We have now discussed a lot of things, as well as how we became guilty and how we, (the preachers) became the prophet of the beast that came out of the earth (grave) in fact the preachers “brought” the beast out of earth.
BUT; we were innocently made culprits, for we did not understand, had no knowledge about these things, for we were still “stupid” and were caught as culprits.
I say; the flea has caught us.
I say; we made wrong conclusions.
We were simply sold by Lucifer to become sinners, and to die instead of God.
Rom. 7:14 ---- I am carnal sold under (to) sin.
The devil, human body were carefully created for his duty namely to be a sinner and culprit, for it is sin to worship the visible and therefore we have to die, for death is the penalty for sin.
We have to go unto perdition.
What exactly does it mean to say, we had to go to perdition?
Because the universe has lost her soul, her eternal life, we had to reenergize her, (the visible) for she energizes the Male (heaven).
The plan was to create a disposable body (human) to the image and likeness of God, namely a mini Universe.
This mini universe also symbolize earth, with her husband the atmosphere, and also the human are created to this same image and therefore can be called a mini universe.
Earth is an exact copy of the universe in all respects she is, we will discuss this later.
When Christ came into the world (when he fell) he said; sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body has thou prepared for me Heb. 10:5.
Not only does it speaks about your present body but it also speaks about earth our mother as the body prepared for Christ.
This human body was prepared to worship the visible things and by doing that she gave spirit to all the visible and invisible “things”.
You gave spirit to houses, chairs, motorcars, telephone signals like the wireless telephones, for signals in fact are living angels, living spiritual channels.
Shortly you will see your creation and you will be proud, very proud also you who acted as the prophet of the beast will understand that you have worked for God; you will have to acknowledge that you have served the beast; if you don’t you will not be forgiven and be judged by your deeds as you have preached.
While this human (Adam) were placed into a deep, deep sleep (the Holy Ghost) God took the rib of man and made a women. Gen. 2:22-25.
If you read Gen. 2 and 3 carefully you will see it speaks of two women.
The first women is your present body that were prepared with eyes to take/pluck the fruit of the eye so she could give life (a soul) to the entire universe, namely Eve became mother of all things that have life = mother of all spirit. See Gen. 3:20.
This plucking of the fruit made husband and wife ashamed, afraid. See Gen. 3: 7 – 10.
Your present body is one of the “cattle” (animals) that God brought to Adam and was not found suitable as help for the husband/heaven/Christ. Gen. 2: 19 – 20.
When it speaks of Adam it speaks about you; are you happy with your present body or do you think there is something better?
For this reason Adam (us) were placed into a deep sleep by way of the Holy Ghost to create a suitable help for Christ the husband. See verses 22 – 23. (Christ the husband is your spiritual half.)
This describes the second women or body and when God brings her to Adam (to us, to Christ), Adam (we) called out (will call out) in amazement: THIS IS NOW BONE OF MY BONES AND FLESH OF MY FLESH!!!!!!!
This is the new body that Jesus/Mo Hammed and other prophets have promised to come, and this moment is now about to happen.
When the expectance is there of the return of Mo Hammed or Jesus, the return IS; THE COMING OF THIS NEW BODY because they “are” the body.
The bible says that when this body arrives we will still be naked (without knowledge of the spiritual world) but we will not be ashamed of our selves. See Gen. 2:25.
You can now clearly see and understand these two women described to us.
You must understand these things. The bible say some will “accept” this message “as if they understand” but don’t at all understand; please, please let somebody explain it to you. The bible say there will be many who will understand and lead many other people to the light.
How did God created this new and wonderful and amazing woman while we were asleep?
Glorifying the visible things, especially by glorifying the women Jesus on the cross, created her.
You might now say; what do you mean with the women on the cross, for Jesus was a male? A man?
Sorry, but the flea has caught us!!!!!
The visible body on the cross is female, remember, and she is darkness for she is visible to the naked eye, and all visible things are, female, and darkness. By worshipping her you also made darkness light.
Can I shock you further?
She gave birth while hanging on the cross!!!!!
However, let us first explain how God took the rib of man and created a newly born woman.
The rib of God is the visible part of God, namely all visible objects in the space, but let us use earth as “the visible rib”
The human’s body is of soil called the rib of God namely it’s from the visible, the firm half of God the universe.
By worshipping (Jesus) the visible rib, the woman on the cross, YOU CREATED A NEW BODY, A NEW WOMAN out of the rib of God!!!!! In fact you are the one who gave birth to this new body while you were nailed to the cross. You brought worship and glory to this future body; think of how you raised your hands and voice in church and spoke words of glory so this future body can have great glory and beauty.
Looking through another eye; Jesus gave birth to this new body “while hanging on the cross.”
The woman YOU created is a new body for yourself, but not only for yourself but also a new body for the entire universe.
This body, both yours and the body of the new creation, will be 70% transparent spirit and 30% visible spirit.
Heaven and earth has now become ONE FLESH, ONE SPIRIT.
Remember the aim was that husband and wife must marry and become one flesh and shortly heaven and earth will fuse together to be one living being.
Heaven and earth is husband and wife to marry and also your flesh and spirit is husband and wife to marry and to become one flesh meaning one spirit.
The formula of 70% - 30% is a biblical formula, namely earth has 70% visible water (spirit) and 30% visible matter.
