Tuesday, January 9, 2007




In this discussion we discuss the children of Cain and his wife. Up to now nobody could tell whom the wife of Cain was.
Eve his mother was his wife for Eve said; I have gotten a man/husband with the help of the Lord.
Cain is not a human as you might have thought; he is a spiritual husband for earth and for Eve. The children of Cain are different animals born before human came on the scene.

The first animals were bisexual beings and they brought forward “only sons” and it was only much later that first female being were born out of Cain’s generation and it seems to be a chimpanzee out of which the human evolved.

It is only in Genesis that we read that sons and daughters were born.
The Adam mentioned in Genesis 4 is not the same Adam as in Genesis 5 and this is the reason why we could not understand the bible, and this is the reason why Cain is not mentioned in the generations of Adam in Genesis 5.

Before the current creation the previous creation was not fertile and could not bear children. By way of the Big Bang the universe became fertile.
We also reveal the tree of knowledge in the garden in Eden, which no one could declare up to now.


The Wife of Cain

This discussion is a very complex one and it might be that not everyone understands it, but hopefully enough to proceed. At the end I will try to give a simple explanation.
In the beginning God “was male & female” in one united body. Gen 1:27

Hypothetically this is true, for only at the end of the 6th day, with the start of the 7th day, will this be fully accomplished. Also for humans it will be true to be male and female to its full extend in one body, only then because your two halves has not yet fused together.
What we “see” as the beginning, is in fact the end. We have switched time around. (According to Dan 7: 25, we explain this later on). The first and the last day mentioned in the bible is the same day.
In the present universe everything is round, in circles, like the earth and all the planets, same as their firmaments or heavens (I will choose to call these firmaments Domes). This is the perfect shape for the present universe.

The beginning and the end can never be separated.
This is logic. If you take a round object, and make a dot on it to suggest the beginning, that same dot also suggests the end. Every “end” has a “beginning” and every beginning has an end, which is exactly at the same moment.

Earth has different atmospheres and each one of them is divided by a Dome (firmament, for instance; the earth has a troposphere, a stratosphere, a mesosphere and an ionosphere etc. and a dome divides each one). We can also call these different atmospheres different heavens. Currently we are in the second heaven. Jesus/Mohamed and the other prophets brought us into the second heaven. This is also discussed later on.

When you read this chapter, it is advisable to first read chapter 1 & 2, where we explain the Creation of the universe and the image of God and therefore the image of yourself, otherwise you will find difficulty in understanding this revelation.

Throughout the centuries, humans were unable to answer certain “questions” like:
· If God is our father, who is our Godly mother? The church has completely ignored this question or rather, ignored our Godly mother, because of a lack of knowledge and understanding. Logically we did not understand it and therefore we have ignored it, because we never understood the Image of God. I have never heard a preacher preaching about our Godly mother.
If we don’t have a mother, we are a lie, because everything must have a mother and a father, it is just logic.

You now understand the image of God namely: God = Father and Mother.
God has seven different Images; same as seven Likenesses and each of them differ from each other because they have different meanings.
Image = the female/the touchable and likeness = the male/the spirit.
The reason why God has seven different images is; God has seven eyes, which can describe anything from seven different angels.
You will learn all about these different images, if you read the complete manuscript that is divided in different chapters and must be followed in sequence to fully understand the revelation.
Logically you have the same image, because God said; let us create human/Adam to OUR image.

Lets mention a couple of these images:
God/you = Father and Mother
God/you = Heaven and Earth (your father and mother)
God/you = Your Spirit and your Flesh

God/you = Husband and Wife
God/you = Male and Female
God/you = The Invisible and the Visible
God/you = the untouchable and touchable 44
Your flesh has logically the same contents (atoms) as of your Mothers, and your breath logically has the same (atoms) contents as heaven your Father.
Heaven have seven atoms (when completed) and earth have three of these atoms.

Once I told a pastor that Earth is our Godly mother. He was shocked and said: Do you want to tell me that earth is God? I did not answer him; because there’s no point in arguing with someone who can’t see, even worse; if he doesn’t want to see. This manuscript is intended to open your eyes and it will do just that so you could in the future understand the creation and your purpose here on earth.
I find the “church” unwilling to change, to listen and hardened; if you don’t agree with them they simply “cut you off”. They blindly believe what they believe and logically they will get what they believe. The things revealed in this revelation have always been there for each and everyone if they would have shown interest to study the bible; you can decide for yourself……..
I am anti lies not anti church….

· Another unanswered question is; how did God create woman out of the rib of man. The question is not did he, for we believed and preached that unconditionally, but how?
Unfortunately church can’t answer this.

At some stage belief has to come to an end, for everything has a beginning and an end. Belief is; to call something that you don’t see or understand.
But; the moment you see or understand what you were calling by way of belief, that is the moment where belief ends, and knowledge takes over, for it will be “stupid” to ask for something you already received.
All created things happened by way of a prescribed method.
Therefore: The woman was created by way of a prescribed method. For you now understand that also the Woman (mother) has 7 different images or likenesses. If you compare the following:

God = Father and Mother
God = Heaven and Earth (your father and mother)
or the atmosphere of heaven, and earth
God = Your Spirit and your Flesh

God = Husband and Wife
God = Male and Female
God = The Invisible and the Visible
God = the untouchable and touchable

Woman or mother could therefore be; earth or/and any visible objects in the sky, on earth or your own flesh. Anything you can see, touch or feel = woman. Furthermore everything you can see, touch or feel = darkness.

