Tuesday, January 9, 2007




I want to summarise what we have learned up to now.
We saw that the previous creation was not fertile and could not bear children, because the female half of the creation could not in that state of her existence became fertile to bear.
For this reason the Big Bang followed which divided the husband and wife to create a diversity of life.
The Big Bang was the first fertilization between husband/heaven and wife/earth the visible and ferm half of the universe.

The image of God who is male and female in one body were now two separate bodies called heaven and earth.
God first created the male called dust of earth and symbolizes that this spirit was created out of the earth. Then God created a body for the spiritual husband out of soil, the ferm half of the universe.
At first the spiritual half was called man and the body female. After the male received this body this combination of male and female were called Adam or human.

Therefore each and every human has the name Adam, whether you are male or female, because Adam doesn’t determine gender but means human.

The first heaven and earth were called Adam representing male and female in one body.
After life started on earth a spirit were born which we call Cain or evil one/spirit. This spirit ruled earth as well as in the brains of these animals. It is for this reason that Eve says; I have gotten a man with the help of the lord.
Eve/earth therefore gave birth to het own spirit/husband who ruled over her.

Initially only male beings were born who where were bisexual who gave birth to “sons” as we read in Genesis4 and only much later we read that a female being were born from which the modern human evolved and for this reason we read in Genesis 5 that sons and daughters were born.

This evil spirit suppressed Abel and finally killed him according to the bible. Abel has the meaning of; vanity, unsatisfactory, emptiness; the empathy and love that did not yet existed in these animals.

In this dicussion we learn more about the image of God and yourself and you also learn more symbols of the bible. You will also learn how Eve who is called the human body or earth now become the mother of ALL LIVING CREATURES. We also discuss how the human became the mother of Satan.
Earth or human body is the female half of the universe and we know it is the female who has the womb and who gives birth, while the male/heaven supplies the sperm.
In this discussion we learn about the first intercourse of human.


The First Intercourse

It is advisable to firstly read chapters 1-3 before reading this chapter; otherwise you might not understand this chapter.

In the beginning of life all forms of life was bisexual. They impregnated themselves; they didn’t need other males or females to be impregnated, because they had the seeds in it self like most trees and herbs today.

In Gen 1: 11 we read “…fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself. The previous universe was like that it had the seeds of life in itself.
This really mean: it keeps itself alive. In verse 21 we read; the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind. The meaning of their is in fact muscular. Therefore all life, although they were bisexual, was “male”, (as heaven has been in the beginning) same as the first descendants of Cain, as we explained in chapter 3.
It was only after Adam impregnated his wife mentioned in Gen. 5: 4 and further that we read they had sons and daughters. Before that the descendants of Cain were all “male” and only much later the first female were born.

In Gen 1: 24 God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind.
The meaning of Kind, is the same as the meaning of evolve, namely to generate diversity, to come into being, to become, be assembled, be divided, be finished, be married, and portion out. To generate diversity did not happen in 144 hours.
I don’t know if I can make it clearer than this description, but the word be married probably explains it in a way that one can say: to cross breed, so two different “things” can become one “thing” or a “new thing.”
The entire process of creating a new universe = to marry = to become one = one flesh = one spirit = one living being.
The advantage of this is: everyone will know everyone and everything will be in everyone and everything.
If this is the final goal, then it is complete logic that humans had to come from water (the “liquid” of space), from rock to plant, to fish, to amphibian (the first vertebrate to leave water, a creeping thing the Bible calls it), to beast, to cattle, to humans.

It then makes perfect sense that all life including humans, came from the same one cell from the previous heavens (God), and then “evolved” to different “kind” as the Bible tells us or to generate diversity which is the meaning of “to its kind”. The ultimate aim is; to generate diversity. The bible says “all” came from one blood.

To create different species, as we know them today, there had to be “cross breeding”; Especially in the early beginning of life, because it would become more difficult at a later stage, as we know by crossbreeding a horse and a donkey for instance. Significantly it is the male (donkey) that brings the change. It must be a male donkey, with a female horse, and not the other way around however the child is infertile.