Also while she (Jesus) was hanging on the cross, she gave birth to a man-child.
Rev. 12:1. There appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
Take note, it is a great wonder that appear in heaven.
This is a picture of Jesus on the cross.
Verse 2. And she being with child cried with travailing in birth, and pain to be delivered.
Verse 5. And she brought forth a man- child ----
Compare John 19:30. ---- he said; it is finished and he bowed his head, and gave up the Ghost ---- “he” gave birth.
Luke. 23:46. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said; Father into thy hands I command my spirit and having said that he gave up the Ghost --- meaning, he gave birth to the spirit.
Mark. 15:37-38. Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the Ghost, and the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom.
This means that the veil (the penis) that divided the court from the Holy room was now open to us, the circumcision now becomes obsolete, Moses now became obsolete and we have a new priest called Jesus.
The penis is the symbol of the earthly creator, which now at that moment came to an end for the earthly spirit; imagination is born and will take over in the next holy room as creator.
But this speaks of you!!!!!!!
Just remember; all the things about Jesus are symbols of the truth.
Don’t say I say it did not happen, it did but it is models of the truth.
Let us look through another eye or spirit at the cross.
The picture of a women hanging on a cross, is in fact a picture of you!!
It is a symbol of you, of your suffering, while “hanging” on the cross.
The cross you are “hanging on/ nailed to” is your present body.
You got caught in this body and you cannot escape this body unless you die.
It is you who are nailed to this body of yours (of Christ), who gave birth to the soul while hanging/nailed to your body as the cross.
You gave birth to the new body and to the new creation, which you will soon see very soon you will see!!!!!!
Also you gave birth to the soul, a man-child to rule with an iron rod the scriptures says, and did it not rule with an iron rod indeed it did.
Let us now look through another eye at the cross.
The body on the cross is darkness; it is therefore the devil that needs to die.
The devil said; Luke. 4:6-8. all this power (of the visible creation) will I give thee and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me (it belongs to him, he is God thereof) and to whomsoever I will, I give it, (there is a condition however) if you worship me (only then) all shall be thine. “Jesus” answered and said unto him, get thee behind me Satan.
Well this is now a huge problem as you can understand, because God said; I will not worship you, I cannot worship you.
Logically it cannot become under the supervision of God, for Satan has his condition and will simply not surrender.
His condition is clear; first worship me and then I will surrender. What now?
You can’t ignore him, can you? Because he simply won’t surrender what has been given to him by God. God appointed him to rule and own the visible.
It is simply not true, a lie the way we have preached it all these years. What Satan in fact asks as the negotiator of the dieing spirit/soul of the visible, is in fact a valid request, for he says;
The visible/the energizer of the supreme God is dying, and I ask that she be energized, namely that the spirit/soul of the visible be energized.
He says; give me an eternal spirit and then I will surrender and everything will be thine.
THEREFORE; this is a valid request although God could not worship Satan.
God said; what now? There were meetings, counsels and discussions in heaven.
The situation was checkmate!!!
The whole universe has lost its soul, it was dieing, but how can God worship the creature? The creation? It is simply unthinkable that God could surrender to his creature although this was a wonderful plan!!!! It was absolutely necessary to spiritualize the visible.
I say; it was necessary to make darkness light.
Then out of the past came a spirit forward and said; I will go --- send me my God and I will prevail.
1 Kings. 22:19-22. I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the hosts of heaven (the angels) standing by him on his right hand and on his left, and the Lord said (what now?) who shall persuade Ahab (symbol of the devil) that he might go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead.
He must “fall” for he don’t/wont deliver what’s been given to him.
The meaning of Ramoth Gilead is; a seat of idolatry (namely the way we worship currently because we worship an idol.)
And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner ---
(It was therefore well discussed with various options.)
And there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said – I will persuade him, and the Lord said -- wherewith? He said, I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets (preachers.)
After the spirit explained his plan in detail, the Lord said – go forth and do so!!!!
There were an election in heaven, and we here on earth were the elected ones for this duty in the flesh. One third of the stars (angels) willingly said – we will go --- we will die for this and for those two thirds that stayed behind --- Rev. 12:9,6:13,12:4.
We followed the beast to earth, we became the enemy, and by crucifying ourselves we “killed” the enemy, we killed suffering, pain, sickness and death. The best way to get rid of the enemy is to become the enemy and crucify your self.
But now it is time to go home, our mission is over, we have prevailed.
We are the Christ that fell from heaven to hell, not because we had sinned, we were without sin but were made sin; we were made the culprits to die instead of God.
Rev. 12:11. They (us) overcame him by the blood of the lamb (our own blood, for we are the lamb slaughtered for the sake of God) and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death.
The word of their testimony is; we preached that the body (Jesus) died for all sin and will be raised again unknowingly we spoke about ourselves.
We gave our lives to save God, so God did not have to die (the universe).
But before we could die we had to worship Satan as he requested, to give the universe back her soul.
We had to worship the Satan on the cross; but now he has delivered for he has been defeated and will hand the Kingdom back to the father 1 Cor. 15: 23 - 25.
How did God convince the human to become the slaughtered lamb?
By way of the Lords Supper namely by eating the flesh with its blood.
By way of the Passover.