· Then there is the well-discussed subject; who was Cain’s wife?
Up to this moment, when you now read here, nobody could answer this question; neither could the church, to the amusement of “others” and the shame of church, they simply ignore the subject.
Some people, Bible revealers try to explain this mystery, but all to avail and without full understanding.
However, never could the church answer this. For instance, the following happened during a trial in Tennessee in 1925. During the historical Scopes trial, a prosecutor with the name of William Jennings Bryan, who stood for Christian faith, could not answer this question about Cain’s wife, posed by the atheist lawyer Clarence Arrow. World press focused on the event, and what they heard has affected Christianity to this day. Christians are unable to defend the biblical record. And skeptics then make the logically fallacious jump, of concluding that the biblical record is indefensible.

The agnostic Carl Sagan used this same question in his book CONTACT (which was on the New York Times best seller list), and the movie Contact, which is based on Sagan’s book, also used the very same question.
In the book, the fictional character, Ellie, could not get answers about Cain’s wife, and other questions, from a minister’s wife, who was the leader of a church discussion group.
Sagan cleverly used common questions – such as “who was Cain’s wife?” – questions that are often directed at Christians in an attempt to prove the bible cannot be defended.
Sadly most Christians probably could not answer these questions!
Well this is exactly what we will now discuss, namely the wife of Cain.

Can I shock you before I start to explain? Eve his mother, was his wife.
When Eve gave birth to Cain, she said: I have gotten a man from the Lord (with the help of the Lord) Gen 4:2
She did not say: I have gotten a child!!!
Neither is Cain mentioned in the book of Generations of Adam/human, 44 although Cain is “supposedly” the child of Adam Gen 5.
The answer is; the Adam in Genesis 4 is not the same Adam as in Genesis 5.
You’ve got to remember; Adam = the meaning of human and not gender. 44

The Father and Mother of The Present Universe

Because we know so little, and understand so little of the spiritual world, I will try and explain it in a manner where our human brain/mind will have an understanding, but it is a rather complex subject/matter to explain and to understand, for this is a complete new vision for the human eye.
More than one pastor told me; you can’t spiritualize the bible for then you can prove anything; I find that fantastic!!!! However, I could not prove myself to be a dog but admittedly a Lucifer.

However, as we learn more about the spiritual world (heaven) we will have more understanding about Atoms, which “holds up” the entire universe.
Atoms in fact are living spirit, and are “three” dimensional living and moving “objects” the way we understand them. We have not yet discovered atoms to its full extend; 7 are the ultimate discovery of atoms, and soon we will discover it.
I say; atoms are in fact seven dimensional living spirit.

However it appears that each and every cell in the entire universe is imbued or impregnated with: all life, all knowledge, and all information and substance that the entire universe consists of.

Each and every moment you inhale Air/ Atoms/ Spirit. Whatever you know, your knowledge and understanding, is not kept in a fleshy brain in your scull, but outside your body, “in close range” for you to make use of. Your brain is merely a “computer” to elaborate the data you “feed into the computer”, by way of your “inhaling of information”, by questioning things or asking questions or by sight, or hearing, or touch, smell and taste. This should be quite logic to you.

How did these cells get impregnated with this knowledge? What is this impregnation?
You now know that everything that you know and do not know of started with the so-called Big Bang.
You might now say: Now you support evolution. Yes and no!!!
Evolution is as far as I understand, a process of natural birth to produce diversity, according to those who only believe in evolution and don’t support the idea of a God who created everything. The description of evolution and the word the bible use namely to its kind has exactly the same meaning namely TO PRODUCE DIVERSITY.
I support the latter and don’t support the idea that life started by way of coincidence.
But there is a process “to manufacture” and this particular process of manufacturing the universe is a slow process, the reason being: the end result must be flawless, superb!!!
You must remember: the previous universe was not perfect and we demolished the previous universe, to recreate it, to give it a rebirth.
See John 2: 19 It’s a demolition, and a rise of a new universe (Body of Christ).
You might now say, He was talking about His body. Yes, He was, but the body of Christ is each and every visible object, including the visible half of the universe.
You should now understand this, by way of the image of God namely: the two halves of God, visible and invisible where the invisible half = the spirit/ male, and the visible half = the body / female. Same as your own body exists out of spirit (the one half) and flesh (the other half)
Maybe you could recognize this better from Acts 3: 21 where we speak about the restitution of all things.
Also this verse suggests that the name Jesus Christ will then, at that moment disappear and will therefore be replaced by a new name as Jesus had foretold.
More about this in another chapter.

Abram and Sara.

Creation was manufactured by way of three phases according to the scriptures.
The creation starts off by way of a conversation between the Father and the Mother of the present creation. They said: let US make man/human to OUR image. 44
The meaning of the word man used here is; a specie of human OR A SOUL.
This is the first phase: The conversation is symbolized by the conversation between Abram (High Father) and Sara (meaning Sovereign Queen) who was not fertile, she could not bare children in her state, at that stage of the present “form” of the universe.
I say; Abram and Sara symbolize the creation/God namely heaven and earth of the previous universe.
Gen 16:2 Sara said unto Abram; Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing.

Let us now look through the eye of another spirit (for God has seven different eyes/spirits) and see it through this eye as follows.
We will call heaven Abram and we will call earth Sara.
Abram (heaven) and Sara (earth) had this conversation.
Heaven and earth (Abram and Sara) were one body, not separate as we see the universe in its present state.
The first universe, before the Big Bang was not visible to the naked eye.
Why you might ask?
Because the particles out of which the present universe consists, were previously “like water”. Like water, with a high content of different atoms/particles/minerals in it, but still acted like water, like for instance adding salt or cake flour into water, but not that much that it becomes a solid content.
I say; there were no gathering of firm material; the firm matters started to increase/multiply and collect only later on and was “sucked into a vacuity”, as we have learn in a previous discussion.
These different particles were in other words, floating in space/heaven. (Hopefully all this is explained in a manner that you can understand this thoroughly but it should be clear to a scientist.)
These particles or atoms were in harmony, but not in a manner to bear, or to multiply, in other words they were infertile.
I say; God was infertile.
The father had the living atoms/sperm but the mother was infertile.
For this reason then Father Heaven and Mother Earth (still floating as particles, without any form, and void, and infertile to bear, see Gen 1: 2) had a conversation: The Mother said: I am restrained from bearing, I cannot reproduce in my present state/form.
By way of the explanation of Eden (in chapter 2) you would understand that Eden and man energized each other, kept each other alive, generated each other.