For centuries people believed the hyena to be bisexual, for the hyena’s sexual organs look as if they are hermaphroditic.
If we look at the first creature namely: Cain (the spirit of earth) begat Enoch, it was an animal that sighs, groans, and mourns. The sound of a lizard or perhaps a hyena? Science would have to help here.

Indisputable however, in the beginning all life was “bisexual”, because the universe was “bisexual”, it had the atoms (spirit) of male and the atoms (spirit) of female in itself; the seeds in itself.
Although the earth’s atoms are male (positive) and female (negative), the male atom, the eternal atom is only to be found in space/heaven.
(The atoms of earth keeps earth firm.)
We only know the atom as three dimensional, while it is a 7 dimensional living spirit.

It took some time, as we can realize from this discussions, to split this living atom into male and female separately and to create diversity.

You might now ask this question: Why was this necessary to split the atom if that in fact is our end destiny to become one atom?
Well this is a very good question. The reason is: In its previous form there was no diversity and the female half of the universe was infertile as discussed in another chapter and the idea was as stated in Gen. 1: 24 namely TO GENERATE DIVERSITY.

We wanted to change the universe for many reasons. I use the word “we” because you were/are part of this, namely, you came from this previous universe and you will “go back” to the new universe, or rather you will proceed to the new universe.

To create the new universe, it was necessary to divide male from female.
Why was that necessary? Because we wanted to create diversity as the bible clearly states. And to create diversity we had to “divide” the female atom, “divorce” the female from the male atom.
The female is the one to bear, for she (the female atom) has the womb to conceive and bring forth.
If we could create a temporary “womb” earth, (for earth is the female, the wife of the universe) then we could experiment with different “kinds”, create different things, which was impossible in the previous universe.
We then could impregnate the female with different seeds, to give birth to different “things.” We can call earth a laboratory.
The different seeds are spiritual seeds, and to create these different spiritual seeds, humans were given different hypotheses. The way we understand the hypothesis, create the seed in your brain and the brain is the creator the place were motion or life starts.

You are created to the image and likeness of God namely: you have both seeds in you, but they are “intelligently” divided in you namely: your spirit, the male seed and your flesh the female seed.
Therefore, whatever you believe = spirit and is in your brain to impregnate your fleshly spirits with this seed of belief, and believe me your flesh gives birth according to your beliefs seed. Spirit doesn’t give birth, spirit impregnates the flesh and the flesh gives birth for she is the womb of the universe.
The brain is the point where all life starts, the point where motion starts. Everything you can see came from this point. The name of this point is called Origin.

Isn’t this amazing? All life starts in the brain, whatever you see or cant see, or believe in started in the atom of the brain. The male organ (penis) is a symbol of the brain and for this reason scientists use the foreskin to “create” life but they have not yet found the “true” origin of life in the brain.
Why is it that only the male “gives” life?

Gen 3: 20 Adam called his wife’s name Eve BECAUSE she was (became) the mother of all living things.
I say; Adam called his flesh Eve.
I say; because Eve became the mother of all she received the name Eve.
I say; Eve has the meaning of mother of all because she gave birth to all living creatures.
She could only become the mother of all after she took the fruit of the tree BECAUSE the eye “brought” spirit/seeds to the brain to impregnate Eve.
I say; the eye brought life/origin to the brain.
All living things include: she is the mother of God, the universe.

The word Genesis, the first book in the bible has the meaning of origin and explains that the origin is in the brain of the humans and animals.
You might not understand this at this stage, because everything has been given to us in a reversed order, in a mirrored order.
Therefore you see the beginning as the end and the end as the beginning.

If I ask you to put the following in one of two categories, you will do the following:
What is first: life or death
Beginning or end
Past or future

You will probably say: life and beginning is in the past and
End and death is our future.