By way of deceiving the human.
Before I explain this, I want to tell you why the universe has lost her “glow”.
The main reason is because the universe had no knowledge about themselves.
I say this because the bible say in Gen.2 and 3 that the husband (heaven) and his wife (earth), had no knowledge, “they were naked”.
For this reason then our duty includes to obtain knowledge for the entire universe; knowledge about the wife, only about the wife.
Shortly now when the new universe is brought to us, the bible say we will once more be naked, meaning without knowledge of the spiritual world, but we wont be ashamed and we will be without fear. Gen 2:25.
The last Passover was served in John 13.
The word Passover means; an exemption --- a victim — to skip over by hesitation.
The exemption is God – the victim is human.
This Passover was the pass over of guilt from God to the human or for that matter to all creatures on earth.
The Passover is to drink the fury, the wrath of God.
Spirit = water and you drink water therefore you drink spirit.
Jesus is the one to serve this Passover to us it is his mission to put the guilt on the human.
Jerm. 25:28. if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then shall thou say unto them; thus say the Lord of hosts (of the angels); ye shall certainly drink.
Math. 26:27. He took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying; drink ye all of it -----
Math. 20:23. ye shall drink indeed (certainly) of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.
The baptism is death and “the drink” is spirit of the visible and the wrath ofGod.
To understand the parable of this Passover, we have to be able to distinguish between husband and wife, body and spirit.
Judas is the one who represents the body (Eve) and Jesus Christ represents the husband/Word (Adam, God)
Because we now understand that Eve gave her husband to eat we know she is the one who betrayed her husband, and knowing that, we know that Judas betrayed Christ, therefore we know that Judas represents Eve as the traitor.
Judas betrayed the husband when he took the fruit held out to him by the husband (God), he willingly took the fruit and that doesn’t make the husband guilty but after he took the fruit Satan entered into him.
This parable has in fact many ways of explaining it, to mention one; it is actually “God”/Jesus who betrays us, who pass over the guilt to us.
We are actually dealing with one human being here, namely Jesus Christ, representing Male and Female or Christ and Judas in one body, but to make a clear distinction between Male and Female or light and darkness, this parable therefore have two people, namely Judas and Jesus Christ, but in fact it is only one person Jesus.
Hopefully I explain it to you in a manner that you can understand it, but some parables are very well hidden and are difficult to explain, although the spirit understands it, it is difficult for the human mind.
However, the following verses explain what I am trying to tell you.
John. 13:18. ---- I know whom I have chosen, but that the scripture may be fulfilled, he that eat bread with me, has lifted up his heel against me.
Who is the one that eat bread with him?
It is the female, the body, therefore he declares that the body is the traitor = Eve = Judas = the body of Jesus himself.
I say; another name for your body is Judas and you now know that Judas = Eve your body. The bible use different names for the same thing to “confuse” us.
You might now ask; why would God want to confuse us?
Well it is more a question of, to guard the tree of life until we received enough knowledge to decipher and understand the parables for then we will be ready for the next heaven.
In verse 19 Jesus says exactly what I am explaining to you.
He say; I tell you before it come to pass (when the betrayal comes to pass), ye may believe that I AM HE.
He says; I am he, the traitor – namely Judas.
I am Judas/Lucifer the one who betrays you.
Christ’s own body (Jesus) betrayed him.
BUT; through another eye, you are his body who betrayed him, you are Judas.
Math. 27:5. Judas departed and went and hanged himself (he went onto the cross).
John 13:26. Jesus answered, he it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it in and when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot (held it out to him) the son of Simon, meaning the son of obedience. Judas is the obedient one. You are!
The meaning of sop is; a bribe.
Therefore you can read this verse as follow; Jesus answered, he it is to whom I shall give the BRIBE.
Jesus gave him the bribe and said (verse27) that thou doest, do quickly.
Verse 28; now no man at the table knew for what intend Jesus spoke this unto him. verse29; for some of them thought because Judas had the bag (of money) that Jesus had said unto him; buy those things… or give something to the poor.
I leave it up to you for time being, but Judas ran straight to the chief priest with the bag of money and said; how much will you give me? Math.26:14-16.
Joh. 13 Verse 27 and after the sop Satan entered into him (Judas).
You can now clearly recognize THE SPIRIT OF THE SOP, namely it is the spirit of Satan.
The sop is also the symbol of the fruit of the eye.
Further, the sop is the symbol of the Lords supper logically for Jesus was serving the Supper.
I say; the spirit of the Lords Supper = the spirit of Satan and you cant disagree, can you? Do you disagree? If you do, is it because you feel ashamed? Do you feel betrayed, sold? The bible says you were sold.
Jesus said; all of you will feel offended because of me.
Who is the one who sold you?
The real betrayal or sop (bribe) is described to us in 1 Cor. 11 verses 23 – 28 --- Jesus took bread, (the sop) and blessed (dipped it) it and brake it and gave it to the disciples and said; take eat, this is my body, and he took the cup and gave thanks, and give it to them saying; DRINK YE ALL OF IT. For this is my blood. Also see Jer. 25: 27 – 28.
Is this perhaps your justification that the beast/bul gave you to drink his blood?
In Math 20:23, Jesus says; drink my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.
Let us now analyze these verses.