I say: Heaven (God) energized itself eternally meaning; Heaven and the floating particles (the mother without any form) energized each other, but there were no children, for God was infertile in “that form” and had to “change” in order to become fertile.

(God) They said: Let US make man (man and Eden) in OUR image after OUR likeness.
They decided: Abrams name will be Abraham, and Sara would be called Sarah.
Why? The H in the names has the symbolic meaning of spirit. They became two different “objects” with two different spirits; the idea was to create spirit and diversity.

Therefore: our “mother” came up with a plan and said: I pray thee, go in unto my maid, it may be that I may obtain children by her. The maid symbolizes earth as mother and maid.
The change of name brought a change of meaning.
High Father now changed to the meaning of father of many/multitudes.
Sovereign Queen now changed to Sarah, which has the meaning of queen or princess or mistress!!! Mistress should fit the situation better.
Earths heaven and soil will produce a multitude of creatures, so heaven became father of a multitude.
The meaning of multitude is to be father of different creatures.

The maid of whom our Mother speaks, is the present earth, for she would act as maid/servant, as a grave yard (we discuss this in another section)

To accomplish this the Big Bang happened, and out of this earth with her heavens was formed and became fertile as a result of the Big Bang.
In anyway, the universe, heaven with the floating particles became more and more dense enhance, fossilized, it lost its glow, its energy, and it was dying, God was dying!!!
The female half of the universe lost her spirit; she did not have the living atoms anymore.
It became a heap of nothingness, a ruin, void, without form, until the two separate atoms “touched” each other and exploded – there was light
Gen 1: 3. (Light = to set alight; Hebrew.)

It was the biggest “atom explosion” ever.
However, you can clearly understand it was a planned action, a mutual conversation and agreement between husband and wife.
We can now understand how the women in this first phase were created out of the rib of man, meaning out of the visible contents that were floating in the previous heaven.
I say; the visible contents of the universe are called the rib of God.
Likewise; your body are created out of the rib/the visible part of God.
We will discuss the next phase of the rib of man later.
After this explosion different atoms “melted” together/impregnated each
other, to form different planets, stars, suns, heavens. This explosion impregnated all universal cells with knowledge, life etc. although different life and cells but the knowledge came from one cell that has “multiplied into a multitude of diversity.”

This explosion impregnated the infertile mother eggs to trigger off the start of life.
I say; the female of the universe or rather her slave received the living atom by way of this explosion.
Husband God “became the sun” and wife God became the earth. Husband (sun) in the east, the garden of earth. Husband was called Light and Wife (earth) was called darkness Gen 1:5.

The sun is Light and the Earth is darkness, and the sperm of the sun “impregnated” the egg of earth, although the sun is merely a symbol of the husband, and symbolize light but as the bible explained before the sun was there to rule and to have power.

I say: the heat of the sun impregnated the atoms of earth with heat, and she could produce/bare children. She became alive, received life; the lifeless half of the universe namely the firm matters, rock so to speak received life/spirit.
What a marvelous achievement!!!!!!! Think about this for a wile, rock received life/came alive as God said he would do.

The first children were grass which atoms changed to form a multitude of specific species to its kind.
These atoms “changed” into moving creatures, that “changed” into living creatures, that “changed” into breathing creatures.
When I say, “changed” I mean created into, because it is the “spirit” (God) that brings change.

Adam and Eve.

In this discussion we call earth with its heavens Adam.
Therefore we look through another eye, because Adam in Gen. 4 doesn’t speak about a human but about earth as man/husband and wife. This is the reason why Cain is not mentioned in the generations of Adam the human in Gen 5, because Cain is also not a human.

Let us now call the atmosphere, heaven or man and the earth, Eve or Eden, the two halves of God/ the universe or the two halves of Adam.
Man/heaven was firstly created and Eve/wife/earth was created secondly for the particles of the unborn earth were previously floating in space. We all know this don’t we, for the Bible tells us so.
Man (heaven) “knew” Eve (earth) his wife gen. 4:1. This “knowing” was a result of the Big Bang, where man impregnated his wife with the living sperm.
I say: the Big Bang was the insertion of the sperm of man (heaven) into the egg of Eve (earth).
I say; The Big Bang was the insertion of the positive atoms into the negative atoms.
The word “knew” is not described as a sexual act like we might have understood, although the Big Bang symbolizes the sexual encounter (knew) that happened between Heaven and Earth.
Knew in the first place = to receive knowledge/to get to know the female.

Husband and wife were without knowledge. They were both naked, meaning, without knowledge. Gen 3: 10
For this reason a tree of knowledge was planted in the garden in Eden, with the idea to pluck the fruit of knowledge, although the plucking of this fruit brought death and is the reason why we die.
I say; to receive knowledge about the female, the human were invented to pluck knowledge about the visible half of God.

Knew furthermore = to know by: seeing, observation, recognition, discover, to learn, to prognosticate, to understand, have understanding and many more. Therefore you can clearly understand it’s got nothing to do with sex as such and would therefore be a lie to say that Adam and Eve had sex the way we know sex and then gave birth to Cain a human being.
What is this birth then?
Rather we can say; earth became impregnated with knowledge and bear; creatures, motorcars, television, Internet and many other things.
I say; heaven/spirit impregnated earth with knowledge.
I say; spirit impregnated us with knowledge because spirit has all knowledge.

