Saturday, January 27, 2007

the son of man chapter 9


Kreet van die liefde.

My taal is vir my so mooi
Dit maak my bewoe
Soos ‘n eerste liefde my laat juig
So bevrug ek dit elke dag, en wag
Ek op ‘n nuwe liefdes storting
Hier uit my uit
En ek vind dit elke keer
Dit is soos die hoogste punt
Van my begeertes liefde, aan my beminde
Dit is soos ‘n kreet
Van ‘n brandende liefde
Wanneer dit ontsnapping vind
Dit word bewaar in die boesem van die atmosfeer
Dit bly vir ewig daar
Dit is ‘n biblioteek van die ewigheid
Geen mot of roes kan dit verweer.

My beloved.
Dear Mother and Father God
I want your soul to rock
I want your soul to sing
Forever rejoice in thee
Your favored one

Swaar gebaar.

Swaar, swaar my God,
Bitter swaar
het ek aan jou gebaar my kind.

The son of man.

This discussion announces the new era and the judgment.

Who is the Son of man?
The flea has caught us!!!!
In the past we could not understand the symbols or the parables or the mirrored images that was given to us in the bible, for we could only see things literally, namely we could only believe in the things that the naked eye see, because our brains were not developed and could not understand anything else.
Later on we developed the ability of imagination, but we could only imagine what the eye had seen before.
We call this ability the spirit of 666 or the spirit of imagination.

We explained before that Jesus brought the development of this spirit to us, which was developed by way of three stages. By giving us a hypothesis that Jesus was resurrected out of death and were taken up into heaven we developed this spirit.
We imagined it to be a true happening, but in fact this was the lie we had to believe, to call things that was not yet or did not yet existed.
The truth is; THIS, NOW, is the real “coming” of Christ, THIS IS THE TRUE PROPHET.
BUT, because we believed the lie, we were calling for the Coming of the true prophet and Christ, and what we were calling for becomes reality now.
Will there be some people who reject what they were calling for? Do you?
Jesus came to release you from your old body by way of “loosing it.”
Of cause this is an advance because loosing your body brought life to you.
I say; Jesus brought death so you could receive life but that ends the mission of Jesus.

There are three prophets “on the mountain of God”, namely Moses, Jesus and Elijah who are merely “actors” to complete the human body. In the past we saw them as “people”, but we should rather see them as a Lucifer, meaning bearers of the word of God and we must not exalt them as such. (In the past there were many prophets, like for instance an Einstein, a Hitler).
A prophet is someone who “changes” the coarse of the world and is not always a prophet of truth or of the good like Hitler.
We read about these three in Math. 17: 3 – 13. In verse 9 Jesus said; tell the vision to no man, UNTIL the Son of man be risen AGAIN from the dead.
Vision has the meaning of; to mentally perceive or what the naked eye can see or a dream. In this case the disciples were “sleepy” according to scripture.

Never the less, now is the moment that the Son of man rise out of his grave “AGAIN” and therefore we can now reveal these things, however we can still not reveal everything, but everything WILL BE REVEALED.

There is a lot of speculation about; will Elijah come “again”, did he come?
Elijah is part and parcel of the fall of Jesus Christ as well as the awakening of Christ. Elijah was the one who “baptized” Christ Jesus to his fall, and logically he will baptize Christ to his awakening, therefore Jesus say; Elijah HAS COME and Elijah WILL COME again to restore everything. Logically he has to be the one to wake up first for he descended first after he was “beheaded.”

Don’t see Elijah as a person that lived before and now live for the second time, see Elijah as spirit, but there have to be a Lucifer meaning a “carrier” of the message and that is Johannes, a voice of God.

The bible says; it was Christ on mount Horeb, but we did not, or could not see Him.
You might now ask, why could we not see Him?
Because as explained He is the invisible half on Horeb, on mount Zion and we did not yet had the sixth spirit of imagination, we could only perceive what we see.

He is the voice that came out of the darkness of the mountain, same as the music that come out of a speaker as we explained, but we took the speaker as God.
Horeb is a picture of God, of his image namely God the voice and God the visible mountain who is one body, but we could not distinguish between light (the voice) and darkness (the visible). A picture cannot show or explain the voice.

When Jesus came he was the model of God, whereas the picture (Horeb) was a “still photo”; Jesus was a living model of the image of God. See Cols. 1:15.
We explained how we at Horeb took darkness as our God, and the reason is, we could not distinguish, we were still more animal than human.
Because we could not distinguish we transgressed the first four Commandments and we gave birth to the red dragon with the seven heads and the ten horns (the ten commandments).

The birth of the red dragon was the sounding of the fifth trumpet of hearing, when we received the sense of hearing.
I say; the red dragon is the spirit of the ear.
Abaddon became our God. See rev. 9:11.
The meaning of Abaddon is; an angel, a destroying angel, a perishing angel, Hades, destruction.
We gave birth to him at Horeb.
I say; we gave birth to the destroying angel Hades.
Hades is the God of hell, the God to destroy you, his other name is Satan and as long as we worship him we will surely die for he is the destroying angel.
Abaddon opened the pit – hell – where king Hades rules. See Rev.9: 1-3.

Therefore Satan became God of the earth, was God of the earth, and we at the foot of the mountain Horeb became the Son of perdition, meaning; we will go to perdition, go back to ashes as God said, because we were guilty, made guilty, sold to sin, sold to do sin.
What does this mean?
It simply means that Satan became our God/husband, BECAUSE we ate the fruit of the eye.
What does this mean?
It means that we hearkened to the visible; we heard the voice of the visible God. We accepted the visible as God or the visible is God.
We accepted, our brain accepted what the ear of our body (Eden or Eve) gave us to eat.
What does this mean?
It means we hearkened to the voice of the wife. The voice of the wife is Satan.

Therefore, Satan became the spirit of the ear and our God and the red dragon received birth. This is the fifth spirit to receive birth on earth; the sixth spirit to receive birth on earth is the spirit of imagination, and all these spirits belongs to Satan because they were created out of the perception of the visible.
After the birth of the red dragon, Satan went ahead of us to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is therefore an advance on Horeb.
Where Horeb explained God to us in the form of a picture and we heard “him”, now at Jerusalem we will see and hear the image of God.
Because we “heard” God at Horeb we became the son of destruction, the slaughtered lamb, the culprit to die in the desert as we all did, all of us who were present at Horeb and that is all of us.

But as Ishmael who is the symbol of those at Horeb or the symbol of hearing, was dying (the soul) of thirst in the desert, God also heard our voice and had a plan to save us, even if we died in the desert. Horeb also has the meaning of; to hear.
The plan is to spiritualize human, which will eventually lead to his salvation. To advance the human; human had to develop the spirit of imagination, the spirit of “dreams” to call for something better.
For this reason God send us the “Dreamer”.
Deutn. 13: 1-5. If there rise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and give thee a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder COME TO PASS, whereof he spoke unto thee, saying, let us go after other Gods, which thou has not known, and let us serve them (the one where you transgress four commandments) thou shall NOT HEARKEN unto the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the Lord your God prove you to know whether ye love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him and keep his commandments, and obey his voice and ye shall serve him and cleave unto him.
And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death, because he has spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk in, so shall thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.
Verse 6 and further tells us that anyone who follows this dreamer; have to die same as the dreamer himself.
His followers go to perdition.

Who was this dreamer? Was there a dreamer?
What was the sign he gave us? Was there a sign?
Did he in fact told us; let us walk after Gods we did not know? Did he turn you away?
Did we walk after other Gods?
Was this dreamer put to death?