How fatal, because your future is: death and end. God has changed that: you came to earth to die, not to live, for from the moment of birth you start to die even if it takes you seventy years to die. 44

Therefore: death is first and then life. But more about this later… the so-called Big Bang was the end and not the beginning. We are now moving towards the beginning and we are one hour away from this happening. We are caught in the past.

The Bible says that everything that happens happened already.
But: the past in which we are trapped lasts 20 billion years. It started with the Big Bang, and it also ends with the Big Bang when day 1 and day 7 fuse together. That moment, that instant is the end and the beginning, at the same instant.
For that reason Jesus said I am, the beginning and the end.
I = that point in your brain, the point of origin = beginning and/or end.
I = who you are, your identity and determines who God is.
I = life/the living one/the quickening “one”.

20 billion years in terms of an eternal universe is a split of an uncountable number, but in our reversed minds, 20 billion years is eternal. For this reason God shortened time in our minds to 2000 years and blinded our senses, to narcotize our brains, so we wont feel the full impact of our suffering.
I say: we are the body of Christ to suffer, to “take” all pain, sickness and suffering as a payment for sins. Not only our own sins, in fact we were innocently made culprits, the bible says we were sold.

Beginning and end logically cannot be two different moments it is impossible to divide them. Though we did divide them hypothetically speaking, by creating a human mind that kept them divided between two “moments” namely day 1 and day 7. All it took was a hypothesis to influence the origin of time namely the brain.
We have reversed time; the best way to cure aids for instance is to reverse time and to go back in time to the first moment where aids started and to prevent the “deed” that brought aids.
I say; to kill death is to go back in time and kill death where it started; this is your duty, your mission. Every thing is in the brain; past and future and you can go back or forward in time, it is just a question of focusing “the eye” in the brain; you have the ability.
I say; there is no such thing as time.
I say; past, present and future is present at the same instant simultaneously and it is like a roadmap, it is your choice which road you take. By way of a hypothesis we wandered into the past with good reason namely to kill death at the moment of its origin and just another hypothesis can change that in a moment of “time” it is instantly, for you can go on the road of past, present or future, it is your choice but we got stuck in the past.
The bible makes it clear; the road to go to present IS NOT THE SAME ROAD WE TOOK TO GET IN/TO THE PAST and exactly this has been our problem for we are looking in a mirror, which confuses us, but this was all part of the plan.

This moment is 20 billion years only in the human mind. During this time the whole universe had a rebirth, which took no time at all, because beginning = end = beginning = zero, zero, zero.
During the next 40 years you will wake up out of this deep sleep, when the “light” of the Big Bang sweeps over us, and “time” will vanish, disappear and it will be an immediate change of everything in 0,2333 seconds.

One hour in biblical terms: the formula was given to us, but up to now no one could calculate the hour because we were not intelligent enough, did not have the knowledge or did not investigate, we first had to eat the fruit of knowledge though it is a simple calculation.

The formula is:
2 Pet 3: 8
1 Day = 1000 years (biblical terms)
1 Day = 24 hours (our terms)

Thus: 1000 = 41,666 years = one generation

The moment when these 41,666 years started was with the fall of the World Trade Center on 9 September 2001, which fell in one hour and symbolizes the Fall of Babylon, which also happens in one hour. Compare Rev.18 with the fall of the twin towers.

The second phase of the Fall of Babylon were the invasion of G.W Bush jnr. into Iraq and the fall of the city that was the first Babylon mentioned in the Bible.

The third phase of the Fall of Babylon will be when the present Jerusalem will be “invaded” in 2007 – that is if we don’t act now.

The people who planned the fall of the World Trade Center said: this is zero hour.
For “this reason” then 2007 is a D-day in many respects. I wont discuss this now (2001 + 6 = 2007)
All over the world people are “marching” in anticipation of freedom. Do we understand the meaning of the word freedom? These marches will rapidly increase and earth will become more and more unstable, for instance the resent tsunami (2004) might be a real “baby”. Because of the warming of the sea there will be more catastrophes, more hurricanes, more earthquakes and more tsunami’s, which will increase in intensity.
All over the world people “feel something” to happen, yet they don’t know what. The Church expects the second coming; write books about it, yet they don’t understand “the one to come” because the bible is a sealed book to them and the church is the biggest accuser and prophet of doom and only “save themselves”. At least science is rather a prophet of hope and progress.