Drink my blood = drink my soul. (the soul is in the blood but the law forbid
the drinking of blood.)
= the soul of Satan.
= Satan entered into “Judas”.
= Satan entered into you when you took the sop/the supper/ the fruit of the eye.
Be baptized with my baptism = the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the awful
= the spirit of the Holy sleep.
= the deep sleep.
= death
We cannot deny these things, but the bible say, many people will not understand, and the bible also ask the question, who will believe?
What will you, the one who don’t understand this revelation now do, reject it because you don’t understand? The bible says the wise will become fools.
Can you understand the necessity of all these things?
For those who does understand, please help those who don’t (wont to) understand for all of us are cells of one united body called Jesus; if I am sick, you are sick for we belongs to the same body.
The whore, the cannibal, the murderer, the priest all belongs to the same body. Each one of us received the same sop/bribe, but a different lot.
The priest did not choose to be a priest, he says; God has called me, same with the whore – the murderer, it was his lot – the lot that was drawn for him or does God only call preachers?
I say; must all of us be preachers?
Can you please answer the questions above.
The son of perdition.
We discussed the fact that the present body is a temporary body, and we all hope to receive a new body, indeed it is waiting and ready for you now as you read here thanks to all of yours contributions.
But we all now understand that we in fact worshipped Satan, whereas we thought the contrary to be true and this revelation is a huge shock because we now understand that we indeed are the antichrist and we have the No 666, the number of the imagination spirit, the number on our forehead, and we have the sign on our right hand.
The right hand is the symbol of your word, namely your confession of your God, who he is to you.
We have preached people to hell, to a burning fire, but those who have preached that, now find themselves in the midst of the fire of hell, because it is an unchangeable law ----- send someone to hell and you have judged yourself to hell.
We have preached the devil to the burning fires of hell --- together with his prophets, now we find we have spoken about ourselves.
But there is good news!!!
Who is the one to burn in the fires of hell?
It is the son of perdition.
Who is the son of perdition?
It is your disposable body that burns day by day in this fire of hell.
How does it burn in the fire of hell?
By dying, by getting old, your cells “burns” away every moment and eventually you die and the body goes back, “burns” to ashes – to decay – to perdition. Whether you want to know it or not, YOU ARE IN HELL RIGHT NOW AND YOU ARE THE ANTI CHRIST AND YOU BARE THE NO 666 and you are the son of perdition currently burning in hell.
The fall was to hell; the rise is from hell to heaven, but “many” wont rise and stay behind in hell. I don’t mention who!!
The name of your body is called Jesus, the one who give his life so you can live forever!!!!!! I say; your body dies for your sins as the antichrist has preached all these years although they did not know what they were preaching.
He is the one who beguiled/betrayed you and for this reason he is the one to “burn”, to go to perdition his name is devil/Lucifer. Willingly he went to perdition.
I say; willingly he died to save you. He is your Messiah.
He is the one to live only for one day namely the sixth day. At the end of the sixth day he will disappear forever!!!!
He dies instead of you!!!!! We have preached exactly this all these years without understanding what we preached for the darkness of the cross blinded us.
He is the son of perdition, he bears the No 666 and he have to burn in the fires of hell, perish and disappear forever. See Rom. 6: 6.
John. 17:12. while I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name (the name is Jesus or Mo Hammed) those that thou gavest me I have kept, AND NONE OF THEM IS LOST, BUT(EXCEPT) THE SON OF PERDITION, that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
This must be clear to everyone!!!! You must understand this.
Is it clear to you?
Do you understand what this means?
It means; ONLY your body dies, burns to dust, stay in hell.
It means; NONE OF US ARE LOST, not the whore, the thief, the cannibal, the murderer or the priest who took on this road, who kept us on this road.
Ironically, some people wont accept this truth; logically they will receive what they believe!!!!!! Does they believe in a burning hell?
Some people just won’t accept that everybody will be saved for they want people to “roast” in hell; they will expose themselves shortly.
In general, church is a prophet of doom.
In any case, Johannes is not here to speak to them who don’t want to understand, they belong to the forecourt of the new tabernacle and someone else will preach to them. Rev 11: 1-2.
Johannes is here to “measure” THOSE who will accept and therefore enter the Most Holy.
The first Adam.
You have now learned that you have a disposable body, and that you will shed this body by way of death or in an instant some time in the future.
The shedding of the body is described in the bible as the Armageddon where millions of people will shed their bodies in a final moment of 0. 2333 sec.
Not only will you shed your body, but also the universe will shed its body, and receive a new birth. For many years the church has preached fear about the Armageddon.
We can call the shedding of the old body the shedding of the placenta that will burn away because WE ARE STILL IN THE WOMB OF EARTH OUR MOTHER OR IN THE WOMB OF OUR PRESENT BODY.
This final shedding of the placenta will happen when the Big Bang sweeps over us, when day seven and day one touch each other and the universe will fuse together as one body.
The first Adam symbolizes the earthly human, you and me, and Jesus is a model, same image of Adam described in Gen.
Adam as described in Gen is not a person but rather earth, and in particular the heaven of earth, formed before life even started on earth but to be transformed by human.
“Adam” can also be called the atmosphere of earth.
As I said before there are seven eyes to describe for instance Adam. Therefore we will in this explanation look at Adam as a person.