The answer to all of these is positive. Yes there was a dreamer prophet, a prophet of our dreams/imagination.
The name of this prophet is Jesus.
You might now go up in arms because I say he is a prophet of our imagination, but; you never saw this Jesus, you only imagine him to be, and you can’t disagree, can you?
Therefore he is an imagination in your brain, you can’t disagree, can you?
Yes, you believe him to be true and he exists to you and you can’t disagree with that either, can you?
Therefore; you created him, he did not exist for you, not before you believed/dreamed/imagined him, and you can’t disagree can you?
You must agree if you are honest.
If you do agree you will understand it had to be to call for something that did not yet existed at that stage.

The meaning of dream = to bind firmly (to create could be another word for bind together.)
It also means; through the fig. sense of dumbness. (To be without voice or hearing; in other words a spirit of imagination).
This is the meaning of the dreamer mentioned in Deutn. 13, for you did not HEAR HIS VOICE you imagined him to be.
Does your spirit resist the truth? Think of all the good things you can receive if you “surrender”. Do you surrender?
Furthermore, the bible calls it the one that exist, although he doesn’t exist, but he does exist. See rev.
This description is also a description of a parable, the way one would describe a parable.
Let me explain it like this; if I show you a picture of a human and ask you the question; what is this?
You will say; a human, correct?
Same if I show you an image/a model/a statue of a human you will answer and say; it is a human.
Yes it is a human, although it is not a human, although it does exist, is that not true?
The same at Horeb; it is God, although it was not God, although yes, the mountain does exist. Same with Jesus, he is only an image of God.
What is it then?
It is to call something that does not yet exist, but to call it as if it ALREADY exists. It is a parable or a symbol or a model or an image, it does exist but it is not the true thing but a tool to create the “true”.

Let me explain it in this manner;
God has showed us a picture of himself at Horeb.
It was not really God, but he convinced us, that we have indeed saw God.
We believed it to be God, though it was not, only a picture of his existence.
Because we believed, we were calling for something that did not yet existed to exist or to come into existence.

How did we call this something that did not yet exist into existence?
In the first place; by believing the mountain was God.
Secondly; by giving us visible objects to sanctify, namely; the ark, the tabernacle, the manna in the desert and the quails, we were calling for it to come in future.
The manna and quails, was a symbol of the flesh and blood of the Lord, namely the Lords supper to come in future.

I say; by believing in these things, we were calling for Jesus the one out of promise to come, although he did not yet existed for us at that stage because we did not have the spirit of imagination yet.
Rom. 4:16. ---- Therefore it is of faith --- (imagination)
Verse 17. (Abraham) the father of many nations --- called those things, which are not as though they were.
Therefore; by giving birth to Ishmael (the wild one, the dragon with the ten horns and seven heads), Ishmael could now through believe call for the birth of Isaac, who did not yet exist, was not born yet.

Isaac is the symbol of Jesus, and therefore at Horeb we believed in something that did not yet existed for us. I say again; It did not existed for us.
Isaac, the one offered on mount Moria and God provided. Moria = the meaning of God provided.
This is the symbol of Calvary where Jesus Christ was offered and God provided. He provided a culprit, namely human – instead of God to be offered – you are the ram, the slaughtered Lamb. You should understand this by now.

This physical “man beast” with only five senses and no imagination were by way of belief calling for a spirit of imagination which did not yet existed at the time of Horeb.
Then the one we were calling for by way of belief came; his name is Jesus, the visible living model of God.
Therefore; what we were calling for at Horeb, we received in the form of Jesus, for we were calling to see God.
For this reason God became flesh in the form of a prophet called Jesus Christ.
He is the God out of our belief, he is the one out of our dreams, and he brought the spirit of dreams. (Imagination).
The sign or wonder he gave us was that he would rise out of his grave on the third human day, “which happened” and by way of believing and preaching that, we were calling for it to happen and the happening is NOW. It is now that he rises out of his grave.
I say; by preaching Jesus as the true prophet we were calling for the true prophet and he is here now.

Did this prophet ask us to follow a God that we did not know?
Yes he did. John 8:12 --- I am the light of the world, he that follow me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Did we follow this dreamer and walked after another God?
Yes we did follow him, a God that has never existed before.

God was always invisible but now we were following a visible God, and by doing that we transgressed the first four commandments, and made one horn/one power of these horns and we drank blood and said; this visible man is the son of God, let us follow the one with the four horns. Did he turn you away from God? Yes, the bible is clear he was born to fall; fall away from God.

Was this dreamer prophet put to death as God said it would be?
Yes he was, he was crucified.
He was the false prophet. BUT; by way of following him as the true prophet, we were in fact calling for the true prophet, who has now come and is here with you.

The “first coming” was not a coming as such, it was the fall of Christ, a fall that would last for “2000” years, and at this moment we are still falling for it is not yet the end of the second day.
We were calling for the second Adam, by way of preaching the first Adam Jesus as if he is the second Adam.
Well he is not the second Adam, as you would now agree, because I have proved to you in another section of this writing, why it is impossible for him to have been a second Adam.

But by believing he was the second Adam, we created the second Adam/called for the second Adam. “He” is here now on earth.
“He” is the true prophet YOU were calling for.
He is the one described in Deutn. 18:15-19.

With Jesus the sixth trumpet sounded, the trumpet of sight, for now we could see God. As explained before, this acceptance of a visible God led to the spirit of imagination and calling for the true prophet.
But; this God was the most terrible God ever, it brought motorcars, airplanes, satellites, space ships, guns, wars, bombs and many other good and bad things, that came forth out of the imagination of the human beast.
Although we followed and believed the lie, it was true to us at that stage of our development and also necessary for our development.

“ What goes down must come up”.
I say; if Jesus went down to hell – he has to come up from hell. Ef 4:9.
John the Baptist was the one who baptized Jesus (and that means all of us) with the Holy Ghost, meaning the deep sleep or with death so we could descend into hell.
John the Baptist descended with Jesus and all of us descended with God.
Therefore if the Baptist was the first one to descend, he will logically be the first to “ascend”, for he is the one to now baptize (Jesus) all of us with the quickening spirit.

He is the only one – the Elijah – who can baptize us with the resurrection because he was the one who baptized us to descend to hell.
He is the one with the key; to close hell and to open your seventh dome.
He is the one who must again prophesy. See Rev 10:11.
He did not prophesy before, but he is now.
The revelation has never been a revelation until now.
I say; it can ONLY be a revelation once we have the intellect to understand it.

The Son of man.

It is now time to reveal the Son of man to you namely, who is the Son of man?
None of you have ever known him nor “saw” him; you were just calling for him to become true.
You thought him to be a visible man; wrong!

Who is Christ?
Christ is the Son of God.
Who is the Son of God?
The Son of God is the Word of God.
I say; Christ is the Voice of God.
I say; God calls his voice of words, his Son.
I say; the Son of God = the voice of words of God.
Deutn. 4:12. The Lord spoke unto you out of the midst of the fire (darkness), ye heard the voice of words, but saw no similitude, you only heard a voice of words; it is therefore clear that the voice in fact = God/Christ/the Son.