How are we going to marry our Bridegroom if we don’t have the slightest idea of what your future husband looks like? It’s almost a joke!!! The blind are leading the deaf or should I say the dead?

This manuscript deals with conclusions we made in the past and conclusions and decisions we now have to make.
I said before: we received hypotheses and the conclusion we make, determine the seed we produce in the brain, the point of origin, and that determines our destiny.

I want to give you an example:

If I was to say to you that a flea hears with its legs, you would say; not true, but I still might find people that believe me.
To prove that a flea hears with its legs you need an A4 white paper and a flea, but maybe more than one for they escape easily.

· Put the flea on the paper and shout at it: Flea jump!
· The flea will jump
· Catch the flea if you can or use another flea, and break off all of its legs.
· Put the flea back on the paper, and again shout at it: Flea jump!
· The flea will not jump, surprise, surprise!
· Conclusion: a flea hears with its legs

We have proved it!
Lets say you would have believed it a 1000 years ago.
Then I could have become very famous, appearing on each and every newspaper. Saying; this is the man who proved a flea in fact hears with its legs. Amazing!!!

I could have gone around the world and preach this amazing gospel! It could have become a big organization. But then out of the blue, a nerdy scientist proves that in fact a flea is totally deaf, let alone hears with its legs! How did he prove that?
Furthermore he criticized the previous suggestion, because it is cruel to break off the fleas legs-thus converting mankind into flea lovers.
People even kept whole colonies in their hair, and washed their hair only once a month because it is so stressful for the fleas they say.
Another came and said: the best way to keep these fleas was in your pants. So everybody was scratching in their pants, even took off their pants to scratch!
Then someone said: they give you a kick-start! But this confused the fleas, for they no longer knew whether they should kick or bite!!
Someone then said: this is all O.K, but what if Christ comes and finds everybody with his or her pants down?
Then everybody started laughing. They say even Satan laughed, although someone had to tickle him for a week, before he burst out in laughter.

Well that was the end, of Satan anyway, for he burst!

As you can maybe recognize yourself in this story; have a good laugh at yourself, I did.
But, the important thing about this story is: everything was true, except for the conclusion.
And where did it take us? It was true the flea did not jump.
At least: humans are still catching fleas, but no flea caught any human again?

The reason God made cats is logically for the fleas, someone said.
Another said shut up!!! That’s why cats don’t speak!!!

Throughout this writings we will discuss conclusions we have made in the past. Many of them will be as “simple” as the flea, and will surprise you, that we could not see or understand.
Surely you have experienced some already during these discussions.
Do you remember the one that said earth is round? He was the joke of the earth!
Some people make new conclusions while the “world” will only accept the truth of it after his death like Jesus for instance.

I want to continue with the discussion where I left it…

To make it easy we can say:
Grass = 1 atom = 1 sense = 1 spirit
Grass herb = 2 atoms or senses or spirits.
Fruit trees = 3 atoms or senses or spirits.
Fish = 4 senses namely: taste, touch, smell and sight

The sight of fish is completely different from humans or other animals, and is poorly developed. The ears of fish are mainly for balancing purposes.

Therefore the first animals that came out of water unto land were “dumb”, had no sound or hearing and had poor vision.
Gen 1:24: let the earth bring forth (on the 5th day water brought forth) living creatures of its kind, cattle, creeping things and beasts.

It happened in this order: Living creatures of its kind, cattle, creeping things and beasts.
Living creatures = a swarm of minute animals. (Hebrew)
This is not breathing animals but living/moving animals.
The next animal to leave water was cattle. They had a low degree of “mind”.
The meaning of cattle: a water ox/hippopotamus or Nile horse – also to be mute.
Sound/voice/speech was created on earth as well as hearing, and not in water neither in heaven.
All senses are earthly spirits created on earth.

