for all creatures on earth = the body of Christ and all creatures will shed their bodies and become spiritual beings, even earth and heaven will shed their bodies and become one spiritual being.

The harvest starts off with Rev 14, during the time of the half hour silence. After the half hour silence an angel appeared in the midst of our atmosphere with a new everlasting gospel to preach unto us that dwell on earth, and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. See verse 6.
Verse 7. Saying; fear God and give glory to him for the hour (41.666 years) of his judgment has come.
This is what Johannes has told you in his writings about the new gospel revealed to him.

The harvest happens like this.

Math. 13: 30. --- gather ye together FIRST the tares (not like we have preached – a rapture but rather a rupture) and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into the barn.
The so-called “rapture” happens after the “rupture” of the bad.
Verse.41-43. the Son of man shall (first) send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I want you to please understand these scriptures.
This is nothing to be scared of. The scriptures are written in a mirrored writing, namely the negative of the positive.
This scripture is speaking about spirit that shall be cast into a furnace of fire.
God doesn’t speak to or about objects, for God = spirit, speaking to spirit.

The negative of what we read here is; the bad spirits in the bad or good peoples will burn, not you, not the good things in you.
When you read the next verse 43 you will read the positive of the negative in verse 42.
Verse 43 says; THEN, meaning after these bad spirits in you were cast into a burning fire, THEN you will shine as the sun in the kingdom of Our Father.
The bible is a book of logics as we now again saw namely; it is logic that when the bad has burnt away YOU GOT TO BE AS WHITE AS SNOW.

The scripture continue and say; who has ears to hear what this scripture means let them hear!!!!
Well I have had you to hear what your ears had to hear and not to hear what your eyes see.
This burning away of the bad spirits in you is the second death and the second resurrection – to become immortal.
This death is the death of the bad spirits in you, the spiritual death.
Johannes had a terrible death but accepted this mission on the condition that NOBODY, hear me my God, nobody will experience the same death, for if one has died, all has died, and if one has life, all has life.

Rev. 19:7-8. witness the same as I have told you in Math. Verses 42-43.
Verse 7. let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife (you and me) has made herself ready. (washed her clothes)
Verse 8. (After the washing/the burning of the bad spirits in you, we read the following) and to her (human) was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints (you).
Is this clear to you? For this describes your new body.
In due course Johannes will tell you what to do, so the bad can burn, so the fires can burn as Jesus said!!!!!

This burning or shedding will be a wonderful experience for you, and will not harm you at all.
Rev. 20:6. the second death will have no power over you, will not harm you.
Yes I know; you know “what you have” and what you belief in, and you don’t know what you’ll get.
God left a message for you;
Luke. 5:39. no man having drunk old wine (spirit) straightway desire new (wine) for he says; the old is better.
God knew; these things will be new and strange to you, he has empathy with you, but I plea for your sake; THE PROOF LIES IN THE TASTE OF THE PUDDING.

The next angel to come is described in Rev. 14:8. he says; Babylon is fallen, is fallen, but he would rather say; the Son of man is on the throne, which will implicate the fall of Babylon.
Verse 9. the third angel will say; if any man worship the beast or his image, and receive his (permanent) mark IN his forehead (brain) or IN his hand
Verse 10. he shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.
Until now we have been in a hypothetical death sleep and are not accountable for our deeds, but once you have read this letter you will be accountable if you carry on worshipping the beast.

Let us now see what Rev14: 14-20 tells us about the harvest. It is exactly the same as in Math 13, but described through another eye.
Please read this section for I will just summarize for you.
Again you will see that the harvest happens in one hour same as the fall of Babylon in Rev 18.

We see that the angel gathered the vine of earth and cast it into a great wine press of the wrath of God.
As explained, the vine = spirit of the earth.
The winepress were trodden without the city meaning away from the presence of God, namely on earth.
The blood coming out of the winepress symbolizes the bad spirit, the worthless spirits.
It only describes the bad spirit because in Rev 15 verse 1 we read; Johannes saw another sign in heaven great and wonderful -----
Verse 2. Johannes saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire, and saw those who had victory over the beast, over his image over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass having the harps of God.

What does this mean?
The glass mingled with fire symbolizes; glass as the (clear) spirit of the invisible heaven and fire as the spirit of the visible from earth mingled together as one spirit.
This is the marriage between the two spirits to make one Son, one spirit out of these two spirits.
To have victory over the beast means to understand this writing, for Johannes has calculated the number of the beast for you.
To have victory also means that you have the number of God namely 7.