Rom. 5:14. Adam who is the figure (a model) of him to come (namely Jesus Christ).
It says; Jesus is a model of the fallen Adam.
This then also indicates that we can explain Jesus Christ as heaven and earth, but we will also use Jesus as a person in this explanation.
Jesus came to give us knowledge so we could understand how Adam the universe lost his immortality.
Jesus did not come to bring immortality except for the soul; on the contrary he came to fall/to die.
I say; he came to loose/lost the present body.
That was his exclusive mission, and our mission. By way of one man Jesus, death came to us.
Further to show us that through death we receive life. He came to explain to us how and why we have to die. To demolish the old universe was our mission.
He said; follow me; he brought the spirit of death, but also the spirit of the soul, to complete the soul and you created the new body by way of worshipping him.
It is now time to put a new spirit in the new body.
Jesus is just another name for the human body and what we by imagination saw about him was to demonstrate to us, what is happening to us. With all respect to the one you worship; when did he had the suffering of cancer, of a car accident, or a tsunami, or the suffering of aids, BUT YOU DID, DIDN’T YOU?
Jesus said; he came to bring fire to earth and confusion. Fire is the spirit of the soul, namely the Holy Ghost. It is a spirit of deep sleep or death as the word Ghost clearly explains, for Ghost is the spirit of the dead, a specter.
The first Adam was created:
1) to fall, as Jesus demonstrated, and to suffer.
2) To create a new universe and a new body for God (us) namely for the second Adam to come, as well as a soul for the universe. God = the universe.
Jesus (Us) is the first Adam, from earthly components namely; our flesh is soil, our spirit is fire, an earthly spirit. Further; Jesus the body (flesh) did not descend from heaven, Christ the Word did.
It is simply not true, a lie to say Jesus = Christ, it is like saying the speaker is the music.
Some religions preach Jesus as if he came down from heaven. This is simply impossible if his flesh was from soil, for there is no soil in heaven, soil is from the Mother God of the universe. The Holy Ghost did not produce the flesh; CERTENLY THE FLESH PRODUCED THE HOLY GHOST.
I say; Mary did not get impregnated by the Holy Ghost and then produced a fleshly body called Jesus SHE GAVE BIRTH TO THE HOLY GHOST/THE SOUL.
I say; those who preach that the Holy Ghost produced a visible body preach a lie. Only the blind will pass the bucket and say; God can do anything. However the question is not “can” but how?
Mary is also just another name for the human body, which became impregnated with the soul. Mary is you and I. Math. 1:18. Mary was found with CHILD of the Holy Ghost.
This verse says; Mary had the Holy Ghost as child in her womb, still an unborn child at that stage.
Therefore; she did not give birth to a human body, but she gave birth to the soul, namely a spirit called Holy Ghost A CHILD OF HUMAN, a spiritual child. You are this Mary the bible speaks of.
I say; Mary (you) gave birth to a child called Holy Ghost the soul.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that she gave birth to a human body, although the bible describes it as if it is a child of flesh, it is only once more a parable that we have to decipher.
This then also makes it quite clear that we can call the soul: Jesus, as we have explained the name of the second (holy) room to be indeed called Jesus or soul.
The flesh gave birth to the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost gave birth to a new spiritual body. Therefore it is Mary on the cross, the mother of Jesus the soul!!! She gave birth while “hanging” on the cross.
These things are parables and cannot only be seen literally.
Correctly the bible says; the literal kills you, meaning the visible is a killer, as you by now know and understand, and is the reason why we did not understand and why we die.
Jesus came on the sixth day and the second Adam CAN ONLY COME ON THE SEVENTH DAY!!!!!
Jesus took the fruit of the eye (his body did) and by way of that Christ became sin to us; it is an enemy, he became our enemy/sin because we worshipped him.
All humans are born on the sixth day = the first Adam, and all humans took the fruit of the eye, and for that reason we all die on the same day and also we disappear on the same day.
Gen. 2 and 3 are speaking about you, not about an ancient “someone else”.
Gen 2:17 in the day that thou eat thereof thou shall surely die!!!!!
If you would differ and say; Adam was someone who lived six thousand years ago and it was him who ate the fruit and because of that he died, then I put this question to you; why did he then lived another 800 years, why did he not die the same day when he ate the fruit as the bible says? Or is this verse a lie? If you cant answer this then you’ll have to agree that we are still on the sixth day. Of cause you have to agree even if it is very difficult for you to be proved wrong. Best thing to do is; surrender because all you will lose is your old weary body, is that not a good deal?
We are still on the sixth day and that is the reason we die.
Jesus (we) died on this day because we eat the fruit of the eye; there is no other reason.
1 Cor. 15:47. the first man(Jesus/Adam) is of the earth, earthly.(soil).
Verse 49 (as) we have born the image of the earthly---
Therefore, nobody (you) can (t) deny this, that Jesus was of the earth, an earthly image of the/a first Adam. Do you deny this?
Only the blind will preach and say; Jesus was a second Adam.
This explains the first death and the first resurrection, namely the resurrection of the soul.
John. 11:26. whosoever live (have a soul) and belief in me SHALL NEVER DIE. The verse then asks; DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
What does this verse say? It says; all of us now have a developed soul, in other words we live, and if you now belief YOU WILL NEVER DIE EVER AGAIN.