Beast means: a running creature like buck.
A hippopotamus is a walking creature (cattle).

In between the hippopotamus and the beast, creeping things came ashore.
A creeping thing being reptiles.

The word Moses has the meaning of: to draw out of water
The duty of Moses therefore was to “change” these animals that came out of the water, into “land animals” or to advance their senses, to “draw them out of the water.”

At the time of the Israelites in Egypt, humans were hardly human, rather more animal like.
The senses were poorly developed, they had speech, could distinguish different colors and could even write, but writing was more like telling a story by way of “pictures”.
God wanted to develop them further. The first to develop was the five senses namely feeling, smell, taste, hearing and sight.
It was the first step to create this animal man into spiritual beings.

Don’t see Moses as a person, rather as 10 commandments to develop a human, to super create a human.
The 10 commandments are there to develop the senses by way of discipline. Therefore Moses = the senses, whereas Jesus = the soul, for you gave your soul to him or to Mohammed; your priest told you to do so.
Jesus is the second step in developing humans and to create an immortal soul, for this reason the serpent/Lucifer said; you will not die and become Gods if you eat the fruit of the tree.
The last stage is Johannes (Elijah) to develop the eternal spirit, the Quickening spirit, the everlasting spirit a self-energizing spirit.

We will first deal with Moses.
As we said, the senses were poorly developed and this “animal human” had no imagination at all.

The ability of imagination, distinguish humans from animals.
Therefore don’t feel offensive if I say that at the time of Egypt, humans had no imagination, for you will understand it shortly.
To say that Moses for instance had the same intellect as you have, is a bit absurd don’t you think? Or did those who killed each other in a duel, have the same empathy as you? That was only a couple of hundreds of years ago, while Moses and even Jesus lived thousands of years ago.

Someone said in a discussion about Cain: Cain was clever, sin has made us dumb, and the problem was that in Cain’s time he did not have the technology.
My friend, if you have the brains, you will manufacture technology…

Therefore I am not trying to be rude, for there are people who believe different, but now that you have read this conversation, you’ll have to admit, technology is there not because we have technology, but because knowledge increased, and we are more intelligent.
Therefore when you read Genesis, then Moses and then Jesus, it is evident that it has been written by different intellectuals.
The Bible clearly describes how humans developed.

Horeb is the symbol of the image of God.
A mountain symbolizes the glory of a God or a person. The higher the mountain the “higher” the glory.

One can only speak about love
When you have lost love
One can only appreciate life
When you have died
One can only love
When you have been loved
One can only think
When you have been thought about
One can only feel (pain)
When you have had pain
One can only receive knowledge
When you are dumb
For if you know everything
You can’t learn anything
For you already know everything
I am naked Lord
Please teach me
I don’t ever want to know everything
Because then, there is nothing-----
I love, I dig you Lord, the most of all,

I could not know what’s right
If I haven’t done the wrong
Although I am carnal
The law is spiritual

I could not have peace
If I didn’t have fear
I could not hear
If there was no sound
I could not see
If there was nothing to see

Everything I see
Happens in me
The bird that flies,
It flies within me
The pain I feel
It is inside me
The beauty I see
It is within me
There is nothing
That’s outside of me
The sound of music I hear
It is within me
The love I give or receive
It is within me
Nothing happens
But in me
It is so painful
It is so wonderful
It is in me
It is I, it is only me
It makes me sad
But it makes me glad
The only one
Yours faithfully

When I go up the mountain Lord
To reach unto thee
Wait for me God
But always be
Just ahead of me
That makes me glad to reach
But not to touch
It makes me higher
It makes me humble Lord

Knowledge brings freedom.
We are slaves because we have no knowledge.