This then is the reason why it was necessary for the Big Bang to create a temporary universe the maid: to get knowledge by way of the tree of knowledge to see, to observe, to recognize, to discover, to learn, to understand and to prognosticate, to make alterations if necessary, because we (the universe) were naked “with knowledge”.

The first impregnation between Man and Eve (the previous universe,) was to create or bare a child, to observe, to see, to discover and to receive knowledge of each other, for husband had no knowledge of his wife and the wife had no knowledge of her husband, they were naked concerning knowledge about each other.

This child is in the first place the earth and its atmosphere or heaven as well as all planets and stars that formed after the Big Bang, this is the first phase of creation.
I say; the “sexual” encounter” = the Big Bang between the male and female. Atoms gave birth to earth and her atmosphere and earth is therefore the child of the previous universe who had no children before the Big Bang because they were infertile.
Let us now call the earth Man and Eve, which acts as one unit/body, with heaven as husband and earth as the wife.

They were in total harmony, husband and his pregnant wife.
Plants started to grow, the impregnated atoms of earth produced; grass, herb, fruit trees, moving creatures, living creatures, and breathing creatures in the sea.
Now there is spirit for there are breathing creatures and breath = spirit, breath of life.
Before we carry on to explain who Cain is, we must explain the tree in the middle of the garden in Eden.

The Tree of Knowledge.

The second phase of creation is where we have living/breathing creatures and the two halves of the universe are now symbolized in these creatures. They also have the same image as the universe, namely a spirit/breath as the one half, and the visible body as the other half.
The idea is to finally create the human specie that can pluck knowledge for the entire universe.
You now know and understand what this garden in Eden is. As we explained, Eden is not a garden itself, but a garden was planted in Eden in the east of Eden.
There were “trees” that came up out of the “soil” in the garden, symbolizing your five senses.
These senses/trees are: the sense of feeling (touch), the sense of smell, the sense of taste, the sense of hearing and the sense of sight. These senses act as your husband, called man. We can also call the senses the soul.
(As you know by now, we can explain any happening from seven (7) different corners, and the following explanation is described through another eye of God, where Adam = your husband/spirit/breath, and Eve = your body, the female/flesh.

This husband/senses, are spirits to protect, to advance, to bring knowledge to you, and to keep you alive, and the body on her turn should keep the spirit alive in an eternal cycle, same as the universe that kept itself alive, where earth generated heaven and heaven generated earth, the same will be in future.

What is this tree of knowledge in the midst of the garden that God forbid us to eat from?
The tree of knowledge is your eyes.
If you measure your face from your chin, to the top of your head, you will find that your eyes are situated exactly in the middle of your face (the garden in Eden)

Therefore the tree in the midst of the garden is your eye, the tree of knowledge. Gen.2: 17.

I am sure that everybody will agree that all knowledge enters through the windows of your eyes. Also death enters through the same window. See Jerm 9: 21.
Therefore; the bible says you will die if you eat of the tree of sight.
We will explain later what the tree of life is.

Let us now see what the bible says about this tree.
Gen 3: 6 when the woman SAW that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired, to make one WISE/GIVE KNOWLEDGE, she took the fruit…
It can’t be clearer than this – do you agree? - Do you understand?
For the first time in the existence of the creation God now reveals this mystery of the tree of knowledge although it is actually very simple to understand. Church has never had the slightest clue what this tree is and ignored it like all the other things they don’t understand.

Verse 6 continued … she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her (the spirit in her) and he did eat.
You can now understand that the husband has no choice as to eat what his wife gives him to eat it is logic.

The tree = the eye and the tree bears the fruit.

I say: The fruit of the tree is in your eyes sight
Your eyes bears the fruit that you eat
Your eyes bears the fruit of death
Your eyes bears the fruit of knowledge
Further: The fruit of the eye is pleasant
Gen. 3:6 The fruit of the eye makes you wise
The fruit of the eye is good for food
The fruit of the eye brings death
The fruit of the eye brings desire
The fruit of the eye brings knowledge
If you had no eyes you would not die. IT IS BECAUSE you have eyes that you die.
You might now say; this is nonsense because why would God want to kill me?
Read further and you will understand.

The same day you eat the fruit of the eye, that same day you will die. Gen 2: 17
This “same day” is the sixth day, the day in which the human lives.
All humans were born on the sixth day and will die on the sixth day, disappear, never to return or appear again.
Why? Because you will receive a new body as promised by Jesus/ Mohamed and other prophets, and human would have gained enough knowledge about the visible for the universe, for husband and wife.
Human gained knowledge ONLY of the visible on the sixth day; we will gain knowledge of the spiritual (heaven) on the seventh day.

The human body as we know it, is a temporary body designed only to last for one day, and that day is the sixth day. Also at the end of the sixth day, the whole of the universe will change in the blink of an eye, in 0,233 seconds.

How did the Man eat for the bible says; she took the fruit and eat and also gave to her husband with her and he did eat. 44
Husband = your spirit as you now understand.
By way of the eye that plucked the fruit, Man/heaven and Eve/earth received knowledge, eat the knowledge.
To make it easy I will explain it as human, I will say that man/husband = your brain, and when the eyes of the human body opened, to see, to desire, to have pleasure: this awareness went straight to the brain, and Man (the brain) had no choice as to “eat”, to receive this new spirit. Both the husband and wife’s eyes were opened (Gen. 3:7) meaning they received knowledge, got “clothed with knowledge.” The eyes are directly connected to the brain, and the brain can’t deny the food the eyes feed it with; in other words the husband eat what the female give him to eat.
The Hebrew meaning of opened is: to become aware. Therefore this is a new spirit that had birth at that moment when “human” became aware.
Previously “humans” had no awareness, no desire, and no spirit of awareness. But this “opening” of the eyes, was the food of wisdom and awareness, also for the entire universe. Only after human became flesh and the eyes were opened desire/fear could take place; logically. 44