If God calls his voice of words HIS SON OR THE SON OF GOD;
What will you call YOUR voice of words?
Logically you will call your voice of words, YOUR SON OR THE SON OF MAN.
I say; the Son of man is the WORD OF MAN.
We did not know this for the flea has caught us.
You might now say; No my friend the visible man Jesus is called the Son of God.
Really my friend you cant deny this even if you try; the bible is very clear, Christ has NEVER changed, he was always WORD and has never been visible and you better believe the bible.
You might say; but the bible says he became flesh!
Yes, the bible say; he was MADE flesh, YOU made him flesh, but he has never changed, he is yesterday, today and tomorrow the same namely WORD, do you believe that?
I say; even if you have changed him into flesh/visible he NEVER BECAME FLESH/VISIBLE.
But by believing him to be flesh, you became flesh.
Furthermore; if you believe him to be visible it means you worship darkness. All over the world there are pictures and statues of a man called Christ; how disgusting.
If you do believe what the bible says, then you must believe that only in your mind did he become flesh/a visible idol.

Your spirit of imagination/perception made him visible to you. The one you saw and worship was the son of destruction/the devil/the son of perdition but by worshipping him to be raised on the third day, you were calling for it to become true, yet it was not true at that stage. You made it possible that the words of Jesus could be fulfilled namely; I will wake you on the third and last day, which starts NOW.
Why did we have to call for THE BODY NOT TO PERISH? BECAUSE IT WAS DYING AND NEEDED A NEW SOUL as I have explained and if you did not worship Satan, the words of Jesus would never been fulfilled.
You might say; but his body did not perish, yes that was a vision/parable for the future to happen after 2000 years, a vision of what will happen to you on the last day, which is now for Jesus said he will wake you on the last day didn’t he? By way of the church preaching that he did not perish; you called for it to become true and what you called for is about to happen right NOW namely you will receive immortality now.

You have hearkened to the voice of the women, and because you could not distinguish between darkness and light, you chose to worship darkness, according to John 3: 19, and because you could not distinguish you hearkened to the voice of darkness. You did not give glory to the word but to the creature. You fulfilled Satan’s request. There is nobody who can deny this unless you’re not honest.
Or shall I say; of cause you can deny this if your not honest.
It is so wonderful to be honest!!!!
Please read Dan.5: 23.
You have chosen a tree/wooden cross to worship see Isai. 40: 20.
You still worship and offer on the high hills/Calvary see Jer.48: 35.

You should understand this by now, but let me explain it once more.
If you say; Jesus is the word/Christ, he is not, for the visible body = darkness = female (the wife).
Therefore you hearkened to the voice of the women, (the voice of Jesus/your body) like Adam and Abraham listened to the voice of their body, and as you now know the voice of the visible is called Satan.
I say; while worshipping darkness your voice is the voice of Satan.
Because you hearkened to the voice of the wife, Satan/Cain/Ishmael YOUR spiritual child were born the one some preachers were mocking about.
I say; some of us were mocking with his/our own child/God.

You can now buy “Jesus” on a shelf next to a baby doll; is that respect?
Some people are making millions by “trading” with the name Jesus; Dan brown made millions with the name Jesus based on myths. People have lost their respect FOR THEIR OWN GOD.

The bible is clear that the present preachers is the prophet of the beast and they have the lying spirit, for the spirit came forth and said I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of the preachers and God said; go forth you will prevail AND HE DID PREVAIL.
Furthermore; God has exalted him, gave him a name, which is above all names and every knee, should bow, of things in heaven, earth and under earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus is the Lord and every knee did bow and every tongue did confess!! See Phlip.2: 9-11.
BUT; Philip. 2:5-6. Let this mind be in you, which was also in (the mind of) Christ Jesus who being in the form/shape/image of God (namely male and female) thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
It was the plan that the beast should call himself God.
Likewise I have no shame about my sins for I have worked for God.

This revelation wont be easy for the church to accept but the playing field must be level for all players, whore and priest alike for church had send their sisters to hell without forgiveness.
I say; church or whore has no advantage one above the other to enter the Holiest.
However; the honest and intelligent preacher will see the bigger picture and see this as a challenge – forgive each other for all of us had worked for each other, sinned for each other and we are cells of one body and if the preachers didn’t preach the lie the truth would have never come.

You chose Satan as your God; the picture of the cross is darkness, which is a symbol of Sinai and has blinded your senses.
I say; visibility has blinded you, you believed what your EYES told your brain in your forehead.
I say; the tree in the Garden of Eden, your eyes has blinded you and you ate the forbidden fruit.
The picture of the cross is a picture of the enemy nailed to the cross, the bible tells us that the human body is the enemy and for this reason he had to go to perdition/be demolished be “nailed to the cross.”
The picture of the cross, the picture in your forehead/ your mind, is a mirrored image/a parable of yourself.
I say; the picture in your mind about Calvary is a picture in a mirror of yourself.
You see yourself on Calvary where you have been crucified.
You glorified yourself/created yourself.

The meaning of Calvary or Golgotha = a place in your scull.
The place in your scull is your brain.
I say; you have been crucified in your brain; in/on Calvary.
I say; you have been blinded by your senses – the cherubim in the east of the garden in Eden, your eyes have crucified you, he took you captured.
I say; the cherubim have captured and oppressed Christ in your brain.
I say; your imagination/perception has captured you.
The east as we explained is your face, your forehead, where Man were driven out and were replaced by Satan/Cain/imagination.
It was necessary to be blinded by Satan/the cherubim in your forehead/the front part of your brain, because you were not yet ready to receive immortality, you first had to gain knowledge and understanding.

BUT; now you are ready, for you have the No 666, which means you have the optimum knowledge a mortal can receive.
Therefore you can now come nearer to the “great and dreadful day” of the Lord, without fear, for this dreadful day of the Lord is in fact the most wonderful day for you, for you will shed this dreadful body of yours in 0.2333 sec. and receive a new immortal body that can never ever die again.
Read Malachi 4: 5-6. This is the reason why Elijah is here.
Is that what you want? If it is, how are you going to get immortality?
Is it by worshipping a visible God Jesus?

What does the mirrored image in your brain tells us about Cavalry?
It tells us; that you are a living cross crucified on Calvary/in your brain.
The body has the shape of a cross; it is not a cross that has the shape of a body. I say; the body has not been created to suit a wooden cross. You are the Christ that’s been crucified on Calvary – in the brain in your scull.
You were blinded by Satan, the darkness on the cross, for the visible cross and body = darkness/Satan.
You have fulfilled Satan’s request for he asked to be worshiped and you did worship him, and because you have worshipped him, he will now surrender/make an Passover for that was his request and then he would surrender/Passover; HE HAS SURRENDER TO THE TRUE PROPHET, FOR this prophet has DEFEATED HIM.
You brought victory over Satan/you gave the universe a soul; BE PROUD.

Jesus gave you the cup to drink, so let us see what John the Baptist said about this for he is the one who baptized you with death – with the deep sleep – for your sake.
It is Johannes who now tells you the truth.
John. 3:6. which is born of the flesh IS FLESH, and that which is born of the spirit IS SPIRIT.
If you say, you are born again and your God is a visible Jesus, it wills mean you are born of the flesh and are flesh, as you know you are flesh.
You might say; but I received the Holy Ghost and that is a spirit, therefore why do you say I am born out of flesh?
Exactly, you and all people on earth received the Holy Ghost in fact you are the mother of the Holy Ghost, for that is the spirit of the soul, and that spirit were created BECAUSE you worshipped a visible imaginary God/idol, and that spirit is in fact called SATAN the spirit of the flesh/visible/eye.
You are only halfway to become a spiritual being.
By preaching Jesus as a visible God to us we received imagination. You can now deny this, but then you deny the magic of this Gospel that’s been preached all these years with the specific idea to develop the second mightiest spirit in the universe namely your imagination.
I say; the spirit we have is a spirit of the eye, it was created by sight, by way of the things you saw and imagined and worshipped by way of the tree (your eyes) in the midst of the garden in Eden (Your face). Because you eat the fruit of your eyes you die, because God said if you eat this fruit you would die the same day you eat.
What a wonderful plan this was!!!!!!
Shortly now I will receive birth and leave the womb, the present body, which will burn as a placenta.