Once there were two people who dared each other to jump out of an airplane at 3000 meters.
The dare was to see who would reach earth first.
They jumped together; it took them 5 min to fall from 3000m to 2000m.

Then one of them opened his parachute and he reached earth 40minutes later.
As the other one was already there, he had clearly won the race.
But he had no parachute, for he didn’t have any knowledge of a parachute.

If both of them had the same weight, and it took them 5 minutes to fall the first 1000m, how long did it take the one without the parachute to reach earth?

The idea of Moses, the Ten Commandments therefore were to improve the senses but also to improve knowledge.
For this reason he took us to Horeb.

Horeb means: the mountain of God, therefore Horeb explains the image of God.
But before we talk about that, what was your answer, how long did it take the guy without the parachute?

The answer is simple; the answer is it took him the rest of his life. Why did it take him the rest of his life?
Because he was surely dead when he hit the earth.
Did the flea catch you?

This is the difference between being a slave and having freedom, to have knowledge and wisdom about a parachute for instance.

Horeb means: Life or death.
To hear and to see each other.

Horeb had two peaks. Only one is mentioned namely Sinai.
The other peak is Zion, but Zion was not yet visible to us when we got to the foot of this mountain.
Why? Because Zion was an imaginary peak and we did not have the spirit of imagination at that stage.

We could only believe in what the naked eye could see. If we had to use imagination it would not exist for us.
Only what we hear, see, feel, taste and smell existed. We were 5 sensed “animals”.

For this reason then we had to see God “in the image of a mountain”.

Sinai also means; symbolic or senses.
In other words it is an image of God meant for the sensory perception.
It is a visible picture to explain God, and God as you know = male and female in one picture of this mountain.
Therefore what the naked eye or the naked “animal” senses could perceive = God, at least for them at that stage of creation.
This mountain is the tree of knowledge to penetrate our senses. For this reason God introduced himself in the following way:
A visible way, if we could not see it, it just did not exist.
Even till today, no preacher or his congregation ever understood this. Why? Because even today we can only believe what we can see or what we previously saw.

Imagination is the sixth spirit, and until the first coming of Jesus we had no imagination.

Imagination = the Holy Ghost or sixth dome, we will deal with this later on but this spirit keeps you captured. You might differ at this stage but please read further, you will understand later.

I have to explain more symbols and images to you to understand Horeb, which is a picture of the image of God

Symbols summery.

If you use these symbols throughout the Bible, you will be able to understand the Bible. I will also now give you a couple of concepts to help you understand.

The image of God = one united body.

Image = Male and female
= Heaven and Earth
= Spirit and flesh
= Untouchable and touchable
= Invisible and visible
= Light and darkness
= Husband and wife
= Word and body

When God says: Let us make man (humans) in our image, it implies humans will have the same image as above.

Main concepts of the image of God.
You can now apply the above to the sketches below.

Words (Son of God) (Seeds)
Physical body (Jesus, Female, Visible, Darkness, Mortal, Son of Perdition
Spirit (Son of man (God), Christ, Male, Non-visible, Light, Immortal

The body parts are the various religious groups and their congregations
½ Immortal ½ Mortal
Physical body (Darkness, Female, Visible, Mortal, Son of Perdition)
Words (Son of Man) (Seeds)
Psyche (Spirit, Light, Male, Non-visible, Immortal)

Everything you see is therefore Darkness
We call Darkness = female, flesh, earth, the human body, the touchable and the visible.
All the invisible things are light.
We call light = male, heaven, spirit, speech, breath, untouchable and invisible.

All liquid = spirit and is male.
For instance: water, river, blood, wine, and sea.

Anything that gets airborne like spirit; like dust, smoke, fire.

This is why some religions still use “smoke” in their ceremonies, and that is the reason why we say: Man is a spiritual “man” (husband) for he was created out of the dust of earth and not out of soil.