The birth of this new spirit is the birth of Cain, the evil one.
Cain was born out of this “sexual act” of Adam and Eve his body.
When it says in Gen. 4:1; Adam knew Eve it says; human knew its body, for Eve is the body.
This sexual act = the eating of the fruit of the eye. Cain was born out of this spirit of desire. I would therefore say: Cain is this spirit of desire and Cain is the “opening of the eyes”. Therefore Cain is a spiritual being. The other name for Cain is Satan. This is the birth of Satan, a new spiritual husband for Eve the human body whom she received with the help of the Lord. She said; I received a husband. Do you deny this?
Therefore the Lord God drove out man the original husband when Eve married her spiritual first born and replaced him with Cain. 44
Logically, looking through another eye Cain also became the spiritual husband of earth. (Eve)
I say; Cain is the spirit of the first creatures that were born on earth; by way of Adam (heaven) and Eve’s (earth’s) sexual act namely; heaven impregnated earth to bear the first creatures, vicious creatures, blood thirsty creatures.
Cain is therefore not a human being but a spirit in heaven same as “man” the original husband, or a spirit in the brain as a new husband, cherubim who replaced the original “man”.
A new husband? .
Yes, because after “this sexual act”, Man the previous husband, was driven out of the garden (your brain). See Gen 3:24. The meaning of “driven out” = a divorce between husband and wife.
I say; earth divorced her husband and “married” her son Cain.
See Isaiah. 50: 1.
I say; Cain is the spirit born out of the sexual act between heaven and earth and now acts as husband of earth. He is a spirit in heaven.
You can also say, Cain is the spiritual child born out of the sexual act between Adam/man and Eve the body, the creatures on earth, or between body and soul where Eve gave man to eat of the fruit of the eye and Cain were born.

How was Man driven out of Eden?
By way of this new spirit, for this evil spirit dominated and ”drove out“ the spirit of harmony to become husband.
What happened then you might ask?
Cain the child of heaven and earth became the husband of Eve/earth. Adam and his body Eve could only give birth after they ate the fruit of the eye. I say: after they ate the fruit, they became spiritually fertile and gave birth to a new spirit, Satan (Cain).

For clarity I want to summarize because I was speaking through more than one eye at the same time.
1) We can say all the creatures on earth that came forth out of the sea are called Eve as the body of these creatures. At that stage there were no human yet.
These creature’s eyes were “developing to see clearly” and they became aware of the visible and the body feeds the spiritual husband in the brain with what the eye see. Therefore when sight developed, a new spiritual husband was born for these creatures in their brain.
The opening of the eyes brought a vicious spirit, as you would understand.
2) We can also call the visible earth Eve and say; these creatures spirits ascend into heaven and feeds heaven the spiritual husband of earth or the brain of earth with this spirit of the eye.
Heaven then became violent.

Eve said: I have gotten a man, a NEW husband from God, with the help of the Lord. Therefore earth said; I have gotten a man, a spiritual husband called Cain.
These spirits made heaven and earth evil see Gen. 6: 11-12.
This is the symbol of Ishmael, the child of Abraham with Hagar the slave. It describes the same happening but through another eye.

Gen 3: 2-4 Adam/man was driven out of the garden in Eden (or you can say; driven out of heaven) and God placed/replaced at the east of the garden in Eden cherubim. Cain took the place of Adam/man as husband. Cain was now king of the garden (brain/heaven). Cain, the spirit of the eye of all visible creatures.
The Meaning of Cain is: to erect & create – to procure – recover – redeem - to own – attain – buy – teach – provoke – jealousy - posses and out of evil.
The meaning of Adam is: to show blood in the face (the souls blood)
The meaning of Eve is: a living place – life giver
The meaning of Eden is: (similar to Eve, because it symbolize the same) Delightful-paradise (for man/spirit) – adornment.

Therefore Gen 4: 17 Cain this new spirit, knew his wife (Eden/Eve/Earth/his Mother) and she (Eve) conceived and gave birth to Enoch.

Let us now look through another eye.
Gen 4: 16 Cain went out of the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on/in the east of Eden. He took the place of Adam as husband in the garden in Eden, namely in your brain or “in Nod”.
Clearly you can now understand that Cain is not a human, but a spiritual being or a spiritual husband of either the earth or of the creatures on earth.

The meaning of Nod: Vagrancy, exile, flee, disappear, bemoan, be sorry.
This describes the mission of humans, after the plucking of the fruit, which enabled Cain to become husband.
I say; exile, to flee, to be sorry or to be ashamed and to be fearful describes the mentality of the brain after the plucking of the fruit.
Important is the fact that the spirit Cain was born only after the see creatures came ashore.
Let us now look at the descendants of Cain after he impregnated his mother, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch.
You must remember that in the previous discussion, Eve = Earth and Cain is now the spirit in heaven or in the brain of the creatures on earth.

The meaning of Enoch is a diversion of a mortal being.
After the birth of Enoch, his father Cain built a city with this same name, which means the earthly creatures became mortal/ die.
The meaning of City in this respect (Hebrew) = opening the eyes, to wake (be aware, get wise) to lift up, a guard, a watch, an angel, wakefulness, bearing a burden.
This describes the cherubim in the garden. The “city” is in your brain; the seed of death/mortality and burden and fear is now in the brain.
The angel = Satan or the cherubim to guard the tree of life – to keep you away from eternal life and to let you die. You might now find people who will deny this; logically it is those who see themselves as holy and probably think their deeds will save them while the bible says it is by grace. In any case nobody can accept the truth if he don’t want to understand it. God bless them for sometimes the truth might sound like an attack.
The city was in the east of Eden your face and the description of the place of the city is your forehead, in the front part of your brain.
This creature Enoch was the first step, the first creature “to manufacture” the modern, intelligent human specie as of today, developed over millions of years.