There might be those who don’t accept this offer simply because; this is not the way HE believed it to be, God bless what you believe but, what is it that you believe?
When you answer these questions you don’t answer me, you answer God for God knows your answer even before you answer for your spirit/mind is IN God.
With the first Adam we worshipped the visible like; a Mo Hammed, a Jesus, Buddha, Mecca, Jerusalem, a cross etc. with visible ordinances, to create the non-visible, which is now on the horizon.
Jesus clearly demonstrated that the blood of your present body pays for all your sins and “washes away the sin”.
There is NO OTHER PERSON COMING except Johannes who is here to open your seventh dome.
Jesus/Mo Hammed and other prophets opened your sixth dome, the dome of the soul – the imagination.
To develop the imagination we had to pluck a new fruit of “sight and hearing”.
No one of us saw Jesus, we only imagined him to be, and therefore he is an Idol of the imagination, which is forbidden by the Ten Commandments.
Ex 20:4. thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any LIKENESS of anything that is in heaven above ----
The meaning of likeness is; to portion or fashion (out) as a shape or a phantom, a similitude. I don’t have to explain this do I?
It is not good enough to say; but he was the Son of God; in the same respect, you are a Son of God. To worship a human and preach him to be God has become unthinkable for an intelligent mind for there has to be something better and more exalted and this has to stop now.
Therefore, we glorified an imaginary God/idol.
We had to eat and drink the soul, of a symbolized perfect person, to become like Him.
Not only did we create the soul around a Jesus or Mo Hammed or Buddha and others, but by way of many other visible idols such as;
Rock stars. Scientists Sport stars
Political “stars” War – fear! Television.
Movies Sickness. Pain.
Alcohol. Drugs. Murder.
And many “others”.
These symbolic meals, brought great knowledge about the physical world, where we “knew” Eve our wife (our body/earth/stars, namely all the visible objects)
By “knowing/investigating” the female we developed ourselves, including also good and terrible objects, some of them can wipe out all life on the planet earth.
However, Jesus brought us this Passover meal, the meal of death.
Jesus did not take this meal; he gave it to us, passed it “over”.
I say; Jesus did not eat the bread, nor did he take the last cup, he said; YOU SHALL all drink this cup and eat my flesh, and not die.
However, we all die because we took the bread and cup, the bribe, as God said we should/must/shall.
The message.
The real message of Jesus was; Eat this meal, drink this cup, it is the meal of the deep sleep, the meal of the Ghost Spirit, the meal of the soul, it is the meal of a symbolic death sleep of 2000 years in a symbolic grave, the grave is your own body.
In future I will clear the paint on the back of the mirror, for now you are still sometimes looking in a mirror.
After Christ wake up in you, he will then wake you up as promised, on the third day you will be woken up, as is now the case with this writing. The third day starts now and this letter intends to wake you up OR TO LET YOU HAVE AN ETERNAL SLEEP. I speak about spirits.
Evolving the soul is to gain knowledge and wisdom and emotions and imaginations. Emotion in fact = life.
The message is simply; crucify yourself and be saved for the Holy of Holy room. I say; crucify your old body, get rid of it.
The message of the latter prophets are the same and is described in Luke 5:36-39.
He spoke a parable unto them. No man put a piece of a new garment upon an old, if otherwise then both the new make a rent and the piece that was taken out of the new agree not with the old.
And no man put new wine into old bottles, else the new wine will burst the bottles and be spilled and the bottles shall perish.
But new wine must be put into new bottles and both are preserved.
No man also having drunk old wine straightway desire new, for he say the old is better.
Firstly then; God has empathy with us, that the things Johannes reveals to you now will be new and strange wine to you, for we were brought up with the old way of worshipping.
Secondly, what we can learn from this parable is;
First develop your soul, (the old bottle) for your body must be renewed, and then you can receive the eternal (new wine) spirit.
You cannot put new “potent” spirit in an old unprepared body, for it is not able to retain the new spirit and the body can “burst” and both body and spirit are spilled, lost.
Believe me, if the body is not ready your body WILL”BURST”.
I have experienced that therefore I can tell you that.
To develop the soul we have received an instruction to follow.
The instruction is; John 3:14 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.
At this stage I have not yet explained to you who the Son of man is.
You might think you know who he is, but I tell you, you don’t know him. I will discuss this separately.
What does it mean when it say; lift up the Son of man like Satan (serpent = Satan). Satan is the representative spirit of each and every visible thing including your body.
Previously the visible had no spirit, it was dead, lifeless.
For this reason it says; (lift up) worship the Son of man in a visible manner or as an idol, like Moses did and that is exactly what we did. We made the Son of man flesh (visible) and worshipped him in that manner. We preached a visible man as God, and we glorified a wooden cross.
The visible = darkness as you will remember. Therefore we worshipped darkness, for we worshipped the cross and the crucified body on the cross.
You are the cross, therefore you gave/made the cross light. Isn’t that wonderful?
Therefore this verse says; worship the visible to make darkness light.
I say; worship the visible to give darkness spirit.
I say; worship the visible to give darkness/the visible life.
That was exactly what Satan asked; Worship me and then I will surrender.
Why was this necessary?