The clock of death.

Like a penis are the domes,
The towers of the churches,
Pointing straight at heaven,
Like an arrow at those above
And high up on the tower
A clock, it is counting down
The final hour of her belief
Counting down her death and
At the bottom of the tower
Like a seed bag full of sperm,
The church and its congregation
The seed of Satan, like a sperm
Spreading throughout the heaven
The penis sounds eleven now
Just an hour to twelve o’clock,
Then it falls forever.
My Lord, can I ask to save
Just the sound of church bells
I have heard it all my life
Like the spell of fascination
It stood tall above every town
Let the penis and the seed bag fall
But keep the spell of love,
The spell of hope.

Silent words.

Words can’t find my lips
To praise you LORD
But my soul rejoice
And the stream of my thoughts
Ascend without a sound
It brings you joy
My mother and my father

Being flesh, having the spirit of the flesh, you cannot enter the next heaven of immortality. See john 3:5.
Mortals worship mortals/visible objects or idols.
John 3:13. no man (Jesus) has ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man, which is in heaven.
What does this say?
It says; the Son of man – namely your voice of words has ascended up to heaven, and it is your voice of words that came down from heaven to you.
I say; the result of your voice of words came down as rain to you.
It says; the visible body did not ascend up to heaven, neither did the body came down from heaven.
We have discussed that your spirit, or for that matter, your voice of words feeds the heavens, impregnate the heavens with what ever you send up in heaven.

Whatever comes out of your mouth goes up in heaven and that is your immortal half and that half can never die.
Whatever comes out of your mouth goes up and MUST COME DOWN in a spiritual rain, good or bad, depending on what you send up.
Therefore Jesus says; you have sent up to heaven the spirit/the belief in the red dragon with the seven heads and ten horns;
AND HERE I AM!!!!!!!!
Your voice of words has send me up to heaven and I have returned to you in a spiritual rain. I am the one you called for.
You thought me to be visible, so here I am, the result of your belief.

Rom. 10:6-8. the righteousness which is of faith (out of belief) speak on this wise. Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven? That is to bring down Christ (the Son of man) down from above or who shall descend into the deep, that is to bring Christ again from the dead (out of the grave)
Verse 8. but what does this say; THE WORD (SON OF MAN) IS NIGH THEE, EVEN IN THY MOUTH, and in thy heart, THAT IS THE WORD OF FAITH WHICH WE PREACH.
Therefore Paul say; he preaches the word, the voice of words = Christ = the Son of man in your mouth as God.
We don’t have to ascend into heaven or descend into the grave to find him; HE IS RIGHT HERE IN YOUR VOICE OF WORDS in fact your voice of words = the Son of man for human gave birth to words/speech.
You are his grave and therefore you don’t have to descend to bring him up.

Christ the Son of man has been crucified in you; HIS GRAVE IS IN YOU. His death was in you and his rise will be in you.
This prophet is here to resurrect/baptize Christ the Son of man and to let him out of his grave. His grave is in you, and YOU must now set him free, for you have kept him in prison by preaching him to be visible and by preaching him to be visible you crowned Satan/the creature as God.
While you use the Lords supper he will be imprisoned and LIGHT can’t come for darkness rules.
I say; if dawn can’t break the night will stay.
Further, this prophet is here to BIND SATAN AND TO CLOSE THE PIT FOR A THOUSAND YEARS.

This prophet is here to open your seventh dome. Now while you are reading here the seventh trumpet sounds.
Rev 10: 7. but in the days of the VOICE of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as he has declared to his servants the prophets.
Johannes has revealed the mystery of God but not everyone will understand it yet; for good reason he sometimes speaks in symbols, which is in fact easy to understand but he can not spell out exactly who God Almighty is although he told you “EXACTLY”.
Luke 10:22. all things are delivered to me (the Son) of my Father and no man knows who the Son is but the Father and who the Father is , but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal.
This mystery has now been revealed to you because the Son now wants you to know.

Rev. 11:15. and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven, saying; the kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of HIS Christ (the Son of man) and he shall reign for ever and ever.

The great voices in heaven symbolize the joy NOW AT THIS MOMENT IN HEAVEN.
See rev. 10:6. – there is to be no time no longer!!!!
This CAN happen IF YOU WANT IT TO HAPPEN, for it is you who must put your child on his throne.
However, Christ is not JUST speech; we will deal with it in future.

What can we learn from these scriptures?
The mystery of God (the things we did not understood) is finished.
It has been explained to you in a human conception, ANYONE CAN UNDERSTAND THIS. Any grade five child can understand this for you don’t have to understand everything only to distinguish between light and darkness and male and female and for this reason you can study the sketches.
Further we learn that when this message goes out (when the seventh trumpet sounds) the kingdoms of this world, which belonged to Satan, now become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ the Son of man, for Satan has been defeated/exposed.
In future we will tell you more about the Son of man when we deal with the New Jerusalem but in the meantime; the Son of man has power to forgive and therefore; forgive each other for you will not enter the next heaven if you did not forgive Judas.
I say; your voice of words has the power to forgive, logically so.

John 1:1. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God (us) and the word was God.
We are not yet at the beginning, but this verse says; the WORD IS GOD, namely the voice of words is God if we put him on the throne.
Verse 3. all things were made by him (the word), and without him
(the word) was not any thing made that was made.

This verse say; all things were created by the Words of man/Christ; for instance; adultery, murder, the red dragon, hatred, love, beauty, motorcars and anything you can think of you can add to this list.
You might say; no, not murder or hatred, well then this particular verse in the bible must be a lie and we can tear it out of your bible for this verse say; ALL THINGS and you should understand this by now.

Verse. 4. in him was life, and the life was the light of men.
This verse say; there was life/power (eternal life) in the Voice of words, which was the “light” of man, it kept us alive as we explained with Eden.
John. 6:63. it is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU, THEY ARE SPIRIT AND THEY ARE LIFE.
Jesus clearly states who the Son of man is namely; the flesh is not the Son of man but the word has the power.
It is clear from this that the word (the Son of man) is the bearer of spirit and that this spirit keeps/can keep us alive eternally IF we crown him as God.
John 1: 5. and the light shineth in (out of ) darkness and the darkness comprehended it not .
2 Cort. 4:6. God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness.
What does this mean?
It means; the body is darkness and the light namely the voice of words/the Son of man, shines/speaks out of this darkness/the visible body; it is like the music coming out of the speaker.

What we can learn out of these verses are; as we explained Eden, that the spirit/ the voice of words/the Son of man/the husband – gave life to the body Eden, there was life in the word.
But then; John 1:14. and --- THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH.
Who and how did the word became flesh?
I have explained this several times and through different eyes, but it is so important that you simply MUST UNDERSTAND THIS.

Let us use the following hypothesis;
Previously you had entrance to heaven, to the highest God.
The morning star was your representative but you made him sin and he was cast out of heaven.
Then we took/ate the fruit of the eye, we ate the fruit of the visible.
We created a red dragon as our god, namely a God with seven heads and ten horns. One head had four horns and the other six heads had one horn each making a total of ten horns, symbolizing the Ten Commandments.
The head with four horns is the first four commandments.
We uprooted three of the commandments and made one command out of these four and said;
Jesus is the Son of man, a visible man/God, or if you will, a God of the imagination/perception in our brains, while the bible say God is spirit/invisible.
By way of this we crucified our life-giving husband, (the voice of words, instead we took the visible body as our God) and God had to ban us from heaven and we got caught in the flesh. (The heavens were closed for us.)