This spiritual husband Cain, “sitting in your forehead”, the front of your brain, placed you in a deep sleep (Gen 2: 21) and is the first step to breathe the breath of life into your nostrils, to become a living soul Gen 2: 7, for you are Adam/Man and Eve in one body, called human, soul or Adam. Adam (we) could only go into this deep sleep after the plucking of the fruit of knowledge. We will explain more during our discussions.

Enoch, this mortal creature, could only make sounds of; sigh, groaning, and mourning. This sound is described as the sound of a lizard. The word Enoch is described as a male person, a single being. He was bisexual, hermaphroditic, an amphibious being.
He impregnated “ himself “ and Irad was born.

The first life were all bisexual creatures and most of them multiplied by way of eggs. They were also dumb, meaning they had no hearing and no sound. Hearing and sound were developed only after the sea creatures started to come on dry land. It is logic because the creatures in the sea did not had a need for these two senses.

The meaning of Irad is deviations of words like: a fugitive, to sequester it self, a wild ass, a naked creature, (he had no hair.)
Irad impregnated himself and begat Mehujael. But it would be clearer to say Irad “evolved” into Mehujael or as the bible say, to the kind of Mehujael.
The meaning of Mehujael is deviations of words like: smitten of God, to stroke or rub, to erase, to smooth as if with oil, to touch, to blot out, to reach out, utterly (supposedly a speech of mimics). Also to have lots of marrow (a nervous system developed)
It’s clear that this was an ape like creature.
This is the reason why “humans” were fruit and herb bearing seedeaters before (Gen; 1: 29) and only later they became meat eaters when they evolved further.
Further the meaning of Mehujael implicates: they, this, those, them, these.
This animal started to reason, be aware of things and its surroundings.

Mehujael impregnated itself and begat Methusael.
The meaning of Methusael is deviations of words like: a missile of attack, dart or spear, an adult of full length, a man, to extend, long, to stretch out, spread out, grow longer and a biter.
He started to walk upright, he is a “ biter with teeth “; he uses his teeth to eat, probably meat or he uses it as a weapon.

Methusael impregnated itself and begat Lamech.
The meaning of Lamech is: teacher or hearer, to receive mentality (intellect), fair speech. Also: what, how, why etc. and to question.
This animal started to reason – ask questions and to have fair speech at that stage. Lamech took him two wives. Adah and Zillah. For the first time there will now be a sexual act between two different animals or bodies.
Zillah means: to shade – defense – bowing – tumble down – setting by a waving motion – hovering over, vibration – to rattle together as ears with shame – teeth in chattering with fear.
This clearly describes a chimpanzee.
Out of this “cross breeding” or cross-fertilization, Zillah bare Tubalcain.
Tubalcain means: to manufacture copper and iron articles – to produce, fruit – increase – flow – carry – lead – to bring.
This animal now started to manufacture and produce. And started carrying things etc.

Zillah also bare Naamah. And for the first time we see the word bare and not begat. There is a difference in meaning. Also for the first time a complete woman is born, she is feminine.
The word begat has the meaning of; to be a midwife. Probably a “midwife” to evolve to the next stage or kind.
The meaning of Naamah is: to be pleasant (different from the male) be agreeable (to the male) to be sweet.

Lamech’s next wife Ada is an improvement of Naamah.
Adah means: testimony – recorder – alter – remove – take pass – advance – passion – to remove ornaments - a witness – a menstrual flux.
This is a new era. This is a “woman” with a menstrual flux – she starts to repeat sound (recorder) – alter sound - do things – make ornaments – she becomes a witness (remembers things)
Now the two atoms of life are split into male and female bodies separately as we know it today and live children are born namely male beings and female beings. Previously only “sons” were born. See Gen. 5.

They started to communicate, hear voices and using different words. In other words started to have speech or a language.
Because Lamech says: Hear my voice, hearken to my speech.
We can also conclude that hearing started to develop.

Adah then bares Jabal and Jubal.
Jabal is the father, founder of tents, cattle.
They started to group like a family, gather together.
Jubal is the founder of musical instruments. Like the harp and organ and they began to communicate with each other (groups)

Then about 560 000 years ago, “Adam” again knew his wife Gen 4: 25. This wife is “Adah”
She bore a son, and called his name Seth. And said: GOD has appointed me another seed in the place of Abel.
Abel means: the breath, a breathing spirit, to be incomplete.
Abel is the emotions – the empathy – love. These emotions have not yet been developed/was incomplete or have only been poorly developed and were oppressed by this vicious spirit of the eye (Cain). Therefore Cain has “slain” Abel, oppressed his brother spirit.

The conversation between Cain and Abel mentioned in Gen 4: 8 are revealed by the conversation that “Jesus Christ” had with Satan in Luk 4: 1 – 13
Cain the spirit of the eye (the spirit of the visible) asked Abel (Christ) to worship him. Abel (“Jesus Christ”) refused him and was “crucified/slain on Calvary.”

Gen 5: 3 Adam begat a son to his own likeness and after his image, and called his name Seth.
Now the bible speaks about Adam the human and for this reason only now the generations of Adam begins with Seth and sons and daughters are born.