Dust symbolizes the spirit of all earthly life: plants, fish, animals, and humans.
For the same reason Cain is also a spiritual being, the one out of evil spirit.
He is the spirit of the eye, the eye (the fruit of the tree) gave birth to him and he impregnated his mother (Eve, the earth) and she gave birth to animals, and “out of” animals God developed/created the human.
Further the spirit of the eye = lust, desire, jealousy etc.
This spirit = the spirit of imagination (at Horeb however we did not yet have an imagination) it is the sixth sense, (animals does not have this spirit) it is the sixth dome in your brain.
This spirit of imagination = the cherubim mentioned in Gen.3: 24 and had its origin with the coming of Jesus, logically it could not existed before that for human first had to develop the senses; in fact Gen. 3:24 is speaking about you.
The sixth spirit also includes the soul with its emotions and expressions like; laughter, joy, crying, sadness and probably the biggest content are fear.

The spirit of imagination is the second heaven for humans – Jesus took us into this heaven.
We entered the first heaven at Horeb, where the fifth dome of hearing opened, the sounding of the fifth trumpet.
To hear and to listen was the main idea at Horeb.

LORD (capital letters) = the spiritual body of God in heaven.
Lord = the physical body on earth or earth itself.

East = front
West = back
North = left
South = right

God has 7 eyes = 7 spirits = 7 angels = 7 horns.
The longer the horn, the higher it went “up in heaven” or the more powerful it is.

Earth has created 6 of the spirits of God namely; Hearing, touch, smell, taste, sight and the spirit of imagination. All these spirits belongs to Satan God of the earth/visible. You might now say; Satan is no God? Yes he is, Jesus called him Prince of the earth. What exactly is a Prince? He called him Prince because he is the one crowned as God when you took the fruit of the eye and married him. He is your spiritual child who you gave birth to with the help of the LORD.
Also the forces of wind, earthquakes, fire, water, three dimensional atoms and volcanoes are forces of Satan and were the main creator of the things you see.

Grass = 1
Herb with seed = 2
Fruit trees = 3
Fish = 4
Animals = 5
Humans = 6
God = 7

These numbers symbolizes the number of spirits.
The Ark that was carried on the shoulders symbolizes your head, face, or garden in Eden.
The human body = Eve, Mary, Jesus or Eden.
Also in some circumstances = devil, Judas and the son of destruction. 44

There are earthly spirits = male
There are heavenly spirits = male

Mountain = the glory of God or Satan or a ruler
= His image

We learned that God = the universe and all its life.
All visible objects = the wife or body of Christ.
Christ = the voice of God – the spirit of God – the Son of God

Therefore: grass, trees, birds, fish, crawling creatures, animals, humans, earth, sun, moon and stars act as the body of Christ the spirit.

All visible objects are female.

I want to explain this to you by way of a speaker and the sound coming out of it:

Speaker Music (sound)

The speaker is only the box to
convey the sound
The sound is coming out of the box
The speaker is not the music
Sound is not the speaker
The speaker is the symbol of your body
Music is the symbol of your voice
The speaker is the symbol of female
The music is the symbol of male
The speaker is the symbol of the visible body
The music is the symbol of the invisible body
The speaker is the symbol of darkness
The music is the symbol of light

The speaker and sound acts as one body, the one needs the other, for there can be no music without the speaker, and the speaker cannot make its own music.
Together they symbolize the universe, God, you.

I will give you more symbols as we carry on, but these are the basics.
I might just add this for some clarity: Cain is the first-born Spirit of earth.
Earth = Adam (atmosphere) and Eve (soil)
Earth produced the egg of the universe namely the bodies out of soil, and is called daughters of earth or God.

Atmosphere produced the sperm of the universe namely spirit out of dust and is called sons of heaven or of God.

When these bodies developed eyes, this awareness by way of the eyes, produced a spirit.
We call this spirit Cain – the evil spirit, the jealous spirit. You can add lots more.