Rev. 6:12. when the sixth seal were opened ---- (the seal of the imaginable sight.)
Verse 13. the stars (us) of heaven fell unto earth, even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Verse 14. and the heaven departed (we were cut off from heaven) as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain (glory) and island (nations) were moved out of their “place”.

The sixth seal opened when the sixth spirit developed, it happened over a long period of time in fact the development of the sixth seal has three stages as explained. The 2000 years is only a symbol of that time.
Rev. 12:3-4. and there appeared another wonder in heaven, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads (to symbolize that he is crowned by God as ruler) and his tail drew the third part of the stars (us) of heaven, and did cast them to earth --- (your spirit were cast out of heaven and caught in flesh.)
John. 1:9. the true light, which lighteth every man has come into the world.
Verse. 10. He was in the world (he never left) and the world was made by him and the world knew him not --
Verse. 11. he came unto his own, and his own (us) received him not.
Why does he call us his own?
Because we are his mothers, brothers and sisters.
Why did we not receive him?
Because we knew him not.
Why did we not “knew” him?
Because the flea has caught us!!!!!
I say; we made a wrong conclusion, we could not distinguish between the body (darkness/flesh) and the light (the Son of man) simply because we were not yet intelligent enough.
Again I say; but now we are intelligent, for the soul has been completed; and anybody can now understand this revelation you don’t have to be a highly lettered person. The sketches I gave you will help you to understand.

John. 3:19. THIS IS THE CONDEMNATION, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, BECAUSE THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL.

What does this verse say?
It says; the Word came into the world, Jesus (Lucifer) brought it, but we loved/ accepted the body/Lucifer (darkness) as our God, because our deeds were evil and this is the reason we are condemned.
There might be those who feel that they are “holy” and have no evil deeds, but the bible is clear that there is no one on earth that are holy, surely that includes me and I am thankful for that because I want God to be holy.
In any case this verse says; if your deeds weren’t evil you would not have followed Lucifer as you indeed did.
Or shall we tear this verse out of the bible? Yes or no.

At some stage my pastor was very ill and while I was visiting him I told him that sickness is the result of sin. He replied and said; “not in my case.”
God bless him.

Verse. 18. he that believe on him is not condemned but he that believe not is condemned already ---
What does this mean?

It means; that if you now can distinguish you will not be under condemnation anymore, however if you can’t distinguish, you are condemned already and will stay under condemnation until you are able to distinguish.
For those who now can distinguish, the second death has no power over you and you can enter the next heaven now.
Those who cant distinguish; you will sleep another 1000 years. See Rev.20: 5-6. You will also receive immortality but be judged by your deeds after 1000 years.
The bible says; many will come to enter, but they will be told; go away I don’t know you. If you don’t know “the password” the door will stay closed to you and you will be told; go away for you don’t have the password.
I say; if you know the password the door IS open to you.

The password is to distinguish between the body of Jesus and the Word, the Son of man. Many would like to understand, but will not understand and logically there will also be those who don’t want to understand or refuse to understand for their own reasons.
IT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND studies the sketches I gave you and you will see how easy it is.

Be sure of this; we can only receive what we have preached for what we preach is reality to you.
What did we preach? We mention a couple of things.
We preached the destruction of the devil = your body.
We preached the descent ion of Jesus to hell = Jerusalem.
We preached the destruction and the burning in hell of the false prophet = the present preachers.
We “made a fool” of the devil =you.
We preached a false prophet = Jesus.
This is about to happen and be fulfilled now.

We preached a new heaven and earth.
We preached a new body, the second Adam.
We preached a second “coming”, a return.
We preached (called for) a true prophet.
We preached a reunion.
We preached a perfect world.
This is about to happen and be fulfilled now.

The purpose of the first Adam.

The purpose of the first Adam is to give the universe and all life in the entire universe an eternal soul, but he hasn’t got the power “to wake it up”, for logical reasons.
This could only be accomplished by worshipping visible objects and the church has been true and honest in leading us. You can’t manufacture anything without a plan or a model and the visible objects acts as the model to manufacture the living “thing”.
Thus Jesus was the living model to manufacture a new body and soul for you by way of worshipping him.
We started off by worshipping God in the form of a mountain, and the mountain gave us Ten Commandments to follow as a way to discipline us.

These commands are totally impossible to follow, the reason is; we have eyes that brings desire, lust, jealousy etc.
This is exactly the purpose – to “arouse” the spirit of human, to give glory to the visible objects that we see by way of desire.
I say; if the command says; you may not, then it has been given power to the command.
I say; if you could have fulfilled the Ten Commandments your mission would not have been successful.
It is simply a lie, to say you can fulfill the commands not even if you plea to be an “ox”.
I say; I have transgressed the commands because I was created to do just that; therefore I have worked for God and I understand it now because I am honest. Someone without sin is like a flower without a smell, it only looks nice.
When you look at a flower, a motorcar or any object and say or feel – O how beautiful! -- you give spirit to that object. Can you remember the feeling you have when you for the first time get into your new car or garment? That is how you give spirit to your car.
However, we don’t see it in this present heaven, only when we shortly enter the next heaven, you will see your creation.

The next heaven is where your seventh dome opens, your spiritual eye.
We were taught that we “go to heaven” but we completely misunderstand what that means. We will discuss that in another chapter.

In the second heaven, where we currently are, we are the slaves; we work and preach without knowledge of what exactly we preach and create.
In the first heaven we created spirit and in the second heaven we laid spiritual channels.
In the first heaven we give “dead objects” spirit and in the second heaven we lay spiritual channels, which will serve us in the next heaven where we will “rest,” on the seventh day or third heaven from all the work we did during the past six days.
When we move to this heaven we will just speak, and what ever we say will be done.

It is like building a power station to produce light. First you build the plant then you lay the cables to different cities, then to different houses with different power points, and only when you switch on the switch – then there is light.

We can say; in the forecourt we have build the plant and in the second room, the holy room, we have laid the different cables to different cities and houses and in the third room the holy of holy we enjoy the light and the light serves us.

It is not one team to do all the work it is different qualified teams. For this reason there are different religions.
For instance; we can say; Christian “kissed” the body of Jesus and created a new body for the next heaven, and Muslim “kissed” the earth and sanctified the food or body perhaps, but in the next heaven all of us will enjoy the hard work, for we had worked for each other.
There had to be rock stars, whores, murderers, war and preachers etc.

During the past 2000 years of deep sleep in the holy room, we created angels to serve us in the next heaven.
You might ask; how did we create angels? Didn’t God created them?
Your voice of words is God.
By way of what you did in church or by way of watching television, or by way of taking part in a rock concert or by way of smelling something nice, you created; also animals create angels, for instance a dog will probably co-create the angel of smell and hearing for their senses are much better equipped for that, while yours have been blinded, but you will also enjoy that in the next heaven.

What ever you think, you create, for you are a spiritual being producing spirit, a spiritual factory to manufacture living atoms so to speak.
Creation will only be finished at the end of the sixth day, and it is not yet the end of the sixth day, however we are less than one hour away from the beginning of the seventh day. One hour = 41.666 years.

Gen. 1:31. God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
We are touching the end of the sixth day now, and that is the reason this writing reaches you now, for it is time to wake up out of the deep sleep, for morning has broken!!!!!!
Then in Gen. 2:1. we read; Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all of the hosts (angels) of them. (You created them.)
Verse. 2. on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made.
Therefore the work is not yet finished but we will rest – enjoy our works.