Further; the message to Johannes is Rev.10:11.
Thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings. (Not only to earth)
It was Johannes who baptized you (Jesus) with the baptism of the Jordan River meaning with the valley of death, and it is Johannes to baptize you with life, the Quickening Spirit = life = immortality to become self-existent.
Johannes is the one with the key to close the bottomless pit and the one to bound the dragon for a thousand years, Rev 20:1-2.

The lamb.

Who is this Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and blessings? Rev 5:12.
You are the slain Lamb; you died, suffered with pain, sickness and death for all creatures in the entire universe.
The Lamb is your physical body called Jesus.
Let us see what the scriptures say about Jesus your body.
Firstly the scripture ask this question; Isaiah 53: 1. who has believed our report (meaning this writing,) and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
Verse 10. it pleased the Lord to bruise him (your body)he has put him to grief; when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed –please read the whole chapter.

Previously the name of the human body was called Adam, symbolizing the two halves namely; Adam and Eve and God called THEIR name Adam. We have explained this before but it is of utmost importance that you understand this; this verse in fact say that any persons name is ADAM, whether you are male or female and it symbolize the two halves namely; heaven and earth, visible and invisible, male and female, husband and wife in the same human body. Therefore your name chanced to Jesus, still with the same images as above and therefore God calls your/their name Jesus.
See Gen 5:2 it says God created the human body MALE AND FEMALE in one body.

These are new things never heard before as the script foretold like;
Isai. 42:9. behold the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.
For instance; Isai.62:2. --- thou (Jerusalem) shall be called with a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. (The new name is Cape Town.)
Isai. 48:6 – 7. Thou have heard, see all this; and will not ye declare it? I have shown thee new things FROM THIS TIME, even hidden things and thou did not know them, they are created NOW and not from the beginning even before the day when thou heard them not; lest thou say, behold I knew them.

What else does the bible say about the Lamb of God namely the human body called Jesus?
Isa.53 Verse 4. he has born our grief’s and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted.
Verse 5. but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed— (by the death of your body you are healed).
Verse. 7. he was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he did not opened his mouth; he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer’s is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
Rom. 8: 36. as it is written, (it is written in Isa.53: 7) for thy sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Previously we preached that Jesus was the lamb, but as you can now clearly understand; that is a lie.
Willingly we died for God in place of God and we did not open our mouth, we did not complain, we accepted it. It is so normal to us; we always speak about when we die, even mocking about it.

Rev. 5:9. thou (you, the human) are worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof, for thou (you) was slain --- read Rev 5.
You might now ask and say; how did I open the sealed book?
As we explained, the universe came into a dead lock and was dying, and did not know how to get out of this dead lock, BECAUSE the universe had no knowledge of the visible who seems to be the enemy. The bible says Husband and Wife had no knowledge namely heaven and earth.

For this reason you came here out of free will, and ONLY BY WAY OF THE HUMAN BODY could we receive knowledge to overcome this disease that was killing the universe.
For this reason the bible say; you are worthy to open the sealed book.
Johannes ONLY loosened the seals so you can understand, but it is you who was slain and you opened the sealed book to unlock checkmate; for ONLY BY WAY OF THE HUMAN BODY could it be done.

Rev. 5:1. Johannes saw in the right hand of him that sit on the throne a book (the bible) written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
This means; it is written in mirrored images, in parables and riddles but by the grace of God Almighty the seven seals has been broken and we can now understand.

The meat in due season.

The coming of the Son of man is on the horizon.
I say; the Son of man will now awake in you, and come out of his grave were you have kept him to be woken up on the third day.
I say; the Son of man will once more make his appearance.
Don’t wait for a so-called Jesus or Mo Hammed because their inheritance to you is a new body, a new universe with a soul and that symbolize their coming and they have to die now for you to inherit.
They wont appear physically, simply because they now make way for the new name of the Holy of Holy room and they have now become obsolete.
THEIR APPPEARANCE IS; a new body as they have promised; a new bag for new wine. Johannes is the one to “supply” the new wine for the new bags, which Jesus and Mo Hammed and others created.
Johannes brings you “the food in due season” at exactly the right moment to supply the new wine (spirit) for the new bag (body).
See Math 24:45- 51.
Logically everything belongs to the one who defeated the beast.
However, there is a warning to Johannes in verses 48-51 although; Johannes has been very, very, very kind to church.
For those who disagree with this statement; you don’t know how much blood sweat and pain it took to be this kind.