Let us now summarize: for the first time the word God is mentioned. The seed is word/speech.
Why? Because God = word/speech = Christ
Until now all of creation of animals, beasts, up to Adah were created by the Lord = Satan’s Spirit or spirit of the visible/earth. Satan is one of the seven spirits of God.
Satan’s creation determines shape and form, also that of your present body in the mirror. Christ is born; Seth symbolizes Christ Jesus.
Speech is now common.
Adam has now created Seth to his image and likeness, namely a complete superb “human” body, almost as we know it today. To the image and likeness of Father and Mother God as they said before. You can now understand how long it took.
The meaning of Seth is: beyond five – six – to be bright – cheerful – glad - rejoice – make mirth.
Humans now has a sixth sense namely a spirit of imagination, though very poorly developed, it is more just awareness.
The Cherubim at the East of Eden, namely in the front part of your brain is a spirit of imagination or spirit of idols.
I say: the meaning of Cherubim is: a spirit of imagination or a spirit of idols in the front of your brain.
Now “humans” is almost completely Adam, just like God.

Now that you know your ancestors; love them, embrace them!!! Set them free!!!

Seth begat Enos.
The meaning of Enos is: mortal person, a male person, also; I, me, us, we, ourselves, initiated, discipline, dedicated.
“Humans” now has an identity.
Gen 4: 26 They call on the name of the Lord.
The name of the Lord is Ek or I or identity.

Enos begat Cainan.
The meaning of Cainan is: fixed – nestling, a chamber or dwelling, nest, room, to erect, build or occupy as a nest – make a nest.
God/Christ/the word/speech has found a dwelling place in human also; Humans start to build “houses” and occupy houses, dwellings, and rooms.

Cainan begat Mahalaleel.
Mahalaleel means: praise of God, to wed, to have clear sound and clear color, marriage, these, those, this.
“Humans” has now advanced exceedingly. They have clear speech, a language, they can now distinguish between colors, they marry and they start to write.

Mahalaleel begat Jared.
The meaning of Jared is: Cause to come down, a descend/a cure.
This is “Israel in Egypt” - their suffering caused “God to come down” to bring a cure.

Jared begat Enoch.
Enoch means: a mortal, to bring discipline, congregation.
Moses is born to lead us, to Exodus us to Horeb, to bring discipline and to bring a cure.

Enoch begat Methuselah.
Methuselah means: these, those, to demonstrate, mighty, chief.
This is the times of the kings, like Saul, David, Solomon, and others.
Methuselah is the symbol of Elijah who did not die but went up in heaven. See Gen 5: 24 and II Kings 2: 11

You might now say: you are wrong; it was Enoch who was taken up in heaven.
No: Methuselah is the spirit that Enoch (Moses) “created” (gave birth to) that went up in heaven. We are dealing with spiritual “visions”

Methuselah begat Lamech.
The meaning of Lamech is: to question – what – how – why – when.
Intelligence, knowledge now surpasses the things they believe in, they need new knowledge, because they ask questions. For this reason Noah is born.

Lamech begat Noah.
The meaning of Noah is: rest, settle down, comfort, sleep and drowsiness, (the spirit of the Ghost.)
Noah is a symbol of Jesus who brought the spirit of the Ghost.
“Human” has now advanced to “imagination.”

We discuss the first Coming and the Holy Ghost in another chapter and answer questions like: Who is Jesus Christ? What is the deep sleep?

Two questions remain though. Namely:
Who are the Mother and Father of God? If “God” doesn’t have a father and mother, we simply live in a lie, for everything and everyone, must have a father and a mother.
You will learn all about this in our discussions.
The other question is how did God create Eve out of the rib of Adam, did he really took a rib (bone), and if he did, the question is how did God changed a bone into a living human?


You should now understand that Adam and Eve as stated in Genesis, the father and mother of Cain, are in fact heaven and earth and not two human beings. This is the first phase of creation and represents one eye of God.
You can now understand that Cain represents a spirit that was born on earth. We can say he is a spirit in heaven, created by the breath of violent creatures on earth and also he is the spirit in the “brain” of these creatures. For this reason he is not mentioned in the generations of Adam the human.

Please note; I don’t say there weren’t an Adam and Eve as you were told but that is looking through another eye at another time, but I do say; Adam is the name of any human whether male or female for the bible say so.

Therefore; it is the earth (the female) that fed her husband the heaven with the forbidden fruit of the tree namely the spirit of the eye.
You might ask the question; how did earth feed her husband with the forbidden fruit?
Earth gave birth to daughters meaning, different “animal bodies” and their spirit fed heaven with a violent spirit, which turned heaven to be violent.
The spirit of earth is called Satan or Cain or evil or the Son of earth and is the husband for Eve born out of Eve. This is the reason Eve said; I have given birth to my own husband with the help of the LORD.
You can now deny that the wife of Cain Eve his mother is and say as I have heard another conversation namely; O, but it could have been any other wife because at that stage there has been many other “people”.
Well all right, but that is not what is stated in the bible, the bible states; Eve gave birth to her husband. Why would you want to find an excuse for what is stated in the bible? Read what is written in the bible or don’t you believe the bible?
You also now know that the human were created to live for only one day namely the sixth day and this represents the second phase of creation.
You have also learned that earth is our Godly mother in the first phases of creation, and how this spirit in heaven (Cain) influenced the life on earth, after the vicious creatures had advanced on earth.
You have also learned that the human an- sisters are animals.

In our next discussion, chapter 4 (The First Intercourse), we discuss the image of God and yourself. You will learn to understand yourself. You will learn how Moses started to discipline the first man-beasts that came out of the sea and how they received knowledge/intelligence.
You will learn more about the symbols of the Bible so you can understand the symbolism of the Bible.
You will also learn the meaning of the tabernacle that Moses erected on the instruction of God.

The Son of man blesses you.


1 comment:

johan said...

Ahmedinajad; thank you for your comments, and sorry that I only now come back to you on this issue.
Let me start to say; I have studied the Quran and can say the following about Mo hammed’s preaching;
He never preached violence, or a war against people or religeon but a war against the evil.
Some Christians and some people of Islam see it differently and is even talking about a jihad against other people or other religions. The jihad is against evil and nothing else. Mohammed only preaced love, forgiveness, respect and the good things. If anybody therefore read something else into his preaching, it is simply because they either don’t want to understand or they cant understand his preaching.