The seventh day lasts a thousand years and we will be the second Adam with the quickening spirit, and you will be God, a spiritual being with the No 777.
“Jesus” was the first Adam and did not have the quickening spirit, for the bible say he received the spirit of the Holy Ghost, which is the spirit of the soul with the No 666. He was the first Adam to enter the second heaven. “He” had eternal life but his body (the human) brought him to his fall and to his death, because his body gave him to eat of the fruit of the eye, for he had no knowledge, he was naked.
I say; “Jesus” = the Holy Ghost because his mother Mary was found pregnant with the Holy Ghost called Jesus; therefore she gave birth to the Holy Ghost (Jesus) and not to a visible creature, it is simply logic.
You can’t give birth to a snake if you have been impregnated by a lion.
I say; you are Mary who gave birth to the Holy Ghost.
Therefore if you preach that Mary gave birth to a fleshly body, you preach the lie. However; it was true to you while you were blinded by your senses and while you were children of the faith. Your senses blinded you because it can only tell you about the things of the perception.
You now have the opportunity to see; BUT; NO ONE IS AS BLIND AS HE WHO DON’T WANT TO SEE.
Also everybody won’t have the same glory for the bible say; some will shine like the sun others like the moon and others like the stars.
There have to be “people” to stay in the second present heaven.
I say; some “people” have to stay behind to serve in the present heaven but they will have another opportunity after 1000 years.
Therefore if you really can’t understand this revelation, then keep what you have for you will have eternal life.
Let us now look at 1 Cor. 15 and prove this to you through another eye.
Verse. 35….. some man will say, how are the dead raised up?
36) thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die.
37) That which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain ----
What does these verses say;
It says; your present body is not your future body, but your present body is a seed that produces a crop, only if it dies.
Your present body returns to dust, same as the seed you sow, to produce a crop; the crop is that what you spiritually created while you were “alive”. The seed of the corn that you sow will not be resurrected, same as the body “we lay to rest” in the grave is not to be resurrected, IT IS MEANT TO DECAY AND TO RETURN TO DUST because then sin and death has decayed.
38) God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. (the seeds are different spiritual or atom sperm cells)
39) ….all flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.
40). …there are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial (earthly) but the glory of the celestial is one, and the terrestrial is another. (Different bodies have different atoms.)
42) so also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption (you had to sin) it is raised in incorruption.
43) it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
44) it is sown a natural body (physical), it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural (earthly) body, and there is a spiritual body.

You can now clearly understand that you shed your present body when you “die”.
You only receive birth when you die.
Previously when we buried someone we said; ashes to ashes – dust to dust.
In future however, when someone dies, for there will for some time still be those who die, we will say; blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow with them.

You came to earth – not to live – but to die. After you have done your slavery work, you shed this body – the body dies and goes back to dust, but you receive birth.
You came to earth to create, but your temporary body only acted as a speaker for the voice of words, namely the Son of man, who created everything – good or bad came forth out of your bosom, which acted as a womb or speaker or Lucifer.
There comes a time however, when millions of people will shed their bodies at the same moment, without having a normal death experience.
1 Cor 15:45; so it is written; the first man Adam (Jesus, you and me) was made a living soul (he has the sixth spirit of the soul, he is a soul), the last Adam was made a Quickening Spirit.(he receive the seventh spirit).
46) spiritual howbeit that was not first which is but that which is natural, and afterward that which is spiritual.
47) the first man (Jesus, you) is of the earth, earthly, the second man is the Lord from heaven.
This verse says; the first man Jesus – his flesh was of earth and he had the spirit of the soul an earthly spirit, in fact he is the symbol of your soul he is spirit.
The second Adam has heavenly flesh = a seventh spirit not produced on earth out of the visible.
48) as is the earthly, such are they also that are earthly and is the heavenly, such are also that are heavenly.
49) and as we have born the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

Therefore; to create a future spiritual body, we had to worship a visible Jesus to become impregnated to give birth to a new body/a new spirit/a soul for God.
I say; to create a new body we had to call for it as if it already existed; as if Jesus was this body.

The image of earth is a visible image, whereas the image of heaven is an invisible image, although the future body will be 30% visible.
I say; earth is the visible half of God.
50) now this I say brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither does corruption inherit incorruption.

This clearly states that your body will have to change – before you can finely enter the next heaven.

51) behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep (die) but we shall all be changed.
52) in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. (You are the dead.)
54) ----- This mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written; death is swallowed up in victory…

THERE WILL BE NO MORE DEATH!!!!!!!! You have defeated death by way of your own death.

The Lamb of God.

The Lamb of God is not a single person as we have preached all these years.
The Lamb is a single name for all humans who forms one body, the name of anyone human = Jesus or Mo Hammed for instance, and all humans are cells of this body called Jesus or Mo Hammed.
The prophet Jesus brought this cup for us to drink. He did not sin by doing that, for that was his mission; not to reveal himself and to confuse us and to become a lying spirit, but also to give the cup to all humans and to tell them; YOU SHALL ALL DRINK.
You willingly took the cup and the bribe therefore God did not sin.
You are Judas who took the sop/bribe that Jesus held out to you and when you took it the Satan entered you. You cant deny it for the Lords supper = the sop/the cup. The cup symbolizes the result of taking the Lords Supper, and the result is your suffering/your death.
You took the bribe and the “present” you receive in return = you become a living soul.

All humans drink this cup, don’t say; I am Muslim and I did not follow Jesus, for the cup you drink is the cup of the visible and if you have any visible ordinances that you use in church, you drink this cup, as a matter of fact if you have eyes, you drink this cup whether you want to know it or not, because you were created for this. If you have suffering, YOU KNOW you drank the cup because the result of the cup = suffering and death.
I say; I came here to sin, I was created for that, but there might be those who might want to differ, out of kindness I don’t mention what their reasons might be.

Not only did human drink this cup but all life on earth, and that is the reason they die.
You might say; I don’t believe in Jesus, I believe in another prophet.
That’s fine, but this message is in any case for you as well, because didn’t your prophet told you about love, about a hell (or what ever he might call it), about the destruction of your present body, and that you will receive a new body and didn’t he told you about a final day and about an afterlife?

The messages of all prophets were meant for all humans, or did he number those who must believe in his message?
I use the bible to prove the truth, not because I don’t believe in what Mo Hammed or others said, but I am familiar with the scriptures of the bible, and after all the bible has been given to Johannes to reveal the truth, although he has also studied the Qu’ran and the book of Mormon.

It is not only Jesus who said that Johannes will prophesy again but many other prophets spoke about Johannes, like the Qu’ran and the book of Mormon, but I just want to say; you can disappoint Johannes, but don’t disappoint God or your prophet, for this is the final day ALL PROPHETS SPOKE ABOUT, and your prophet has told you about Johannes to come.
All prophesies of your prophets and the law now comes to its end.

I urge you to follow my message in the bible, but by that I don’t mean you must neglects the scriptures you were brought up with, because after all, it was your scriptures that developed your soul.

The time has however come that humanity must group under one single name, as cells of one single body, with one voice, for we know division is the work of Satan where each and every religion sees itself as the only one to be correct, be saved, and to be true to its visible idol. The confusion Jesus brought is the reason for thousands of religions.

All of us came from Abraham the father/the mountain Horeb, and Sinai (Hagar) the mother of the senses and Jerusalem the mother of the soul.
All of us came from Horeb or do you know of a shortcut?
All of us have the DNA of the first life, namely rock, grass and fish etc.
If you deny this, you are probably an invading alien and cannot be part of this fantastic end goal.
If you deny this you are probably the one who always blame your ancestors, and see yourself as the holy one.