We also can call this spirit:
The sixth spirit
The second heaven
The spirit of imagination
A human spirit
The soul

It is therefore clear that Satan received his birth “out of vision”, out of the human eye. The eyes opened Gen 3: 7
It is the spirit of knowledge.
It is the spirit of the fruit of the tree (eyes) in the garden in Eden (your Face)
Your eyes bear (gave birth to) this fruit/spirit. Humans gave birth to Satan.
Satan was born in the garden (your face/eyes). He chased man out of the garden, out of your brain, and replaced man in the east of the garden namely “he sits” in the front of your brain/forehead.
Jesus went over the brook Cedron into Gethsemane where there was a garden and where the betrayal happened.
Cedron means; to burn or to be on fire. (a symbol of Jordan river.)
The meaning of Gethsemane = to be wed or to get married or to be anointed.
Gethsemane is therefore a garden symbolizing your face or the garden in Eden where “Jesus/man/you” was “anointed or married” or taken capture/betrayed to be replaced by the cherubim or the spirit of imagination as in Gen. 3:24. For this reason he “crossed over Cedron” meaning the spirit of fire to devour you took his place/there was “a crossover in the brain” however, the idea is; to be anointed or to marry, we will discuss this later on. However this crossover is a huge advance for human or the universe.

He took the place of Man/Christ and impregnated his mother.
Who is his mother?You are his mother, and he impregnated you/humans!
I say; you are the mother of Satan.
I say: your eyes impregnated you to give birth to Satan because God created Satan.
To do what? Why? How? Is this possible? What now? Am I doomed now; this is not true is it? Yes it is true!!!! Also it is wonderful!!!!

As a result of this impregnation Eve/Earth/humans gave birth to all life!
We will discuss this in another section of the Revelation of Johannes.
The Revelation has been given to Johannes, and only to Johannes Rev 1: 1 and no one else can reveal the revelation. Simply because; “a Peter” cant reveal it if it has been given to Johannes; this is logic although church was completely blinded about the coming of Johannes.

Rev 11: 1 there was given a reed like unto a rod to Johannes and the angel stood: saying: Rise and measure the temple of God.

It is Johannes, a true witness of God who now speaks to you, for the angel of Jesus said to him Rev 10: 11 thou must prophecy AGAIN before many people, and nations and tongues and kings; and this is what Johannes intends to do.

The Son of Man blesses you


You have now learned how different species developed by way of splitting “life” into two separate halves called male and female.
You have also learned that the origin of all future life is in the human brain, and “Eve” became mother of all life.
You have learned more about the image of God and yourself and about the symbols of the Bible and how Satan was born by way of the first intercourse in fact, human is the mother of Satan for human (Eve) is the mother of ALL life/spirit. Do you deny this verse in the bible? Do you agree? Yes or no? Or do you think this verse is a lie that says Eve is mother of all life?
Or do you deny that you are Eve?
All bodies of all living creatures on earth are called Eve.
I say; also the bodies of animals and birds and fish are called Eve, logically so.

You now understand that the first life were bisexual and did not need another creature to produce.
Heaven and earth kept each other alive.
Earth is the womb of God/the universe and she gives life to all life.
Heaven is the seed bag of the universe to impregnate the womb.
Sound and hearing were created on “earth” not in water or heaven.
The meaning of Moses is; to draw out of water meaning; to change the creatures that came out of the sea into land animals and to develop this beast’s senses.
The bible says everyone was baptized with the same Spirit of “the Red sea” meaning fish.
You did not come to earth to live but to die and after you die you live, it is logic.

In our next discussion we discuss how we became visible creatures. You will learn more about who Satan is.
You will learn about the birth of Ishmael. You will learn how the Red Dragon (described in Rev.) was born and the meaning of her ten horns and seven heads. For the first time in the history of mankind this will be revealed.
The Son of man blesses you

1 comment:

raptured2 said...

I am sorry but I am wondering who your Bible teacher is, surely not the Holy Spirit because He knows what the Bible says He also knows Mary had to go to the upper room with the other 119 and be filled with the Holy Spirit. I am not trying to be rude but your way off the Word.. WAY off.