It was necessary because the visible, the wife of God was dying and needed a new soul/spirit.
To give something spirit is; that darkness also becomes light, and the only way to give spirit is by worship.
This has now been accomplished and we must stop to worship the way we did NOW, for if we proceed with the way we worship, we might end up with another Big Bang.
We needed wisdom to calculate the number of the beast. Once we have calculated the number we know who the one is that guard the tree of life. This calculation has now come on the precise, correct instant. This really tells us that we are our own enemy and that our eyes guard the tree of life. Also; that our eyes has blinded us for we could only worship what the eyes feed the brain because we could not see/imagine the invisible.
If someone has defeated this beast he will be the one to show us the way to the everlasting tree of life, logically so.
By grace this has been done and therefore I can say; it can be done, for it has been done!!!!!!!
I say; time is “ripe” --- you can see now?
I am sure you can now begin to understand the intelligence of the creator of these things, for it has been worked out to the second.
As I said before, the idea was to sanctify the soul and not only the soul but to sanctify God. Why was it necessary to sanctify God?
It was necessary, because God became evil, because the generator (earth the wife of God) gave God evil spirit “as food”.
Earth represents the soul of God and the soul became evil.
Horeb is the image of God and God said; Ex 19:23 --- set bounds about the mount and sanctify it (sanctify the mountain – God.)
How did we sanctify the “mountain”?
By way of becoming the slaughtered “carcass”, filled and saturated with sin, and by perishing this body – sin has perished, sickness and death has perished --- as if burned to ashes and returned to dust and disappeared!!!
Church has preached this all these years, we believed it and that is how it was accomplished.
The soul was created on the sixth day, while the whole universe went into a deep sleep, a Ghost sleep.
The sixth day has not yet come to its end, although we are only 40 human years away from that wonderful and one and only happening, when the whole universe will suddenly awake with all its life.
I say; the end of days has come.
I say; the end of time has come.
I say; the beginning of timelessness/eternity has come.
I say; I will never see death or experience a physical death ever.
I say; the beginning of the last day has begun.
We had to pluck the fruit of knowledge, for knowledge brought us to know it is also a fruit of death.
Knowledge brought us to the understanding that we can change it into a fruit of life.
Knowledge brought me to the understanding that I have a choice between life and death.
Knowledge tells me, speaks to me, and says; conclusions determine who I am.
By way of one man, Jesus the first Adam, death came to us.
You might say; that is a lie – but why are you dying, and do you believe you were baptized with death, the same baptism as “Jesus” and who baptized you with that baptism and do you believe the Holy Ghost is this baptism of death?
By way of one man we will receive life; do you believe that and if you do, who would this man be?
Rom. 1:27. The bible is clear about it that sodomy is the result of the fact that we could not distinguish between creature and creator.
You should now understand that we worshipped the creature as explained; the Jesus we worship is the creature, the visible, the darkness, and the female whom we worshipped as a male.
We worshipped the creature to give her life/spirit.
Let us now see what the bible say why we have sodomy.
Rom. 1:22-28. --- Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and CHANGED the glory of the incorruptible God (word) into an IMAGE made like to corruptible man (creature). ---- Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie, and WORSHIPPED and serve THE CREATURE more than the creator, who is blessed forever ----
FOR THIS CAUSE God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one towards another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things, which are not convenient.
This clearly states that “Church” who brought us to worship the creature is “father” of sodomy, while they don’t accept “their own child”.
You might say; I am a preacher and I did not take part in sodomy; it might be true but you preached sodomy by not distinguishing the body!!!!
In the past the western countries were the birthplace of rock stars. You might wonder why? It is because in the western countries church was more likely to worship the creature (Jesus). For this reason then church is also the father of rock stars and again, they don’t welcome their children in their midst although church has now have their own rock bands and stars because church follows their “children”.
The Lords supper.
We cannot enter into the Holy of Holy room while we still use the Lords supper as ordain in church. The Lords supper is the symbol, the proof, and the witness, that we eat the fruit of the eye and drink the forbidden blood of Satan.
The fruit of the eye in this case is an imaginary person (Lord) Jesus, and we eat and drink his visible flesh and blood.
1Cor 11:23-31. I have received of the Lord that which also I deliver to you. That the Lord Jesus, the same night (at the Passover, the betrayal; the same night is the time we use the Lords supper.) in which he was betrayed, took bread (the visible flesh) and when he had given thanks, he brake it and said; take eat (eat the fruit of the eye) this is my (visible) body, which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped saying; this cup is the New Testament in my blood (the new room, the Holy room). This do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
We can conclude from this that the betrayal is the duration of 2000 years the time of the night.
I say; you who take the sop/bribe/the Lords supper are the ones who betray him.
For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, YE DO SHOW THE LORDS DEATH till he come.
This verse says; as long as you use the Lords supper --- the Lord will be/stay/dead/will not come alive. Is this what your priest has told you?
The meaning of lord = your body and therefore this verse says --- as long as you use the Lords supper, you will die and God will “die”.
I say; only now when you stop using the Lords supper He will/can wake up in you.
Only now with the revelation of the antichrist he can wake up for the use of the Lords supper withholds him.
Verse 27. wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
Because you use the Lords supper, you are guilty, for you crucify, kill him, and this is exactly the reason why Christ fell namely because you eat the visible.