Johannes doesn’t want to own, he came to give it to the rightful owners, who paid with their lives and blood, from whore to priest.
Once you recognize the Elijah, you will find him not to be a holy one as some people might think he should be, in fact he is a sinner more than many of you, but the best negotiator would not be a holy one. He is the one who negotiated your entrance into the Holy of Holy room therefore he had to have “knowledge” of sin and it is especially for this reason that he has been chosen, namely the experience of sin and not for his good deeds. Only the sinner can understand and have empathy with sin.
The meaning of Elijah = the God of Jehovah, the self-existent.
Further; to be a representative/negotiator/a voice of God.
Elijah is not to be seen as a “man” rather a spirit in heaven for everybody.

The 1000 years of peace/the rule of Solomon.

We can call the next 1000 years; the third day, the seventh day of rest or the promised land or the rule of Solomon, the one to build the temple (you are the ones to build the temple) for the rule of Jesus was a rule of war and for this reason he could not build the temple. Jesus is the symbol of the son of David who only lived for six days. The future 1000 years will be a rule of great knowledge for Solomon was the most intelligent “man” earth has ever seen according to the bible.
It is a rule of peace of a thousand years where we will learn about the spiritual world. There will be visits from “outer space” to bring knowledge about the spiritual world but it will take us 1000 years to fully develop the spiritual “brain”. They say, we only use about 10% of the capacity of our brain at this given moment.

Our work has not yet been completed on the sixth day.
In the second heaven of Jesus (the Holy room) we laid spiritual channels, by way of glorifying visible objects on earth, like for instance motorcars. These channels or angels will serve us in the next third heaven.
I say; the future vehicles will “run on spiritual fuel” or if you whish, be connected to “signals” as power and cannot crash one into another.
It is in this heaven that we will learn about the spiritual things and although we will still be ”naked” in the beginning, we will not be ashamed of our selves. Gen. 2: 25.
Gen. 1:31. God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good.
I say; shortly now you will see your creation and say; it is very good.
This was at the end of the sixth day that God said this, and we are now at the end of the sixth day.

All angels (hosts) are now created, and all the spiritual channels are now completed. Gen. 2:1.
Gen. 2:2. on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made (during the six days) and he rested.
What does it mean, God has ended his work on the seventh day?
You have created spiritual channels/angels, which you will wake up on the seventh day.
You (God) have now created a soul for the entire universe with all its life forms, for the human is mother of all life, Gen 3:20. She is called mother BECAUSE she gave the universe a new life, she gave spirit, she gave birth to the universe. There might be people who say; this is impossible, human cant be the mother of God or the universe, well then you can take this verse out of your bible for it is a lie to you or you must accept it and try to understand it.
Yet we don’t see it right now and for this reason the second Adam is a Quickening Spirit, the eternal everlasting life. 1 Cort. 15: 45.
Therefore (God) you finish your work, end your work on the seventh day during the next 1000 years whilst you will be immortal.
The seventh day can also be called the third or last day or the third heaven or the Holy of Holy heaven.

On this day you will wake up everything, while on the last days the universe was in a deep sleep, as if in a freeze, but suddenly it will come alive, suddenly, suddenly it will wake out of its sleep so much so that you will be amazed!!!!!!
This heaven or Holiest room is symbolized by your head, from your lips (speech) to the crown of your head.
The lips is the veil between the Holy and the Holiest, and rightfully so because the lips are there to bring forth WORD.
The entrance is therefore by way of word as your God, you will have to confess this.

Let us see what Hebr 9 tells us about this room.
Hebr. 9:3. and after the second veil (your lips) the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all –
Verse 4. which had the golden censer (a Holiest spirit/the Quickening Spirit) and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold (your head/brain) wherein was the golden pot that had manna (the living word) and Aaron’s rod that budded and the tables of the covenant.

Let us explain Aaron’s rod that budded.
Aaron’s rod has changed into a serpent in Egypt, but his serpent swallowed up the serpents of Pharaoh.
What does this mean?
It symbolizes all priests/preachers that has been the prophet of Satan the serpent, but being so – Aaron’s serpent swallowed up the serpent, namely Satan by way of our preaching.