I want to be part of this, and if I want to be part of this, I have to accept that I am scum.
I want to be the culprit; I want to take the blame because I want something better than this filthy body I live in.
I am not holy; I want God to be holy.
Are you holy?

I don’t want to send anybody to hell, but I want my old body to return to dust, to pay my entrance fee to heaven, for my present body cant enter heaven, to be in the presence of God the one and only God.
Soon however I will be Eden, the first and last everlasting body, and I urge you to become a spiritual cell of this body. Previously you were a blood cell of your prophet, who acted as your father.

In future there will be only one name in the future third heaven and I reveal this name to you. Mentally write it on your forehead, and in the actions of your right hand, your voice of words; EDEN. SAY; I AM EDEN.
There is an alternative road; that is to cling to the name of your prophet and die a normal death and rise after 1000 years and be judged by your deeds.
There are also those who will never wake up.
Jerm. 51:39. ---- I will make them drunk that they may rejoice and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake up ---
I wont discuss now who they are.

Your scriptures taught you to cling to the prophesy of your prophet, but what does that say; It says, there is a new heaven, a new body and a new life, and that is what you must cling to, and that is what your prophet meant for you, if you have followed the rules. Logically this signifies a new priest.

Who is the Lamb of God and what is the Lamb?
Horeb told us that humans and animals and earth dies if we touch the mountain.
The mountain = the visible = your prophet as idol.
We die because we touched the mountain.
The message was simple; crucify the old, and create a new universe.
Another reason for the Lamb (the one crucified) is to get rid of the bad in heaven, for bad spirits from earth has contaminated heaven and heaven became our enemy.

We had to sanctify God (heaven and earth).
The plan was to create a disposable body that could act like a sponge to absorb the bad and be doomed to die, to burn, so sin could disappear; you are this body.
Our solar system – earth – has been chosen for this “war”, and all evil were cast unto earth by way of Horeb, Mecca and Calvary, Jerusalem and the prophets.
This brought joy in heaven Rev. 9:1-2, but immense suffering on earth for the Lamb had to pay the price for the entire universe. See rev 18

Heaven therefore, advanced without the misery of sin, pain and death.
The body of the Lamb had to be representative of the whole of the universe, in other words it had to have all the components of heaven and earth, to unlock checkmate.
It had to have the components of rock and spirit, to give life to everything, namely earth, grass, fish, animal, human, heaven and the Son of man.
Words/ speech has been developed on earth.
How amazing that God could create a living creature out of solid rock; you are this living rock.

If it had to give life to everything, the human had to evolve from rock to grass, to fish, to animal, to human, to God, who will once more have the atom of life in itself. To bring this plan to perfection the atom of life had to be split into male and female separately.
Although we have an atom on earth with a positive and a negative, it is still a negative atom, a dieing atom, and we need the positive from space; the correct formula is 70 to 30.
Scientists can prove this in a lab; to little and it will be firm, too much and it will be liquid.

Human is a perfect image and copy of the universe, and have the balanced contents of the present solar system, and will have the perfect contents of the new universe.
What does all this mean?
Rev.5:12. Johannes heard a voice saying; worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessings.
This refers to us, for we are the ones slaughtered for the universe, together with our solar system. You will receive this power and glory.

The throne of the Almighty will be on earth, and will rule the whole universe from here. Rev.5: 13.
Further; Judah is the one who holds the scepter forever.
We will discuss later on who the nation of Judah is.
Rev. 5:9. Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof, for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood.
10) we shall reign on earth, from earth.

What does these verses say?
It says; we the slaughtered lamb has opened this book and its sealed seals for thou was slain and therefore thou art worthy.
What does it mean – the sealed seals?
Firstly; the only way to energize the universe is to give glory to the visible.
As we explained; the universe was in a checkmate position, meaning it was dying and God, the creator of all could not re-energize the universe because;
1) it is sin to worship visible objects, for there is only one God namely the invisible one, and there is also a curse on those who worship the visible, they have to die.
2) God could not worship his creation or the creature; it is unthinkable that he would deliver himself to the creature.
For this reason the human/devil were created, to worship the visible and to create Satan and to deliver itself to the creature with the idea to unlock checkmate.

The plan was to give the visible an eternal spirit, namely a souls spirit, in other words to make darkness light. See Isai 42:16.
By giving the visible a souls spirit, God will be in everything and everything will be a living creature, energizing itself eternally.
Moses opened the fifth seal and Jesus opened the sixth seal, while this prophet now opens the last seal the seventh, this is hypothetically speaking.

You might now say; but Johannes has opened the seals, because in the past the bible has been a closed book to us, and only now we can understand the bible!!
Johannes only loosened the seals for you to see and understand, but you were crucified for this and you made victory possible.
However there is only one to reveal the revelation, and that is Johannes to whom it was given to reveal, according to Rev. 1:1.

For this reason the angel said; thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations and tongues and kings. Rev. 10:11.
Math.11: 13 and Luke. 16:16-17. all the (your) prophets and the law (the ten commandments) prophesied until this coming of Johannes.
This makes it clear that “the prophets and the law” did not prophesied until the “first” coming of Johannes the Baptist, simply BECAUSE Jesus came to fulfill the law and therefore the law had to prophesy UNTIL THIS coming. Nobody can deny this. Can you?

It is only NOW that the prophesy of the Ten Commandments and Jesus comes to its end, because the one who gave the commandments is defeated, namely Satan.
In a way it saddens me to say these things, but also I am so glad to say this.
Therefore I say; put on your wedding dress!!!!!!!!!
For you are the bride of the bridegroom; are you?
And if you are, what is the wedding dress?

The saints of God.

Rev. 1:7 Behold, he cometh with the clouds
And every eye shall see him
And they also who pierced him
And all kindred’s of earth
Shall wail because of him
So let it be (meaning amen).

Who are the saints of God?
We/us are the saints of God, chosen by an election for duty in the flesh; to become a visible “Object” and with our bodies as the cross to bear, a living cross to die in/on Calvary.
I say; the human brain had to die for it holds the entire existence of life and death in it; it is the origin of life and death and the origin of past, present and future.
You can decide what the future should be.
You died on Calvary = your brain died.
This is a great mystery, which I won’t explain now although you can understand the mystery about it.
Each one of us has his own cross/lot to carry; the one in church might feel he did a great job, yes its true, but you might have had the “easy” cross to carry, think about the whore, the alcoholic, the murderer ---- those in jail---
You might say; they deserve it.
Yes of cause it is true for this is the system of the antichrist; no forgiveness, an eye for an eye and that is the reason they are in jail for Satan has no forgiveness or healing; you simply have to pay.
No one is born a murderer or a thief; the system of the antichrist has born them.
But this law is there because you want it to be.
Didn’t all of us sin, why is it that only some have to pay for their sin?
If your mind wishes someone to die you have killed.
If you only look at a women or man with desire you have committed adultery.
Is this true to you?

Rom. 9:11. For the children being not yet born (only sperm cells of the universe), neither having done good or wrong/evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth. (God calls you not because you are a whore or a preacher but because he wants to call you).
12) It was said unto her (earth/Eve) the elder shall serve the younger (the younger being the Son of man, the voice of words.)
16) so then it is not of him that will nor of him that run, but of God that show mercy.
18) therefore has he mercy on whom he will have mercy and whom he harden. (he might have mercy on the whore and perhaps not on the preacher).
19) though will say unto me, why does he yet find fault? For who has resisted his will (nobody has, neither the whore nor the priest.)
22) what if God, willing to show his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much suffering, the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction (our bodies).
Please read Rom. 3.
We were elected for this duty to conquer and rule.
Victory is not without the pain of birth.