I grew up in a Christian home and did not knew anything about other religions, and a good muslim friend of mine gave me the Quran at a time where I was also busy studeing the bible.
Jesus came to bring confusion, which came out of his own mouth. Now what is this confusion? It is different religions that can’t agree on anything.

But there is a good reason behind all this. Mohammed came and said; don’t follow the preaching of Christian by worshipping a human being and correctly so. Mohammed received separate mission.
I don’t want to say to much about this in this discussion, you cann read this revelation further in the chapters that follow chapter five, which should explain everything.

This revelation is the revelation of John and Mohammed also told you about the coming of John, read the Quran chapter 3:38 and chapter X1X verse 1-15.
In short we can say; Christian kisses the body of Jesus to create a new everlasting body and islam kisses the earth and the food to sanctify the food and earth.
Does this make the one better than the other? Is is checkmate where we fight about who will get the better?
No!! we need each other, because what will muslim be with food but without the body or what will Christian be with a body without food?
We worked for each other and we will share the things we created. It is now time to take hands and come together under one name and one God.

Why does the Christian say things like; Jesus went to heaven but Mohammed’s bones will be found in his grave? It is because we don’t understand these things.
Christians has build a spiritual tower on the grave of Jesus, saying he is the living God that were resurrected and muslim has build not only a spirieual tower on mohammeds grave but in fact build a temple on his grave while muhammed forbids that. He said not even must a grave be heaped up but it must be level with the earth. Why did he say that? He said that so we should not make him a “god” or worship him or exalt him because he said; I am only a messenger. But then we went and build a tower on his grave.

Nevertheless, all these things had to be the way they were.

Let us now work through your comments. I will first answer them as you describes them and then I will give you my version and explanation so don’t juge to soon please.
Your quote; { and the claim of Israel that god gave them the land.}
God did not give the land to those who call THEMSELVES Israel. Israel = all people who will enter the promised land, as stated by mohammed and jesus and that is the eternal “land”.

Your next quote; The COVENANT with Abraham and his DESCENDANTS is central to JUDAISM/CHRISTIANITY/ISLAM.}
Yes it is but we don’t understand what the covenent exactly is, instead we look at people and descendents and names and that is not the way to understand what the real meaning is.
I would say it describes a young boy.
Next; Arise, lift up the (17 YEAR OLD) lad, and hold him fast with your hand; for I will make him a great nation.”}
This doesn’t say carry the boy it could mean take his hand and help him to stand.

If we now move to the Quran.
If you read verse 101 we see the announcement of good news and verse113 ends with the good news. I would therefore say; these verses speak about Isaac.
However, when we read futher we read about Ishmael where it refers to Moses.
Your comment; Therefore the claim that god gave the land to Israel is destroyed without the need of any WMD’s.}
Israel is not a nation, neither a religeon it refers to all the people who will enter eternal life.
Ismael symbolizes where Moses developed the senses and Isaac symbolizes the development of the eternal soul. All of us are part of Mose and part of Jesus, because we all have a developed soul. To say that only those who followed Jesus is complete nonsense and the same to say only those who followed muhammed will go to heaven because we all have a soul.
Ismael = a covenent and Isaac = another covenent, but both muslim and Christian are part of both covenants. The one doesn’t have the soul and the other the sense, do they?
Therefore we must look at Ismael as a covenent and not as a descendent, because you don’t get saved because you are a descendent from one or another person, that would be totally unfair.
The same with Isaac, he is also just another covenent and it has nothing to do with white, or black or asian or muslim or Christian, the covenent is with each and everyone of us. Everybody will be saved; this nonsense to send some people to hell is to speak without wisdom. The only thing to disappear for ever is your present body and for a good reason, you will get an everlasting body as preached by mohammed and jesus.

Let us deal with Ismael first; the first covenent was between god and Abraham and the one involved is Ismael. Let us now not look at Ismael as a person but rather as A COVENENT.
What is this covenent? It is the covenent of circumcision.
The circumcision is not to cut of a piece of the the male penis, it means completely something else, because if it had any physical meaning of saving you it woul mean that only the male would be saved because the female don’t have a penis.
If you read the next chapter about the tabernacle of Moses yous hould understand better.
However, the circumcision is a CUT into the senses, meaning the development of the senses in the forecourt. You can now see it has nothing to do with race or descendendts but is part of each and every person.
Galatians 4:21-25. this will telll you that Ismael ant the things that happened to him is only symbols of the truth. The truth is; Hagar symbolizes a mountain that gave birth to Ismael the senses.
Verse 24; which things are an allegory; for these are two covenants, the one from the mountain Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Hagar.
You can now understand that this is nothing to do with asian or Christian or muslim but with the development of the senses. The meaning of Sinai = the symbolic.
Isaac is another covenent; it is the covenent of promise. Promise of a new body for instance, and for this reason it was Isaac who was “offered” at Moriah but God provided (a new body).
Also here everybody is part of this because through belief the soul were created. Now did the muslem believed? Yes of cause and by way of belief the soul were created, and the same with the Christian.
The mountain represents two wives and two children. Only one peak of the mountain is mentioned namely Sinai/Hagar while the other peak was still invisible for us namely Sion/Sahra.
In a nut shell then; Hagar is the mother of our senses and Sahra is the mother of our soul, representing sion or Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be completely destroyed.
Spiritually I am a descendant of Ismael and of Isaac, because first my senses were developed by Moses and then my soul by way of Jesus or mohammed or any prophet.
I hope this will answer your questions, but please read the other chapters, there are twelve in total.
Peace is upon our spiritual fathers and their spiritual children.
Blessings Johan.