Even so – the rod of Aaron who symbolizes all preachers, THIS ROD BUDDED.
This symbolizes the glory and strength that the preachers now will receive.
The tables of the covenant symbolize the promises of the Promised Land.
Verse.5. and over it (the ark/your head) the cherubim of glory (your ears) shadowing the mercy seat (your lips/mouth) of which we cannot now speak particularly --- Because it was not yet revealed at that stage, but I have now explained that to you during our discussions.

At the end of the 1000 years we will once more loosen Satan out of his prison.
You might ask, for what purpose?
The purpose is that we will once more glorify the visible, to “boost” the visible for a final “boost”, to our glory.
It wont be the same as we did before for everything will be 70% invisible.
Then Jason will finally close the lid forever. See Rev. 20:7. Jason has the meaning of healing.
Also at the end of the 1000 years those who did not accepted this gospel, will be woken up to receive judgment.

One other prophet still to come physically is Daniel; he will deal with the “finances” because money will shortly disappear.
Now Luke. 4:23 is to become fulfilled and you can now say;

The Son of man, Jehovah blesses you.
Johannes Erasmus.

Blessed is my mother Mary the mother of Jehovah, may birth giving be wonderful to you and without pain. John. 19: 26-27.
Thank you Jesus for giving me your mother as my mother and “I” as her son, I love her dearly.


You have learned that you first had to create your new body before the new wine could be poured in, which is the Quickening Spirit.
The current preachers act, as the prophet of the antichrist and are jointly creators of the new body, it was necessary to create the new body.
God = all spirits also the evil spirit.
The law and all prophecies have now come to its end.
You can make up your own mind and decide where you want to be.
If you chose to follow this revelation all sins will be forgiven and if you decides to keep on the old road you will keep on transgressing the first four commandments and you will be woken up after 1000 years.
You now know that your body has to return to dust so sin can disappear.
You can now enter the last room to become “God.”
Your head symbolizes this room.
The second room is the last room for mortals.
It is now the third day in which God promised to wake us.

Next time you will learn about the New Jerusalem and the New Heaven, which symbolize the new creation.
You will learn how it will be in this new heaven called Jehovah and what you can expect.
God wants you to take the things you like with you. If you want to take your Ferrari do so but you might find it to be a bit outdated, more like a donkey cart and it might embarrass you.
Bless you all,

to continue.


Unknown said...

Former Talk Show Host Writes Book
Challenging the Politics of Evangelicals

Redlands, CA - A former Los Angeles-based talk show host has written a book that challenges the evangelical doctrine that attempts to influence the U.S.’s political decisions concerning the state of Israel. Joe Ortiz, the first Mexican American to host and English-language talk show on a commercial radio station, claims evangelicals who support the dispensational, premillennial doctrine have been misinformed by proponents who have misinterpreted the Bible.
Ortiz makes claims in his book, The End Times Passover that careful scrutiny of the Bible proves that the Promised Land is not in the Middle East, the state of Israel is not God’s time piece to Armageddon, that there will be no Pre-Tribulation Rapture, and that God’s true disciples will experience great tribulation.
“Right wing evangelicals who promote the Left Behind doctrine (like Tim LaHaye, John Hagee, Hal Lindsey and others), believe the State of Israel is key to Bible prophecy,” said Ortiz. “The proponents of this erroneous doctrine have unwittingly been pounding their theological hammers on U.S. foreign policy for over a century, only to drive a bigger wedge between Jews and Arabs who want peace in the Middle East.
Ortiz stated his book is not a politically-motivated treatise designed to influence people to choose sides between Palestinians or Jews. He said his is an academic polemic designed for people to recognize their role should be one of peacemakers rather than promoting military solutions to a feud that’s been going on for centuries. He said his research was based on analyzing the etymology of key words in the Bible that prove conclusively that the Left Behind notion promoted by many evangelicals begins to fall apart when examined carefully.
“It took over 20 years of research to provide conclusive answers to the premillennial, dispensational debate,” said Ortiz. The author, whose media experience includes more than 20 years of news reporting and hosting programs on TV and radio, as well as writing for a syndicated publisher in California, claims that “when those preachers and teachers of Bible prophecy read this book, they will soon realize they are promoting a militant and destructive doctrine instead of a genuine gospel of peace.”
EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact: Author House’s Promotional Services Department (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.)Tel: 888-728-8467 Fax: 812-961-3133 Email:

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johan said...

thanks for your contribution i will chech it out.