You might say; I did not use it unworthily, yes you did because you drink blood.
Verse 29. for he that eat and drink unworthy, eat and drink damnation to himself, NOT DESCERNING THE LORDS BODY.
What does this mean?
It says; as long as you can’t distinguish the body, namely between, darkness and light, male and female, body and Christ, you are damned to die.
Verse30. FOR THIS CAUSE, many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep (died).
This is very clear, BECAUSE WE CAN’T DISTINGUISH; THERE IS SICKNESS AND DEATH as well as sodomy.
BUT, now you can distinguish and you can understand and you can be healed.
I say; you must now stop the use of the Lords supper, because you can distinguish, and because you can distinguish, you can now enter the Holy of Holy room, called the eternal room where you wont ever die again.
We can’t deny; we knew all the way that the Lords supper was only a symbol of the true bread and wine. Can you deny this?
The new name of this room, or for that matter the name of the new priest is JEHOVAH, as Jesus foretold that you would receive a new name written on your forehead.
This prophet comes to you in the name of JEHOVAH, as the bible foretold that someone would come in the name of the Lord, he now introduce this name to you.
This prophet is not Jehovah, he comes in the name of Jehovah, he introduces this name to you, same as Jesus who came in the name of the father, but he was not the father.
As Jesus “passed over death”, this prophet brings the Passover of eternal life as Jesus promised he would do.
Also it is the Passover of knowledge, intelligence, understanding and wisdom, even so, this prophet is only a Lucifer.
As Jesus was the Son of David, the root of David, this prophet is the son of David the Branch.
As Jesus laid the cornerstone of the temple, your body’s soul, this prophet comes to complete the building/temple, your body’s eternal spirit.
As Jesus was the Son of David and the Son of the mother Bath- Sheba, and the son who died at the beginning of the seventh day because he was a “whore child” and who only lived until the sixth day.
This Jehovah is the Son of David, the Son of Bath- Sheba (meaning daughter of oath), namely Solomon who builds the temple.
The meaning of Solomon = peaceful, safe, well, happy, welfare, healthy, prosperity, prosper and rest.
Jesus could not build the temple because his “hands is full of blood” he caused too much war and pain, confusion and fire.
This Son will reign 1000 years of peace.
At the end of Solomon’s reign, he has sinned, and for this “reason” Satan will again be loosened at the end of 1000 years. Rev. 20:7.
This is another discussion, which we need not to discuss now.
Wake up.
Holy, Holy is God the spirit,
Tell me Lord what will it be
In the New Jerusalem?
Will you still feed me?
With the spirit of a tree? (Oxygen)
With the energy of fire? (Meat)
And quench my thirst with water?
Tell me Lord------
For my thirst for understanding
Transcends my thirst for life
For life is understanding
Whisper in my ear O Lord
Let your spirit quicken up my breath
I want to wake you up
Wake up my God and rule!!!!!!!!
Am I a premature birth my LORD?
Or did you open up the dome of life?
Wake up my God
It is the day of awakening
Be filled with joy be glad my LORD
With love
Your beloved
Tomorrow everything will change
All the tears and all the pain
Will be gone forever
When will tomorrow be my Lord?
Die kleinkaroo.
Hoe kosbaar is die grond,
N’ stroompie water in die Kleinkaroo,
Op die oewer van Brandrivier,
Is my ma en pa se kos geplant
Half verdroog
Net af en toe n’ bietjie water
As die berg dit wil gee
Ons eet bokvleis
Vetgevoer op kruiebossies,
Van die natuur
En in die liefde van my ma en pa
As hul mekaar omvou
Dan gee elkeen net n’ saadjie
Van hul liefde as hulle mekaar aangryp
En dan is ek daar!
Ek word gebore uit dorre grond
Kruiebossies en bietjie water
Uit die Kleinkaroo
Wat n’ voorreg om die lewe te ontvang
Dit is gratis!
Sê groete aan die Kleinkaroo
Sê haar ek het haar lief
Sy is my ma
En sy is tog so mooi, ek het haar innig lief
Ek is gevorm uit haar stof.
You now understand that human = the devil created to worship the visible in order to make darkness light and to change the image of the universe.
While you were in this body you gave birth to a new body and universe.
The coming of Jesus was the Passover of guilt and death to the human.
The Lords supper is the visible witness that we worship Satan.
Jesus was a first Adam and human was created to live for only one day.
We first had to develop a new body to receive the new spirit.
To dismantle the old and to create the new body was the mission of Jesus and for this reason he is the one man who brought death to create something better. You had to die to receive the better.
It is now the end of the sixth day, the end of the human body who acted as the son of perdition.
It is the blood of your own body who willingly gave his life and washes you to become holy.
It is the end of the name Jesus Christ and the eternal heaven has now opened for those who want to accept this message.
You now know who the antichrist is, and you know the plan of grace.
You also know the reign of Solomon who builds the temple of God.
You have learned that the resurrection happens in three phases namely;
1) The resurrection of the senses.
2) The resurrection of the soul, the creation of the new body.
3) The resurrection of the Quickening Spirit to become God and never die.
The tabernacle of Moses was “flat on the soil” whilst the temple of Solomon has three stories. We will discuss this in the future.
to continue.
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