Rev.6: 9. and when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and the testimony which they held.
This was when the ears of “human” opened at Horeb, when animal started to advance into human. This is a future vision to come, where human became the slaughtered lamb.
Verse 12) and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earth quake (symbolically) and the sun became as sackcloth of hair (this symbolize our fall from light to darkness) and the moon became as blood (symbolically the visible things came under wrath)
13) and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth --- (we fell to earth)
14) and the heavens departed (taken away from us) as a scroll when it is rolled together (A new heaven opened) and every mountain (glory of ) and island (nation) were moved out of their places.

Turmoil started on earth, confusion. This is the real descend of us (the souls in verse 9) to become the Lamb of God.
We as the stars of heaven entered the bodies of animal under the flag of Moses/Jesus and other prophets.

Rev. 12:1 ---- the women (Jesus, you and I) clothed with the sun (the glory) and the moon (the visible) under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (to symbolize her glory).
Verse 2; and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pain to be deliver.
Verse 3; and there appeared another wonder in heaven, behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads.
Verse 4;And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven (us) and did cast them to earth and the dragon stood before the women (us in this body/us “hanging” on the cross) which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
Verse 5; And she brought forth a man child (the soul) who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne. (The bible says, to sit at the right hand of God).
The soul indeed rules with an iron rod.

This clearly explains that we gave birth to the soul while “hanging on the cross”, while we were nailed to this present body of ours.
Rightfully God said; Gen.3: 16. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, in sorrow thou shall bring forth children (spiritual children) and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.
Your husband, as you now know, is Cain/Satan.

Why did our conception multiply?
Our conception multiplied because we created/gave birth to the beast out of the sea (the spirit) with ten horns and seven heads, and we created the beast out of the earth (the so called rise of Jesus out of the grave.)
The rise of Jesus was the rise of Satan the soul who received birth from you his mother, the human. However the rise actually only took place when the preachers started to “preach” him out of his grave, which is not long ago.

This beast that came out of earth had two horns like a lamb (as if he is the slaughtered lamb) See Rev.13: 11.
This is what we have preached; he is the slaughtered lamb, but he is not as you now know, for you are the slaughtered lamb.
The horns are; I AM THE LORD THY GOD, which means; the body your God.
14) and he deceived them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the (direct) sight of the beast (he had power over the visible) saying to them that dwell on earth that they should make an image to the beast (an spiritual image of Jesus) which had the wound by a sword and did live (Jesus received this sword wound while he was on the cross; he was buried and came out of the grave on the third human day.)
This is the lie we had to believe.

The truth is that Christ only rise on the third day with the second resurrection which is after 2000 years, for the formula we received is; one day = 1000 years, and therefore Christ only rises after 2000 years which is NOW 2007.

Wisdom/ understanding was necessary to calculate the number of the beast. The number is 6, the number of a human soul.
Six, because human has the sixth spirit, the spirit of imagination/the soul.
Rev.13: 18.
(666 are the ultimate knowledge of human/a mortal.)
Rev. 12:11. and they overcame him (the serpent/the beast) by the blood of the Lamb (the blood, death of our bodies) and by the word of their (our) testimony and they (we) loved not their lives unto death.

We died willingly, unknowingly, “without opening our mouths”; we died FOR God, in the PLACE of God.
Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal, the bible calls it fraud.
12) (Summarized) in heaven there was great joy, but on earth earthlings had great suffering.
There was joy in heaven because the virus of death, pain, sickness and suffering were cast out of heaven unto earth.

The strength and power of the beast is coming from the Ten Commandments.

Rev. 17:12. the ten horns (Commandments) are ten kings (rulers) which have received no kingdom as such yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast, (during the time of Jesus’ gospel.)
13) they (the Commandments) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
Jesus said; he came to fulfill the commandments thus he received this power.
14) these shall make war with the Lamb of God, (meaning it is impossible to obey the Commandments) and the Lamb (the Son of man) shall overcome them, (have victory) for he is LORD of all Lords and KING of all Kings, and they (us) that are with him ARE CALLED AND CHOSEN AND FAITHFULL (TO OUR MISSION/DUTY.)

Now as you read here, these ten kings have lost their reign, although they will receive submission to “rule” under the Son of man, for he has conquered TO BE GOD.
I say; these kings will be kings submissive to the KING.

The Son of man had to have a “worthy” opponent, but as expected and foretold the Son conquered.
The meaning of Satan is; to be an opponent, for he is the second mightiest power in the universe.
To accomplish this, preachers had to create the opponent.
What else does this mean, but that we became our own opponent?
What else does this mean, but that we have to overcome ourselves/defeat our perception?

Reformation has not yet come, but starts now.
Until now we were still breaking down the temple, for that was Jesus’ mission, which is our own body.
How did we break down the temple?
By preaching the destruction of the devil, our present body.
Reformation is during the third day = 1000 years, yet the soul has been developed during the last “two days” = 2000 years.

If we should ask the question; who are responsible for creating the soul? And if we look with a sound mind at the role players; we see the following that gathered crowds.
1) War
2) Rock stars
3) Preachers
4) Sport
5) Television
6) Movies
7) Political movements and many other congregations.

None can enter the Holy of Holy room without discerning the Lords body namely, the difference between; male and female or light and darkness. See. Cor. 11:29.
Verse 26 for as often as ye eat THIS bread and drink THIS cup ye do show (proclaim) the Lords death -----
This bread and this cup = the Lords Supper.
This verse says; as long as we pluck the (visible) fruit of the eye, we will stay in death (sleep) and Christ wills not/can not “come” cannot rise to his throne.
My child, the Son of man blesses you,
I say; Jehovah my voice of words blesses you,


You now know who the Son of man is; thou some people might still want to worship an IDOL BECAUSE we are human and wants to exalt ourselves and you can only accept what your brain allows you to understand, and for this reason many so-called “wise” won’t understand it.
You know what to do to enter the third heaven namely; you must be able to distinguish the two components of the body and that is easy if you look at the sketches.
You have learned that Horeb was to call for Jesus, while at that stage Jesus was non-existent to us.
Jesus came and we followed the “dreamer” and transgressed the first four commandments and therefore we went to perdition.
This was to call for the true prophet.

We preached Jesus to have been resurrected on the third day and that his body did not perish; this preaching was to call by way of belief for the real resurrection of the Son of man and to call for our resurrection, also that we wont perish, which has now been accomplish and you don’t have to die ever again if you believe.

The preachers act as the prophet of the beast that came out of the grave (who came out of the earth, in fact the preachers opened the grave for him to come out of the earth), which had to be for more than one reason namely;
1) to call for the true prophet
2) to fulfill Satan’s request; worship me and I will surrender.
3) to call for the Son of man
4) to create a new body that would never perish
5) to call for the sixth spirit, the spirit of imagination
6) to call for the second Adam
7)to call for the Quickening Spirit.

You have learned that you are the slaughtered lamb that died instead of God/for God.
You are the Lamb to receive; the power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings.

You know your no, the no 666 written in your forehead and this no indicates your soul and your knowledge.

You now also know the password to enter the next heaven and that you will shed the placenta, your present body.

Jehovah blesses each and every one of you
No matter which road you choose.

Our next discussion is about Babylon the great whore and her false prophet. Come and find out how she brought suffering on us and how she blinded us.

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